Caer n 1.1 Drir ~ ~Hlp loteip ~Help GRMHI 11ral HeIp GeirlHli PUPPIES for sale. SheIie GoIdie/Poo iv. Bichon Frise, Blackr Lab, Maltese. First needîva, vet checket, demarmet, tlea tteated. Rullîns Pet Centre, 525 Main Street East, Mit- ton 005-875-0475. FREE kîttens ta goot home. Colt 905-854- 5473. FOR adoption, Amerîcan Staff, t Smths vît, well behovet te- mate. Neets a borevet tamîly. 905-864-6725. LW§ arsfoalej 1993 Mercury Topaz. 2-tsar, E-tested. As is, neets body watts. Drives well. $500 abo. 05-875-2800. 2001 Fart Wintlstar r3e,Oookm, 1 swner, caming ott leaxe. $6,500 uta, as is. Col Stepten W 905-e99- 1322. 1992 Dodge Steath ES (Black). Autsmatic. Ex- cellent condition. Neyer winter triven. 145,000 km. Certitiet. $0000. 905-877-2129 1993 Toyota Prenia 4 Wteel Drive. Admis- sion Teatet ant Cet- shfet. $4,500 abo. Cati: 905-877- 2927/41 6-031-2822. 2002 Pontiac Grand AM, 4 dooir, 4 cylînter, auto, xnly 48,000 km. Lease retorn. AstMort Holdings Lt., 95-877- 3839, CielI: 905-873- 3776. Drive Cîvan & Certiliet. Only $9900. [ ira:Desgn Grduate, 45 ears rdentiaV1 djin eperience, proiciency in AutoCA Please e-mail resume ta: workop cn958 78- IMMEDIATE OPENINGS Are you looklng ta acquire your DZ licencel? Hove your DZ licence with no experience? We otter on the job training. Have the ability 10 lift 50 Ibs consistently? Posseas excellent communication and cuatomer service akiils? Lovking for a great oppvrtunlity? Great employee programa. Benefta (medîcal, dental, eR Pj, unitormi providet, watts stoe allowance, incentivea, moothly bvnuaea, etc. Pieuse submlt rasume by fax: 905-829538 or amati: AIl succeastul candidates will complete atoull aecunty clearance. We are an equal opportunlf y employer. diasifed "., Mna oFriday AS AOOU A WKOIlO 'fNr FO lut "Okvîlle boset Company telioerîng juat-in-time' praduct loally pin ta pin. Day or Afternoon shifts; Mon ts Fni. Must te relioble witt eclet cuatamer relation ont commu- nication akilîs, clear abtatand COR a iiumo ears vErial xperince Cuit Mike @ Experivene Construncton FaxResume:07 î BLW __ _ FR OL i à 1'O C 1 -l &ZElecvk Seudy v fw Camerasr en au% ëe- Ai hîil. we w " jemyesum la aaay thmaugh teir-efforts that we are able la m« te ekhs V oed of~ ouer Sstarnere. Se recsgvized for yovr contibtution ta 1-W '.1 *robç lew"urdaI putbc tealth, social and communify services, «Wlpleaning &Wet éir wo* 1à Reilin ix a dynsmic orgunizutian in un ewe- caanging uad gmowlng araaeaa lOelUt bc I Un. u'edfe Greuter Toronto Am.u SCALEHOUSE OPERATOR Two-plus years of espottence, preterably vvitt exposure io lantfil ast wasxe management, Mll taxe equippet yox ta aperate ast maintain a campuiettzed lanttlll information system. TItis permanent part-lime positon lan average 24 hauts a weekl invoînes: accurate custamer data collection, screening ont input; ticket soiting ant filing; cesiomnet master file tata maintenance, ant report preperatian. Usins yout computer ast cusiamer service akilîs, you %vill hantle transactions. document site niolations, tespond ta public inquines, inspect incoming waste for atttetence ta policies and regulabaons. and oporate a two-way radio. Your backgrount Arît inclute a college tîptoma in Business, with computer ond accaxnting courses, oe eqiviaient. Please tarmard your resume. quoting Competition #PP-234-06, ty August 25, 2006, ta: RETAIL SALES CONSULTANTS Bell Worid Corporate Stores Bell Distribution lnc, through ils Bell world Retail stores allers complete communication shopping, inclutîng internet, direct-to-home satellite, aireline ont wîrelesa producta, services ont accessories. Produci knowledge In teiecommunicotiana con- siteret or asset. ApplIcants muai hava strong sales akilîs, excel- lent customer cote & computer akilla. Campetitive houtty rotes & variable compensation, competitive company benefta. Walkero Lin & Burtingtan Mail & New store <apvning son) Appbley Crossing Locations GaL Fat consiteration email resume ta. We thoots yvu for yovr intereot however only qualihied applicarrto wîli te contactied Conadaxs largeat Furnoure, Applionce ont Elec- tranic Retaîler is sntergaîng the most ag ressive expansion program in ot companys tialsory. Naw ix your opportunity ta become part of aur winning team ont enjay the tenefta, aecvrity ont opportunitiex Leons han ta offer. We are conrenty saeking enthuaiaatic individal ta tIlI the faivowing positios for year round emplayment at aur BURLINO TO4N location. F/T & P/T WAREHOUSE P/T DELIVERY CLERK We otfer competitive remuneratian packages ont excellent company tenefta înclutîng, metîcal, tentai, prescription drug & associate pa sg ratit ahanng program. Pesaumit your rasame la persan fai: Leon's Fumifure 3167 North service Rd, Buringtaa, ON L7N 3G2 CHURCH C SOIA Local church requirea castodian lot build- ing ont grounds, apprsoîmotely 25 hauts pet meets Abilîty ta watts îndependently, goad physîcal condition, ont tlexibility wîitt watking hauts. "Hndypersan" akilla an osnt Couit te suitable lot active retiret individuel or couple. Positon available September 1, 2006. Fax resume toi: (905) 878-4979 Expermence Kennel HeIp Wanted Must have oct Transportation. Mon-Fni 7am-l pm or 1lpm-7pm Weekends: 9am-6pm Burhomthxrpe Rt. Cail 905-257-5927 ee -Ti e Canada's Faahîun leader is lookîng fot vnttusastic Style- savvy indîvîduala 10 act as Sales & Sales Support Associates Burfington Mail 777 Guelpht Une Second levai HBC Ramarda Desk Racruilmeni Fair Wed., Aug. 23 fron l0era-Epm a setf starter. $1l/trta start. Oaknille Location Fax resulme le Neet af 905-337-0328 F/T Unloaders 3:3Opm ta t2am Need a Job? &Ovemnight Are you Stookers 16-24 yeara aid? ttpm ta lam We can help --- Drp f CaillApiaint JOB CONNECT *.uda Trfl.) at Sheridan 905-878-4956 HA -S R Monday ta Fjrday We ltants ait candidates fat ttvir intenest. However. aniy tirose selected fot an interview wii I F/T ECE & te contacted I ASSISTANT *Pieuase contaict IMichellel pkwith the Classif gpc * 2-CAR gorage tar ent if yamu*» 1 r *r sod items, keop lioklng in lar boat, mata cyclex, yoilfida o' car belongings vtc. -1$fi o'lUdap tseeto h fsg s e Cal 905-878-7056 lor pricing, We Peartin of eret maera ta tan ttneeite necpou m nupopefr aycra vtIfhd tc M epoye ftrogat$20r ausitiose u auatrn aii Machine Operators - Cas B * Operatean machine n deignate area * si S ihchn et Up o deignate d equipmentwtmimaapenan onrelatetn papeqred r ia arntedeintdln * Clean admiti aldagae equipment, ugn and machinetyglu * nur Re pober lta nr ffii pta ductadqaiotttagae * Starting at $14800 pet tour Machinae Hanertr ls . Tpraaport ma ie in ant tra te pracinaetappprteoc a . aa ssth theaa trcisn . ASet wtt dsgatpin aapet s tk ialsprvso * Rean garboageful tramp w atts area rdouetin * atn r at $10per or . Pi r era at e-gatk einent . Cye ont mle ataet efinnent potvry n ult frdsgae * aatip pitprment i mrtte . Starting ai $1480 pet tout M attsa expnenc t iialaproa " Meancrt mate a stma eal ta adfontepdui rea t a p rau e a caioe " Cyale cemui tcafon vten t veba " Masit teh witling awtsatit wttsk " RMon te abe ta o lit k an arry2tasaateun aî s Ob C Same air $1 t.0 perown o mpn ttarr amettebnfla " Plc resan soc ubmtrsm yAgat2,06t " Prepare esumes@oonco or hipn " Cyce coui Dmph offke nnour rsm a 2 Amstong Avtenue nCeret n nal 7 R OLMUSTlaVEanAequaiopportuICnSlEmpoe " Discoverou Future pr ou A Wryu epenae, eiciiaespervin amvso aeynprano " Mc Aoeca aptiud enrmustic a letn kran a mpore ittapevw AIGuardcmniberiansaii, we andactrbqalty ntenro etayttx- y utbes biling ixaalahto radcak eaetcito xxyRa 2 "ighsyb 24l> 25 iate a afrr pt 20bsoa triqu te orh a f Gogeownas cxt torne o e rown oprte.a fescmettv eei P14.43/hoear f ataresiue ta A16.stIo a5,2er 6 mo (pîa sdf st eelentpresum ovrng$ltor Witt axr 12-tour offtin ytit aceaews15 hta xttwee v 4ttermwetr x ong weenet e offrget ve waeexelntai tene-R fita, boueaxen a earrn eapportuniaty asmplpyerrio ln AAy,,d p ptyý,be ta tctedpaton p otnix eroa fanytm e fomne r i yo ream tnd reeren e ifor ma po tio ta rw At HuminFiegans Remuce Guaian niras al rad Emal: ofadgOxwlp.gartialcen Chý Requires Mature Staff for (>j the following positions: -Parking Lot Attendants (Weekends - Sept. & Oct.) -Tour Guides (Weekdays - Sept. & Oct.) -Food Service (Weekdays - Sept. & Oct.) Please apply in persan: 9528 Regional Rd. 25 Retail Store Between lOam - 5pm CENTRE