Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 18 Aug 2006, p. 7

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The Càfana'Cliilpiotn Fnîda, Augüàf 18, 26)06"W7 Town planners have created \Charges laid as Victoria Day sad state with our access roads celebrations get out of hand DEAR EDITOR: I've heen a resident of Milton for more than 30 years and 1 find that once agaîn I must express my thouglits about the way our current planners secm to [fix' things. l'm refemrng to the sad state that our main access routes, both coming into and leaving town, have been handled. Fact: People must leave town to go to work. Fact: Thse samne people must return to town. This simple concept seems to elude Town Hall, as 1 will explain. In the past this wasn't a prois- lem because the road capacities were adequate. However, with the explosive growth Milton is experîencing, these very samne lfoads can't cope with this over- luad of traffic - and weren'î meant to. So what do the people ai Town Hall do? They close a main north/south access route - Fourth Line - to Hwy 401. Yes 1 know the residents who live along thîs road complained about the safety of their children because the road is close to iheir property, but now restdents must [mnd an alternate route both to leave town and retura. And thats flot to mention the increased travel time for emer- gency vehicles. 1 hope those wlio wanted thie road closed remember that the nex uie they need a police officer, fire truck or ambulance. Please understand that i don't blame the residents. 1 blame the developers for plan- ning it and Town Hall for approving it. With Fourth Line's closure, drivers then started driving east along Derry Road to Trafalgar Road, or along Regional Road 25 to access the 401. So now the residents who live on or near Denry Road complain about the speeding vehicles along this road. Since they now have far- ther to travel, people drive [aster to make up the tie. Again, our fearless leaders acted and reduced the speed limit along Derry Road and instaîl traffic signaIs. This n «ow causes vehicles to be on the road for a longer peniod of unme, caus- ing more congestion and even longer driving ties. Drivers are now looking for an aliernate route, and ihcv lound iî further souih. its called Britannia Road. Agaîn, resîdenîs who live along ibis road are complaîning of the increased îraffic and the speeders. Does anyone see a pattern here? Wliat we need are controlled access routes, hoîli east and wesî and norts and souîh near thse main areas of population - ones usai are fenced wih no other trallic allowed. That means no pedestrians, no dog walkers and no children. That would help commuters access the 401 quickly and safe- ly while removing the'l'm going to be laie' worry that caused those dreaded speeding prob- lems. Lastly, to compound the problem even more is the too- liîîle-îoo-laîe expansion of Derry Road. Here we are with a mass of commutera trying to get in and oui of iown on inade- quate roads, and now throw in construction. Let's see, I drove on the north side îo work and now, surprise,' I have îo drive on the south side on the way home, mayhe in a mîd-summer îhunderstorm when visibiliiy isn't optimal, or ai nighî. Mayhe Town planners shouldn'i allow one morc bouse to be huili unîil the roads arc firsi upgraded and able to han- dle the extra îraffic. Mayhe the developers should be responsi- hie for ail or somte of the upgrades costs. Afier aIl, ihey're making a profit hy using the current roads. We ai have a vote, lets use it wisely MIKE LABENCKI MILTON Support of youth program by Milton Commrunity Fund has been outstanding efrom COMMUNITY on page AS We feel like we have greai momentum now and hope that our program will continue to grow. Youtli Aiding Youth is a non-profit program that lielpa with tise deveiopment of social skiils and self-esteem for dildren between tise ages of six and 12 years. We match these chidren with youtli volunieera who are between 16 and 24 years old. The volunteers act as mentors and spe- cial friends for cisildren in need. Youth Aiding Youth also offers social skills groups for boys and girls in need of social interac- tions with other chidren their own age. Thse funding [rom tise Milton Community Fund bas supported the Youtli Aiding Youth vol- unteer recruitment efforts, helped provide sup- plies for tise social akilis groups, funded special communiiy outinga for tise chuldren and heiped pay for other program expenses. Tise fund bas really helped Youth Aiding Youtb to make a difference. Thank you. KELLY GIUUANI. PROGRAM CO-ORDINATOR YOUTH AIDING YOUTH 'Tinte Capsules' are gents of infor- mation extracted from past issues of Thte Champion and other publications tin nuier t0 provide a window into Miftonî past. Explanatory comment is sometimes provided to place the situa- tion in context. May 1908 Several families not long from, Eugland live in tlie upper atones of the brick building on thse west aide of tise post office. Tliey celebrated Victoria Day and radier overdid it, as îliere was a general row in tlie evening. One man flourisised a knife. Thie result was the layiug of several charges before Police Magtatrate Dîce. Tliey came Up yesterday and were adjournied until tit evening. Another row took place on the oppo- site aide of thse street at about eleven o'clock last niglit and may resultinm anotlier charge. Messrs. Stewart & Witton, ardui- tects of Hamilton, are working on tlie plans of tlie PL. Robertson Mfg. Co.'s buildings. They are expected tis week to complete the plan of tise machiine sliop and it us the intention of tlie Company to begits this build- ing. (The building bas been demol- islied.) Rev. PT. and Mrs. Miguot of Guensey, Cliannel Islands arrived in Milton yesterday eveniug from Hamilton where they were guesis of JudgeSnider Revî Mignot wdlpreadh " ody in Q=ac Chuac wisih (Mtoe chssrch) was eaeted i 1895 ai bis suggestion and mainiy tisrough bis energy Mr and Mrs. Miguot will leave tomorrow moruing for Torouto, -,Ottawa, Moutreal, Prlovidence, l-., Boston, New York aud otiser easteru points. The contracta have now ail been let for the flrst section of tise sarew company's buildings. As we go to press tlie digging for tlie founidation ta already completed and atone and sand are being delivered on tlie grouud just east of tise old cemetery By Monday tlie masons wiil be at work on tise foundations walls. Tlie building is to be of solid brick, one Milon 5a, Time ï Capsides storey high and wilT be weil lighted and ventilated. On Monday Thos. Aitken brought a cuiiosity to town. It was an ancient axe head that hie plowed up in a new clearing on lita farm lu Esquesing, near Milton. It was something of ie tomahawk pattern, but much larger than the Indian weapon. One man piron0unced it a Frenchi axe, and peT- liaps lie was nigli, thougli rust lad obliterated any lettering which may have been on it, and there was notli- ing to identify it. At any rate, it was unlike any Canadian or American axe and doubtless it lad a siraiglit liandie. It may have been owned by an Indian, as Mr. Aitken and lis neiglibours often plow up arrow and spear heads of flints and even more ancient tisan tise axe, sliowmng that Indians were numerous in Halion in old trnes. A letter to thse editor suggests Evergreen cemetery company build a house and give it to some reliabie man, rent free, for the privilege of coilecuntg Fees from interested par- tics. The band gave the flst openair concert of the seasn on Filday evening. The memberahip ta larger than lut year and the music la as good as ever The baud p]ayed on Monday at tie annual Victoria Day picnlc of tise House of Providence, Tomuto. The fine gro"d of thet institution were crowded by 10,000 people aud there was a spaendi pro- gram of amusements. The baud played until 9 p.m. and liad to stay over nigisi at the Gladistone Hotel, as tliere was no train for the west unit next mornmng This material ta assembled on behalf of the Milton Historical Society y inn Dills, who can be oeached at jdills@irct.com.

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