AE - The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, Aucjust 22, 2006 OPINION Fine just flot enough An inîcresîing ruling caine down lasi week involving îhc (anadian Human Rights Tribunal and a north Hahon inan found rcsponsihle for posnng haie propaganda. Craig Harrison, 40. bas been enîangled iii a web of trouble alier auihonng messages on the Iniernet that can besi be descnbed as haielul garbage. So appalled and disgusted bv Harrisons virulence. Ottawa lawy-er Richard Warman decided to take the case to the Canadian Human Rîghîs Tribunal. Obviouslx; ihe rn- bunal shared the same concerno. The eau for violence toward aboriginals. francophones, blacks and other non-whiîes. as well as ,itîacks on other groups and indivîd- riais based on their religion, colour. national or ethnie orîgîn using racial slurs and degradîng sierco- types does not consîttute legitirnate polîtîcal debate. h promotes hatred and contempi" osrote tribunal chair Michel Doucet. Doucet said îlw osicîl messages show Harrison is heing led by bis ill-conceived vicws of socieiy and bis incapacity to accepi others. But despite the scriousncss of bis findings, Doucet levied a niere SI 000 hue. noting there lîad been no new postings sînce 2004 and ihai mosi oh ihe messages wcrc writ- ten iii a rclaîively short perîod oh time. ReallM a $1.000 fine? Thais no deterrent Readers should also uîîdersîand that Harrison is no sîranger to con troversy. Fie speni two years in jail when he was convtcted in 1996 of assauli causîng bodily hann aber aîîacking an Asian inan - a (~eorgeiowu shopkeeper - os hile shouting racial slurs. In today-s socieîy thaîs so fulI roI mistrusi and. ves. haîred. we need to do far more as a country than hand oui SI .000 tînes lor home- grown intolerance. SuIf jail sen- tences and befîv unes would be a stan Readers Write Send youc letters te miltconed@baltonoearcb oem or diop them off at 875 Main St E There was no conflict of interest in sale of home DEAR EDITOR: lu 1977. the Halion Counto' Court House - now Milton Towu Hall - was slaîed for demolitton. A group of bentage people'. now the Milion Histooncal Soucis. banded togethier loi stop h. Thev succceded. The Toosn bouglît ibe buildings for SI and S3 mîlîtoîn later ose bave a priieleos treasure. \Vas îî osorîb it? I îhînk so Ms business panner aîîd I were on a com- îîîîîîee învrnlocd n ibe restînration cîf Voaldies Blaîksmtib Shop. a building inans people îboîrigbi sborîld be deîaolîshed. \\itb the fin~ncial support of local ritizens. tue \ltlton (.ontamrinity Fund aîîd îhc (.)ntarlon Tnllîîîîn Foundatirin. îî os-as lrîoînglv rcstonred. Ibis tacant fisc vears cnf s cîluinîcer osork and no pronlît ai the enîl bru it os-as rcosardîng in iliai Miltonians ostîl enjos t for a hundred moire o cars ton ocome. \'nsîtors frinin aIl onser Nortb .itaenra ,tnd Crîrope hase oîsîîcd ihe blacl-osmiib shop. \Vas îî ssorîb t? I îhîîîk so. I ora Bnîtaîn asked in a receni Icîter. "If a bonie tsn't dcsigntted a bentage bonîne. ibeti os-bs' nîni Irîsi deinolish il? - OmIs' a bandful ol buildings in \hîlîoîî - approximatcb 13 - are desîgnaîed berîrage homes. Imagine if mosl cf ibe bomes mii Victonna Sîrcet. \hîll Streci. Thoîmas Streci. I odia Sireet md soi on oscre gone ton inalse osas foîr neos boustng Tbank gioodncss thes te oîos'ued hi 'heniage people'. \Vbeti a bonrise is in bail iînîidîttonn. t s bîrd to sec tbc s mIMe oh o. buî os heu socuiecniie os itîn sîstoîn Ions ingîx 1îcnrtrs ilîcîr beari aîîd sînrîl luton t'cnionng i ilie os benle iontiiînilltlio Inenehîts Thousanils of people flînels to Niagara-onu- ibe-Lîke M. Jacinbs aîîd ['nions tîle. \\'bv~ There inusi be a liii oh 'beniage people' os-bon get great pleasure in taking iii ibe beartix these bentage iowns bave to offer. Hentage build- îugs are a source of inspiration for artîsîs, wnt- crs. photographers and entrepreneurs. Does ibis not benefit and ennch our socîcîs.? Civer ihe sears. Hentage Milion bas put togethet a catalogue of some of Miltons archi- tectîtralîx atod ctilturallv-stgnihicant homes ihît areni desîgnaîed under ibe Aci. and I 55 and 167 Mary' Si are in ibis insentors In Marîh of 2004. the loosn oh Milion the owner (il the toso bouses - had an inde petîdent beniage assessmenî donc ho heniage planning consultant Paul Dîlse. prolessional engiricer anrl wood tecbnologist laines Knîgbî and trîbitecis Petet nicosari and (corge Rob Tht, s a lîroni o-s that inusi be lonîlonso cd belore au mo cntonricd building ian be dcinoltsbed The recoininendation os as that the botises be lehi in their original location os biîb Hentage \hilion unatitmousls' srippooricd. but lailing that. thes sbould lie taons cd in the ncighbourbonod or as close as possible Sedgwicls Mtrsball s a sînaîl business. Vie bris and restoore old boomes because osere pas sionate abonut thein Wo os e os bat os c don, os c os onrls bard and hope lii make a pronhti ai tîle end - os îîh no apologies to ans otie Regarrling ibe toso \haro Sîrcet bouses. botb os cri- ado ertîscîl for sale in îbc spnng onf 2005 and ai thai lime os c os ere loîojning soineone cIsc os orild îal-..c rip tht- oballenge ton nase md restonre tîoe iso o bînrîses h os asu f tintil carIs 2001c os lien there appcarcd to be lîtîle îo ion tîtîcresi iii ibe bonuses liai os e deîîded le tri aîid ai leasi nos e flic o.iro.a- 1887 Regeiiio C cottage 'mes ose 1î,îîd sI loi ibe bonuse and lie Fonssin paid hoor the taons c. os biib os asn I linon înueb innore ilian îî os ould base icîsi ton dctîionlîsli ibe buîldmîîg. Thats nont au unrisual îîroi edure iii the os cnrld onf bcrîîagc bonies. Our invesîment osas consîderably sîceper Wc paîd for a bosi pronperîy that bad a bouse on it. hîred an arebiteci. dîd a beniage assess ment of the bouse to be demoîlîshed, demol- îshcd ihe bouse and put in a neos foundaîton Aiîd tuais nont lin îneîîîîîîn îhc bonoîrs ocf plan- îîing aîîd lîreparalion toi cînsure ibe faons e os cnt smoothly. încludîng dealîng ostîli nîcorîgage pavîîîcnîs. inîcresi pay-ments aîîd insurance [lits osas aIl dontie behonre ose es-en h,îd a lionu-ce Once ihe lionrîse os-as ilions cd ion the sîglît ihe restenraîtînu began - Sînce ose dont base a untîcti lin proteci onrîr itîteresîn. ose base to honlie iliat ai the enîl onh îbe Inronleet Ilie marI-oct os Il suhipori ihe sale oh the hocrîse anel os-c get a pas- iheque. Thaîs a huge risls As far as Bnitains accusation ns thai becarîse oh mi s onlunicer ponstîtoîn inn Herîtage Miltoon. I Iiad a coînflici eîf inîcresi and that I had soine cuir1 îîf insîde înfonrmaîîîoîî. I can assure s onu there osas non conflici onf nîcresi I os-asn i cocu în Catiada oshen îlîcsc deoisionno osere made hie infonnation dîscussed ai the nneeîînccs s as ailîble ion ans otie os lion osîshes ion acocos i \Vc seîbmîîîed a propensal usi like anxone cIsc eonuîd hase. and lîad ton gin îbronugh the saine prînceos that Bnîîaîn ostîl base to go îhrorîgb if shes înîeresîcd un pure basing anv properis hionun ibe Tînosîn cil \hîîtonn lîrlilain sais ni n eau ion br ruile os lien s onu base non respect fnnr pecnpîc. bru ils Ignonrince that brecîls rondetîcos. I don i Isninos il nîv alloinilîl ton e\InIaln ibis issue osîlI faîl nnn ileal cît s or clensed iiiinds. buî as far as lia coin cenîcîl ibe Tonsstn oit \hiltîîin oued nu tîne ininsi pi onhessionual inianuci - fro iii ibu mas onr ngbi iloos n ion uic s ard os orkers I lîcope finîlaîn osîll pul ber unhoundeil accusations ion resi lice anîl loir aIl MIRELLA MARSHALL MILTON ~r!j~ ~Eauabîan (C»ampion MIn. C nrnj nyNe nnopoc îefbbfl 875 Mam St E Milton Ont L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Editoriat Fax: 905 878 4943 Adverrising Fax: 905-876-2364 Ctassified:905-875-3300 Cixcootation: 905-878 5947 wwwmiltoncanadianchampioncom Publisher: Ian Oliver Associate Publisher Nool Oliver Advertising Director Wendy Mot iab Managing Editor Karen Mocelo Production Manager Tom Cale-o Circulation Manager Chanlone Hall Office Manager Ton Casas ihe tanadian Champion, pubOnîhed eîecy Toeodoy and5,OayantfiMannbn E.MnOonOnc.i9i3i1,nnne f 5, Mennoand Pnnîng PobOnhon & Ooncinocng oS nommon5 cneocopapnco Adoercong o oocep5d on ne nondoinon chat. n 15e eoenn on a nynaicaînocaf enon ihai poocon on Se adoec nnqopaneonnopnedby Se ecconeooo neccnnogeibecmnh o neaoonabln anooanon non sognanore. ~ciI non Se charqed on bot ne balance of 05e adoencoenoenn aiS be pani foc ai the apphoacle note the pobfo5ec neonenes t5e n~fO no nanenonle odoenoemento oc deoine CCAB Audited iS.'c.n1oonin ni 1cm o.occeiln-î,n iîy Onnaco Cnnnnnonty .~~~OCr1a. 5e~ooopece Ononnanen Ocnn n n o,, nonu ffio.ioneon.oo 5 -' ,o..i.',TnnOnfO ~* C~W~ v\;~ g te und UNITEDWAY 0F MiLTON TV AtitTiON M ILION SANTA CLAUS PARADE LrHb Shonosease Mîlion P~ eiJ i .î~ -ic.îordc