The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, August 22, 2006 - A21 Blocked field goal does in Marauders -iceHawks'i I lac I lixx CkcN es put togesheri a dve of liscîr own belo re ssalling vai iourth down as the Miltoîs 20 yard fine early in the foursîs quarter. A field goal would have tsed tIse scoare, but astonislsingly Oshawa opted fosr tise fake. The Marauders werc ready foîr is. having secîs tise play executed seVeral susses von films and Jason Pasyne ran down Phîl Dixon, forcinsg hiisi to throw a wsld pays to the cîsd zone. Milton starsed out again, hoping to cas up the dlock. but on tise shird play the hall caise loose in the backficld, pvasstbly the resitît of slipperv condsîions from the con-. stant train and Oshawa recovered is. turm îng ss inso a touchdown several plays laser. - The convers was blocked and headîng into GR tise lasi fsve minutes of regulustion tusse. Marauders ion Nedelijkovie g the Hawkeves led 20-17.GoginStrasNCfa Multon's first reply stallcd, and shen theGerenSurasNCfa defense forced Oshawa to punt, givsng the Marauders one lass chance ,.ils under tbree omnues reissaîntig on the dlock. On fourth down, a -.crambling Spanîick connecsed wiitîs Radwav for a fîrst do%%n and sheis Ail eta Maratdeî luissblc,' rcîîovcred by Spanick, semingly îook Milton out of field goal range, but anosher complesion so Radway ses up a 35-yard field goîal assemps witb juss seven secvonds left. A slippety field and an equally slîck hall contributed to a poor ses-up, and Camastro didn't have a chance. The low kick was easily blocked. c "Thats football, is was one bell of a - gamne,- said defenssve lineman Wayne Sliwsnsks, wbo'd seniously contemnplaied o ,retiring after this scason. The 35-year-old - league legend was wavenng a bit vin shat - - carlier decision followsng the heartbreak- ing loss. Ill have«to re-evaloase with my AM PAINE ICArdADIAN CHAMPION wîfe. I'd play untîl I was 50 if I could. tackled by Oshavvas Delroy Head coach Barry Emo was phîlosophi- cal and emotional about bis tram. -Is was a phenomenal football game. These were swo very good football seama - someone had to wsn and svameone had to lose. \Ve played our hearts out today every single guy gave every- shsng he had to giNve.' Porenta starting to make up Iost ground Rsxaged bvý îllîsess and irsiora over tIse puast t,. o N-cars. Jennîfer Porenîta bas lest a fair ,siasont of grouisd rn the pool. But ssitb somne svîlid training ti recesat montss tîe 21 -year-old Miltons swasastser sasade as least a bit of shat back recesasîs ti tosstrel - %vitb a credible sbvrwsng as the national cham- pivînshsps thas sern-cd as trals for the Pai Pacîfit C bampîonshîps. \Vhile nos in senvaus contention tva qualify %%îth vo manNv setbacks as of laise. Pvîreîsa dîd enjvax a ssgnîfîcanî nicasure vîtencvauragementin tshe [vann vof a persossal besi 2.02.1 Iclad-vaff leg splîs in the Toaronto Swsm Clubs 4xi200mý frcecîrle relav sniumph. Bestiisg ber vild mark- vif 2:02.60, the loacal sxsimsaser helped ber squad fînîsîs %%ithin tlsree tendias vif a second vol a Canadian recoîrd. Cîvcn thas 202.10 sias gvaod enough te, inake the Pan Pacshic team in the 200m freestyle ihe nîghs beivîre. Poreistas splîs %vas cer- tainly svîmething tva busld on. The saine could be saîd abvaut ber 1 Osb place fînîshes in the 50 and I 00m freessylecs. While nos really thas close tva bier indix-idual records of 26.50s and 56.87s. showings of 26.70s and 57.20s \s;erenst exacsly dîsappointing cîsher. Basscally. my training bas been gorîag realîx \vell and my 2:02 spit mn the relax shvows las going in the nighs dirction again.- saîd Porensa. wbo resumes training as the end of the month in preparasion for ber fourth year as the Ujniversity of Toronto. camp now underway The lceHawks began training camp last night, but have already gos an exhibition game under their belt. Milton kîcked off pre-season play wssh a 6-2 loss to the neighbouning Cougars Eniday nighs as Burlingtons Mainway Arena. Now owned by well-known hockey school operator Rick Heinz of Campbellville and led by general manager Keitb Pandovski and bead coach Pat Cocklin, the lceHawks currently sport a handful of locals. Among them is former star for- ward Mats Prîces lîssie brother Jeremy, a Halton Hurricanes' defenceman whos expected to be one of the team's swo 16-year-olds tihis seasian. Milton bas a swo-game home stand thîs weekend, starting Fniday as 7 p.m. againss the Streetsville Derbys. Sunday the Orangevîlle Crushers -~ new to the Provincial Jr. A Lecague - visat Memonial Arena for a 2:30 p.m. stars. H ata fuiaaî RECEPTIONIST Neddfo fai Hospat in Georgetown. Fuitme aisernooneary eeening and occasoal Saturday shifts. Maue individuai waated wrtis stn teiepirone and CuS- lamIne servce SklS, Canddaea *h eceto o n Fax rem ti: 905473-7422 Tena Gien rhaaaaHospital 1555-1 t Lre. Geongeton F/T Health Counselor We are icoking for enengetic and entnusiasMi peo- ple wrth a good attitude ta loir aur Oakil team Individuals ai pracide motivation and support to our clients and sell hemoai praducts ta Our retaii clientele. Fuil trning provîded. Salea and Cus- tomner Service an asset. General knoaîedge of anatom5y and nutntiorn a definde plus. Please fax resume ta 905-257-2379 ATTN: Amy Apç4in Prsn at. I Andys Restaurant FNOW HIRING EXPERIENCED BAKER UFor SmaillScratc Baker -300am SaOI *Drop nesam at HEATHER'S BAKERY CAFEI 13 Muin Seet South Georgetownl NOW HIRINGI Ali Kitchen Positions, Uine Cooks, Kitchen Mana"e, Prep Positions, Oishwashers & Night Cleaners. Also Hasts and Support Positions 1 ComDMveWLN & Ben.flts Offered Il.d rsum.t I .. .- . -atheaerrot.o WAITRESS, Wanteai for Chiet Restaurant. Monday & Taesday. Noon-8pon Expenence preierred Victoria 519-99"-297 or 905-878-3632. HERITAGE PLACE -aeoenaàent Senio' FT& PT DINING ROOM SER VERS Exnelece r -eie-es 6Sec a, ase! OCt e-sýv 4151 Kdie Dr. or fax 905-31"94 Aa i-an & Beserage M anar _ SUBWAY Sandwiches Dsynime neip needed P 7-FT Subwaylood exp preternec. ,DOMINO'S Now Hi ring Detivery Drnvers Managers Customer Service Reps i .l i eso o 17WJ7- _w Casfe Ph e7-3 ax8626 clssfid0 tiltnadaca po.o DEERFIELO i LOOKING FOR A GOLF CLUB 'iCHALLENGING & REWARDING Full-ime I WAIT GREENS EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY? STAFF i Thte YNCA af Hauuito/BUîington is ofe email tyna@ 1 nat-brme postins pravrding lrcenaed cane ta 1 cSildren between teages of 3.8 -12 yeana. I Bronte Rd. & QEW Nsaccessisil candidates cr11 ne etusrastc, Fao 95-8259559 creatice. cSild facused and able ta cari catnin a gftexible szhedule. Reaponsibrîrtres inde franttine i supervisian af chitdien, as ?&II as, prsqiamin I develspxrent, adainisnOa and carin as part I of the a YMtA Schaal Age Chrld Care team. I u s 1 aie a aipa i c Cf ChùL and Yauti or Recratron 1 Abolit... Or*ti have tee ai nais yeara eXpe ile varking cyth i lb aSidinn a recisat.rn ai crv are sett i woomp(eti thes jo amicabortaound aln aur i cebate , and suantî aît vcun 905.878.2341 f my5rie and. ccir t-lt. ta i 1ev, ,-n, o PrWgru Conitact a-l Eaeci da-iscrarveý lCoMýarîac ii L pioi. - . 7-C7j, Lane Bi ictoa 0rcancý 1.P 2X2 Hfaîrdftou Prragam Contalct Saacra 'fac.evan - kea S0pEciae i Em ~ 3notele amres Steet SDjtý_ Our Mîhaon-atc aan location seeks --~-c a'i cc motîvatea ECE's î il iecmc u nwbr topjin our great I seani Posaitii are availtbe Math/Science Tutor Oxford Lesrning Centres, Waterdown and Milton, are tooking for enthusiastic, positive tafors who enjoy working weth stadents in grades 7 f0 12. Focus on maths and sciences. Parf-time evening hours avsdlable starting in September. Contact Waterdown ait 905-690-7994, or Milton at 905-693-9978, Mondnay to Friday 9am- 5pm Miftan GARAGE SALE Sait Aug 26 - 8am - 2pm 26 Dawson Cres. BO. gardening items, bols, kitchen itema, rndooedoo< fumiture & sports equi pmevyt. MULTI FAMILY YARD SALE Sat Aug 26 - Bam - Nooin 92 Martin St. Kids cioties. radio, boo*a. moviles oftrolier Wi car sest action figures, anfthtble pool à muds Mme! 0 Jennifer Porenta