Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 22 Aug 2006, p. 23

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The Casadian Champion, Tuesday August 22, 2006 - 23 Coig Evnt omn g Evnts DahsDah Deh [li Car forh Sal I rSale -C - - rnCaro ea I Meriam WiMeriam Ici toc ig riicri, of a r e .i Brun. JO Sauver. iubcc pacîod iai Aogiri 20,. 1)i,( Mbepc.ili i,car ino retci Wbonr %%c arc ril rîccoiher lt ierhb bovie %vnt soîr berri Ciou Ili walk w'ith ta ci,e Mîooing yosr anal lorang vou a/n'ayo Loj-e Thec Stooer Famelv EVERETT CORBETI7 1941 -1995 lu oing memiiry uo dear Hucbaud, Faiber and Grandfather We mouir foi sou ru silence No eYeicatinee us weep Bui man v reor are shed White otberi are asleep We miss pou Pao, Mikr. Dan, Traeey, Sonny and Memphois 1'a, j () ci 15 Ontario Si. S. Milon, ON L9GT 2M4 905-878-4141 e 8505 ln Memoriam donations to The Willow Foundalion are truly appreciated. W-v EortigentsLfl CO0on ve U7LCOME% 'AGON *Newmin town? *Getting married in 3 months or more? *Having a baby? *Establishing a new business? Please cail us Connuny Welconie Doris 905-332-4799 Magda 905-699-1248 Baby WsIco Michel 905-332-863 Biddai Welom Laurîe 905-878-012 Bu"o WedCIoM Laurie 905-878]-0126 0 CEoni vns Something old, something new, somethirtg lislit Miss Imrmoetm's Most prustiimes Bridi Show -BRIDAL SH»W September 8-10, 2006 International Centre, Hall 5 n Nurse_____________ ___ c Address___________________ City ___________Postal Code ________ o n V~Wedding Date___________________ o, Fax ____________Enuail (o o- o E (3 Z- Z z C) Z ot i i s Send to: National Bridai Shows E S o c/o Premier Consumer Shows ~ I I 467 Speers Rd., Qakville, ON tc L6K 3S4. Fax: 905-337-5570 0 A 01VISION 0F METROLAND PRINTING PUBLISHING & DISTRIBUTJING DonnI fnîget lu pick Op yuur Copy of 0 ~ ~ B~~i WEDDINGBELLS Magazineo newslaniin nAugusl 3 f5uiwoS -anlq 6uqlDawospýffcliioq 6ubmlm. tW ardofThanks W -CrofThanks 'Our Thank You" Stuar, D)eborah & Nicola Cooper vida h rhank hli ocacI, wcica-tdoi ind, ci, Lauren. or ireniîcidouco cuppoii cr icilcoi trn Rca i Rdge . or friend, ot Irookcrllo \'oîoriilr% t lini, I.iugoi P.ckrging and Tins l'un, oeigciovn Howard &< Cmdî Morii, EInca tCocoh. Anîr \'osburgh and Yvc'ro MAcirior lin i exceptional help. rînOlri and support on the death of ciii prceouo d.rughier 'Lauren Ber1, Cooper' i hanki ro Mr. loncs, MI)HS Principal, Miranda, Kir- sacrn aod Bailey and the Palfbearers, Jon, jec mu, Clayin and Rî'an for ibeir gracious par- ticipation wirh the uerai trrbutem auLauren. Mon tihanks to ail tiose who sentrclah beau- tibl ftowers and donations tu tbe Children's Wnilc Fouoadaiorr, alri iii the Mi.Kece-Koch- et unerai Home. mico lootird afier Lauren so prol'nîcronally. Specrai ihanks ro Hairon Hili Ambulance, Staff ai Mitn Hospiral and Hal- ton Regionai Police, and Jack and Minore of Vicimi Support foi ibeir uncondiîronai mire. Everyrne will aimayi bc rememberd for iheir love and compassion. "The Cooperf Family 1 We wishb o îhank Maek and î( Greg Ollrrenshaw and ail inolved for the outiîauding Lesi r Wells Chairy Tourna- ment It was a iremendous o ul due tu ail ofitheir bard work and dedrcaîron. Alîo. many bankn fon the douation tuoîîarî up a fnoundaiou in Rick jeffrerntame iii belp onderprivleged kid pla sports. We are eenaîll graefrrl DiAnne, Sh5annon, Ryan, Srbailene amd Corinn Wantd Avilable * * HOME Doycace Opeate our Ow aaiable Bronte & La- H 0.e Dycae wth artri Lncug environ- WeWth ment. nolrîlîoun meain. *Trainingan on- exoporcenco. Mary-Lou gocog support 905-875-313& *A iogaiar paychocti P aymenl foi slatulsry holidaes Music & Dance and chitd sîcti dues Intuto *Some equirmeot *Renource GUITAR LESSONS malorcats. ciaft Frivole gantai tossuns suppices avaiabie lîsm an oupenencool, piofossiunaliunstraclor. ~ umg ,~k No registration te., To lin s, ctI' reasunabie raIes. 1-866-751 -9332 Rrk9$)7-41 CERTIFIED emrentary "uas~ -Ou rsm leacher available lu ta- s . u pecializrng nr Moda toFc iyFench second ion- 9 arn ta 5 pm guage. Tracy 905-702- v, l ness aqaine rýicod & eto cd mint AM 4 dcocr 4 cytinder. jKELNECK, Ann Emitia <nee Honkata>- Septemrber 27 19t8 dîdn't inleresi her, lrom poreiy sntettocluai issues to business mal- lors. Shn was a good tlIter bal as oves better lisleser' Ans wan predeceased by her husband of 51 years, Henry Kelneck - Mr. Munic. Boîsg marrîed 10 Henry meant music wan a constant joy n hec îlfe, somethisg she sharnd with her famîly. 0f Filrs an- ceslry, Asn (Essi) had the abilîly 10 thîsk sn lwo languagen and esuced Ihat her famîly learsed another language 100. She mas always kîsd 10 eveiyose, no maller whal Iheir age or position is lîfe. She had an overwhelmisg spirit 0f generosîly which iscluded a total givisg 0f the mosl valuable commodily a poison has - ber lime -which was happily spesl 10 croate lreasured memorion foc evoryose! She also loved cals and doga, good grammar and massera, books and learsîsg, cooking and esterlaisisg, tisilfisg afghans as gîfts, and playisg and leachisg bridge. Mors always doled os hor family. Hec Ilite ns rememboced wilh mach love and humour by hec childres and Iheir families: son Dwighl "Ike" and Alice Kelseck, Casey and Gcady orf Baysville; son Ccaig Kelseci of Oatille, asd daughler Karen and Rick Day, Peler, Paula, Rob- ert and Tianna of Milton, "Annie' wîll be greatly mîssed by hec lwo clone friesds Marg and Bert Day and Iheir chîldres and grandchildces: Slephasie asd Bill Day, Amber and Lacey: Peggy and Mike Haliburlon, dessîfer, 801h and Chrialopher; hec ox- lended famîly Yvette and Glen McNeil, Josaîhon and Christopher of Barbera Bay; as well as aIl her friesds sn 'fmmins, Oakville, Flocîda and elsewhece. Throughoul hec Ilite, Ans esdured asy hardship witîhoul complainl because she dids't wasl 10 ho a bor- don 10 others, a stoîcai aspect of the Finnish virlue cal led "Sinu". Ouc family Ihans tIhe monderful staff aI Norlhridge for Iheir lovîsg cace of Annie durîng hec last year. Whal a Irue lady mom was! Hec spirit lives os in everyone she louched. sn Ass's memory the famîly respecfully suggenls donations 10 the Ans and Henry Kel- seck Scholarship Fusd of the Porcupise Music Festival. P.O. Box 662, Timmins, Ontario, P4N 7J2. A celebralion of Grannie As- nie's life mîlI latie place on Thucsday Augusl 241h frors 4pm 10 7pm aI GIen Oaks Receplios Centre - 3164 Nîslh Lise ait Dundan Street (Hsghway 5). Oativille (Hîghmay 403 10 Dundas Street exit or QEW t0 Ford Drive exit). Furd Wiudslac 00km, 1 ocnoc, îg oni toaso 0 obo, as is Cati enr @ 905-099- Camais Z28, ait rat, ow mioago, tout condition, se00 Cati aller cm 905-878-4719. Meicury Tupaz. ni, E-leslod. As ns, S body curti s oeil. $500 obo. 175-2800. Holings Ltd., 905-877- 3839, Colt: 905-873- 3776. Drive Clean & Cortrfred. Orly $9900. k s1r Sale 1999 Oodgo RAM pick- up. AtC, puoe cru- dos, suSt toneau con- or. New andl nuw tires. 5.2L aulumaic. 1480Okms. $8.900. Cati 519-853-3916. IM ads, Cati today to book tor 803 the cool issue. 416-493- 1300 eut. 288 200 - 136 JOHN DEERE Rîdîug Ste Msoce, 18 horse psw- 132 or, 42" cal grass boy- attached, $500JOB0. 84 Gssd runnîng condi- oi tion 905-878-6227 anti eoc fsi Nrck. mu 100 nom 10" scoe 6: blockis for nain $10. Cuslsmnî Is pick up. 199 905-854-0873. 2-d KABOTA Traclor msd- 0cr el #B51ssE, 2-wheot 901 drive, diesel, wîlh msw- ns bied, excellent Ci dlton. $9,000J010 905-854-5533 HOT Tub 2006, 6 neal- er, 5HP Molor, ovecy upgrado, walocfati, ozone, 10w sîtit in wcapptug. Coul $9, 500ý Sacrifice $4.200. Cati 519-722-4077. LARGE mason tacs toi sain. 905-878-9139 dCay) si 905-875-3078 sr 905-873-5445 (ovo- nîng). A dîsîn o csm, cherry- wood, double podoslat table, 8 chairs, buffI, halch. dovelaît con- struction. New nîtil in boxes. CosI $11000. Sacrifice $200. 905- 567-9459. A King Pilwlop Mal- lions Sel. New in plan- lic. Cs $100 soit for S450. 905-5e7-9459. BED, Amaziug bargai, qunon srlhopedic pît-: iowlop sel, new in pian- lic. warronty $250 905- 507-4042 wili delîver. 0 BEDROOM Cherry- wosîl. Bed, cheul, drosser. 2 uighlulauds. Dovelari Constraction. Nover opened Coul $8000 Sacrifice $1.900. 905-567-4042 CARPET I have seoerai 1,000 yards of new Stain Monter & 1009/ nyln car- pet. Wif I do living room & hait toc $389. Inctuden car- pet, pied & installation (30 yards) Steve, 905-633- 8192 FANTASTIC Somnmer Sole- Custom aphalster- ing, no GST or PST vie poy the taxes ou sofas andl malching chairs, sofas rors $700. Chairs frors $249, OtA Seats frum $19ý95. Pieid's Furniture and Fabrirs Oam-Opm. 905-632-9090 FREE Eslimalos GuI wobbiy chairs, irced look- ing wood finishes? Fields ICustom Weed Rofinrshîug and Fumriloro Ropairs. 9- 9. 905-632-9090 MOT Tub (Spa) Covors bosI pîcce. BosI quaily. Ail shapes & coluis Cati 1- 866S-585005 www.lhocovoîgay.ca HOT TuS' Spa. 2006 modot. atl options, Cov- ni. Noooî asoo l in wrapper. Cosi $8,900. Set) $5.000. 905-507- 4042ý TRAILER, dual axtn, 8' o 24', t 00kg GVWR. nu dockcng. $1.750. Colt 905-877-0725. nuMis Wanted BEST Cash$ Paidl Art Antcques, CuIIoclcbios. Chcra, Crystlt Sivor, Figurines, Ruyat Doulon, Swaruvskc, Glana, Puflery Etc, Esiale Specialisis, Top Cauh. Coul Johnt Tracy 905-351-247 50 2. lic et '3 ad aie 4 'E 051949 14955 INSTRUCTOR ld. Call trîOS today! AISSISSAUGA triOS COLLEGE i19,528,8972 w.tio.m Huzzo Sarnezz Souh SzF to plc ana jl958824 Police Services are constantly searchitig for nem recruits. Ensure you have an edge on other applicants vilh outstanding training from our Canada's 2004 ENERGY STAR Manufacturer of theVYear 2005 ENERGY STAR Retailler of the Vear Requires A LOCAL AREA SALES PERSON Ceiebrating 25 Years in business, we have a proven track record in helping our sales people succeed in the booming home renovation market. 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