26 - The Cariadian Champtoti, Tlaesday Augulet-22, 2006 TL"he Cit aý Iooking for various posts to lf0support the Recreational Skating aperatian. Community Centre Program Operator Dedicated tai exceptianal service, you will assiet with the aperatian of three indoor collagiate swimming pools. Your strang communication skills support an understanding of related electrical and mechanical systems and commercial pool aperatians. You have a Class A pool operator certit icate, experience with buiding envîranment contrai systems, and demanstrated problem solving and troubleshoofing skilîs alang with solid working knawledge orf MS Office. Wage: $1 6.97/hr (24 hours/wk average with periadical aon-caîl' duties) Job #P&R #95-06 Assistant Program Coordinator <Ice Patrol) This position wili be responsible for fhe safety management, cash handling, staff and patron supervision, canflîct resolutian, and avent planning for recreational skating. This dynamic applicant must be able ta skate and be confident in handlîng public relations issues. $12.58/hr minimum 16 years of age Job #P&R 96-06 Ice Patrol This position is respanisîble for the safe operations rot the recreational skate and must have a strong ability ta, skate. The ice patrol staff enforce safety guidelînes and address patron issues. Minimum wage, age 14 years aId Job #P&R 97-06 Cashier As the first persan patrons encaunter at their skate or swîm, the cashier muet have an approachable and frîendly demeanaur wîth strang mathematic skills. Minimum wage, age 14 years aId Job #P&R 98-06 lnterested candidates are requested ta submit an application or resume by August 24th, quating the apprapriate job number ta: City of Burllngton, att: Centennial Pool 426 Brant Street, P.O. Box 5013, Burllngton, ON L7R 3Z6 fax: (905) 639-005 W. eue a# appican ame ar Umtia an1 Morme i. be mtriosre ,.fi5 buaCiai JOB FAIR SECURITY POSITIIONS $10.00 - $1 3.00 per hour Paa ôlWednesday August 23, 2006 from Ld10:00 arn. f0 4:00 p.m., at the Lqe S dHOUDAV INN, focatad at 590 Argus Road , Oakvil le in the Trafagar Bal Iroom A (directions wiIl be posted at the ertfrance). Paragon Protection Ltd will be accepting applications and performing interviews for Ml-Urn & paît-Urn secudly Offloer O pelon t U» Cradît Ifagey Hospltalk, MlssUga Shpng Centre in O1akle and Burt oo as wi as oterpoaUon In tW Miussau area. The rate of pay for mhe positions wifl f ary based on mhe location and quafifications required, however, tihe range of pay is as stated aboya. fndividuals with previotis Canadian Security Experience, or Law & Security / Police Foundation programn graduates or students, wilf be considered for empioyment. mhe abifity f0 work shis, your own trans- portation as well as excellent written and verbal communication skills are also required. If you are unabi e ta attend on the aboya date or woald lîke ta make other arrangements for an interview, please torward resume immediately ta: Fx 416-496-9594 or emnail humanresources@pplguard.com. Fr more infonnation, please cali 416-49-400 ro offers individualized services to guide and asslst #>CareerExploration I Counaelllng 0 job Search Training db job Matching I Resume WrfMn Ob job Creation OU t11 Training db Self Enipfoynent BuLirlington . (Velocity Recreation <Up to 15 houra per we.k, prlmarlly Friday SI Saturday eveninga) Parks &Recrea ionDe.- m t - Working closely with staff, valunteers, police, and the community, you will be responsible for caordinating this unique centre for yauth. Your responsibilities will include schedulinig and supervising staff and yauth volunteera, training, program development, marketing, and administrative tasks. A self-starter with excellent communication and decisîon-making skîlls, your-experience in menaging staff teams and a proven ability ta wark wîth and relate well ta yauth are essentiel. Educatian in childi/yauth work as preferred and a minimum orf three years' releted experience is required. Trainingexperience with youth issues and crisia intervention are definite assets. Please epply by Wednesdlay, Auguat 301h et 4:30 p.m. ta: Heather Pilling, Burlington Parka and Recreation Department, 426 Brant Street, P.O. Box 5013, Burlington, Ontario U7R 3Z6 We thak au ppioiars do s that ny ho einteOO,~rvjwdi be onlad Make a difference in a chiids le and enMa the lraadom amd A d flexibilily Ihal cames tram a IYM part-Orne job as a achooi bus driver, e Na expenience necessary e Free training e Caîl niow ta begin July training a Aseards Pragrema e Advancement Oppartunities Larm more about thia exclting offer. CuIt our racnaling bottine today. semoirO SEVCS 1-877-914-KIDS (1-877-914-5437) Business 19 great, Imnmediate opening in our New and Used Vehicle Cleanup Department. Fax resumne f0 905-845-9109 attn: R MacCallum GENERAL LABORER Required for Industrial Distribufor FulI-Time w! competifive salary and benefifs. Experience flot necessary but preterred Fax resumnes 10: 905-847-6943 or email: f0 dafrlke@daemarnc.com Growirrg Fine Foot Store in Oskislle raguires GROCERY/PRODUCE CLERK Ysu hava an appreciation tsi fine test and are quick i e learning sot pertorming tank while striving for excallence -we are an Osaille baset fina fotd store requining a matura intivitual cho ciii provite cutsmer service ant prepare, package and mar- chandise protuct.. We o01er a competitive salary ant opportunity for grscth. Sent resume Antn. Ken lu jubilee@bellnet.ca General Labourars neadad for SurlingtonlHamiltonOakviC area * 500.555/hour *Warrhnuse & manutacturing exnvriencr nevded Pinase Cali or drop hv or fan us as 905.637.0946 O/resumne & 2 supervisur references. 90v5.637.3575 -.r< r m a ns9 Brant St. v6 are abrita.,, www.randstad.ca raquiret crth soma Grnll Cook Expenience preferret. Open M-F 8am-ilpm Apply in erson to Cyril, 11r, Bronte Roat iHator Regronal Building), oaliviile. HERITAGE PLACE RFléirefmnent Res11ance Requires *P/T & F/T Ovemnight Housekeepers - P/T Allemoon Cleaners. Appy te Genera Mgr 4151 Khlmer Dr. Or fax 905-319-6349 JOBS AVAILABLE Production corti in the MILTON urea. $12 $l3/hr. Ail shifts sosilbe MCR Fus: 995-076499 or Tel: 905-876-4661 310 Main St. E. Ste. 205, Milton Experienced M in? Construction Fax Resum: - - M_ OFFIGERS REQUIRED Security Officers required for event security at the Canadian Open in Ancaster. Please fax resumes to Garda fax# 905-578-6993 or email to sturnbull@garda.ca CARSTAR-OAKVILLE motivatet, team players 10 f ili immetiale openings rn their sco locations in Qabville. Currently, DETAILING AND EMISSION TECHS for body tacho, prappers and paintrs wili be re- raquirat. Must me viecat as cel. aI efsatr Plaa fonaard your raaumes fa oat trtr oac.aakrlla@curslur.ru or $11/hr. ta stat. drap fhem off personalfy fa aithar location. Fax resumre -~ 905-337-0328 OlkvIIe Experienced Waar riz Kennel HeIp Weaecurrantly lookîng for a full lima Wanted Receptionist Warranty Clerk Must have own cith erperienca in the car business Knscladge Transpottion. nf ADP Aliaonce Systamo on aoaet. Mon-Fni 7am-lpm We sfer a banal 10s package. or lpm-7pm Please fas/emamî your resume 10: Waekendu: gam-6pm Maureen: 905-827-040 Ourhamthorpa Rd. into@ioakvlllemazda.com Caîl 905-257-5927 Reai-eti onnietBies Oprude bonnie togs Chiltran's Oulfitters sinca 1953 Wa are nsw acceplîng résumnés for sur new But- lington location et 2435 Appleby Lira. We are cor- rently racrsiting for the lollowîng postions: Assistant Manager -Sales Associales -Full Time M.1.1T. Part Ttrna M.IT. If ysu are looking forsa fulfilling career in a fst pacet retail anvirsnmanl and have the ability la hava fun! Send, Faxoar E-mail your resumne t0: BannIe Toge, Atto: ChrIstna Mgo 65 Stauc Court Cambdg ON1, 91 R 8U. Fax: 5194624-5217 E-Mail: bonnietogshlrlng@yahooca Toronto Auto Auctions Full lima positions available for: VEHICLE INSPECTORS AND DRIVERS vie offer compiete training and competiive wages aid benefits. Candidate must ha computer literata and uable to moiti outaite jr ail weatherr conditions, valit Drivers Uicense, abstract and Ontario High Scirool Dipiomna a musi. Automnotive knowfedge an assei. Forwarrl reaume f0: taalob*emanhelm.com or fax to: M0 875-2336 o pAon.l Cali -.« [Waste Water Testing Technician (8 week placemt) Tesling i1aboratory in Mississauga requires an eaperienced technicien for an 8 week placement The candidate muet have hanta- on esperience and sfrong know(edge sn wasle coter tesfing. Must be able f0 inde- pendenty carry-ouf lests for Nifrogen (ammonia), Nitrogen (lofai Kjeidohl), 011 and Grease (lofai). Oniy quaitied applicants wiii be consideret. inferesfed candidates shouit send thaîr resumes ir confidence to: Iabmanagerl 001 @yahoo.ca as fab eto wo i - iMé&W 5 wor il othar dapartmenfs as the wsrk suad tidtatas. Pie-stage, 1usd ant unloudtIrucks as raquiret, compleling aIl pertinent documentation ant double courits as par EFCO policy. Help maintain the cleanliness, srganizstion and accuracy of the warehouse. Attitional lasks as ssignet. Day or aflemoor shift available Fao Resume to: 905-877-1858 F/T Unloaders 3:3Opm ta t2am &Overnighl Stookers itpm to 7am Ppae.., O a 1