The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, August 22, 2006 - Al 0 SPOT SPORTS EDITOR: STEVE LeBLANC e-mail 'Champinship heartbreak continues Marauders edged in NEC finalfor second straight year By Murray Townsend SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION Tt went frorn heart-poundmng to heart-stopping to final- ly heartbreakrng for the Maraudera in Saturdays INorthern Football Conference charnpionship at Milton District. For thse second Urne in as many years Milton lost thse final by a single score, this urne with thse Oshawa Hawkeyes ekîng out a 20-17 decision for their first-ever league tale. As n atched as the two teama appeared to be, they Ïwere veydfferent in terras of style. Oshawa, which led the regular seasou in sconing, counted on a big-play type of offense, while Milton, the leagues top defensîve tearn, was methodical iu their offeusive approach - at lcast early ou.v i On Miltou's initial duive they hauded the bail off Il straight times, rnostly to ion Nedeljkovic, but also to Mike Long and Chad Kennedy, before settling for a 12-yard field goal by Dornenic Carnastro. Osbawas quarterback, Chuis Foster carne out firnng, and on their secoud positin, connected on several long passes before fiuishiug it off with a 34-yard toucbdowu completion to Dave Beaulieu uear the end of thse firat quarter. Late iu the first haif, Milton, starting frorn their 33-yard ; iè; une, put together another leugtby drive. Quarterback Josis Spauîck, a littie jittery early in the game, snapped out of it and begau passing the bail with confidence, firat connecuing over the middle with Jamnie Radway aud then fîndîng Nedeijkovic juat inside the end zone for a 20-yard touch- ;Ï, down. Nedeljkovic, who also had a couple impressive rush- es duning the drive aud 94 yards lu total, was seiected as the games offensive MVP Oshawa scored on their first possession of the second bal to give themn a 14- 10 iead, but Milton responded immediate- iy. Starting frorn their 15-yard uine, the Marauders rnarched the length of the field. The key play during the drive was a 30-yard pass completion to Damian Hanuaford. Spauick had time to wait for H-aunaford to get open thanks to the offen- sive uine whîch solidified itself over the last couple weeks of the season after the return of injured ail-star Craig Robertson. Fuliback Cbad Kennedy fiuished off the drive GRAHAM PAINE ICANAL)IAN CHAMPION with a 13-yard run up the middle to put Milton up 17-143. Marauders running back Jon Nedelljkovic gets brought down by Oshawa defensive back Jason Connelli n Saturday's NFC championship. see BLOCKED on page A21 ELITE BASEBALL TRYOUTS mwi 18Ur 16U, 14U - -aa ~ .ve Halton Athletîc Club Open Basebali Tryouts * Lube, Onl& Ali Players Maplehurst Diamond, Milton, ON *12 -18 - Filter Chane * yearsof ageSaturday, Aug 26 (lOam - 2pm)Ge are invited to P1ces&Cthr FREE Bote of wiuRdahield Wanher Fluid attend. Sundlay, Aug 27 (lOam - 2pmn)+ot rfui t pup Infilders & Outfieiders+ te fli to up AONE-TIME fee of $50 covers ail Tuesday, Aug 29 & Thursday, Aug 30 F ctr Pa s!-D co tPr e! try-out dates. (7pm - llpmn) Ail Positions *+ fipe ýS ek frdt.Mn as (Additional tryou dates Sept 9, 10) HA CBasebaiI.. your accomplishments wfl amaze you! Basebali Find out more. \isit us jra Uniform to be www hhaseball. com or contact *I or. Noshrt StLxc \ousseau, Dir. 0f Basebail at 11 m 1 - No Sweatpants) JKhacbasbill co