Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Aug 2006, p. 7

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Aggressive stand needed here DEAR EDITOR: mnaric diffeî-cii( c it ,houild bc noarkct valuc -,o bhe axpavers bov iare 1 was in Milton Town owns the land. Paying for the costs involved. Council Chambers, I would like the cost of the mnove of this I also receîved from the Town a chance once and for ahl to home doesn'i in any way profit a of Milton Report No. [5-067- explain clearly to the taxpayers private company 03, dated August 18, 2003, stat- why 1 took such an aggressive l'm flot contesting so much ing thai for this lot to be sold as stand in this matter. the move of that old home next a building lot, aIl potential pur- Firstly, these homes are not door to my parents, but the rea- chasers must be aware of certain designated pursuant to the soning of the move. For people work to be completed. "This Ontario Heritage Act. However, who haven't seen this home, its w(ork entails moving a 825 mm a letter I received june 26 from not in very good condition and storm waîer sewer, providing a the Town, stated, "Subsequent ifs beîng moved to a nice nergh- storm water easemnent to the recommendations were made by bourhood. Town and a water main ease- Hentage Milton and approved I say if the home isn't desig- ment to the Region." by Milton counicil that the nated a herîtage home, then I dîd point my finger ai house be moved." That was the why not just demolisb it? In Jennifer Reynolds ai the meet- red brick bouse being moved to faci, who other than council and in.1hp ngrontg s' Bell Street. the henitage people are in favour gisthla no Yeis I assume both houses were of spending tax money to move rude, but I would rather The approved by Henitage Milton thîs home? Champo aecle erd and Milton counicil. The Town As reported in The mpionr have craied erd sicte nat ad "dsîe to etinrin Champion, I asked Mayor Gord I ts easy ro be rude when you sicnatre nd esie t reainitKrantz to selI me the home forhaenrspcfote ros in the histonic downîown area." $1 and move ir for free. Thar hoae no resct , for th pess The conflici of interest 1 was sard sarcasîically, and for youare wars osg nd I guess spoke of was that in faci a imîcî- thosc w ho vîcwcd îî on COGE- tha wadiou onl m at. Kn ber of Heritage Milton did get CO 14, you will sec I satd thar Iaon' drd aý ant odking awarded the home for $ 1, and wouldn't be fair because everv- KaounHa'wai an oelde kin the home was moved for more one in Milton should be îreaîed ro Haar eive hc than $29,000. "fairh;," and there should be no wasn t reported i h Now lets not loe sîght of the "discnimination. Champion. I dîd tell him hc faci thai ibis was moved for a I was irving to make a pon looked lîke he spent too mnucb company ihat could in the long here. If thec Town could help one rime on the golf course with ihat run renovate the home and company mnake a profit, %vhv nor tan he was sporting. I also îold make a profit. W'hy dîd the me or wby nor ail the raxpavers bin r was a compliment. Town not ask this private com- of Milton, Thats tbe rcason 1 l'm more passionare about panv to pay back those moving wisb ro retaîn counsel. I have justice. cqualîty and discrimina- costs? That was mv issue. alreadiv drscussed ibis inaîter tion ihan 1 am irare. Tbis I wanr Yes, the Town'is payrng to wnbh a lawvcr. in> fellow Milionians to know move the other home to Bell I wrish r'o purchase tbe lot on LORA BRITTAIN Street, but wit a huge and dra- Bell and Barron sîreets at fair MILTON Starling issue needs to be deait with DEAR EDITOR: I bave an opposing view to Rod Gobbvs con- cerning the bird and rree-hangîng issue. The Luro sîarling roosîs in your trees by' nrgbr and Hlies by dawn to the open bields around Milton 10 feed on insect larvae during the day. Hundreds lly south while I depart for work in the early hours of the day They returu 10 your iree to bc safe from predators. 1 suggesi that each homeowner witb a seriocis Euro sîarling issue get a bird feeder - or îwo or three - and encourage cardinals, chrckadees, chirping sparrovws and the dreaded moumning doves ro visit your feeder. I bave îhre'e feeders that I kecep weIl stocked. and have aîîracîed aIl the above-mentioned birds, as well as Amenican goldfrncbes. Tbe key t rto bave an accîpîter and smaIl falcon population in the area. I have no srarlings, and yes 1 have coopers hawks and sharp shrnned bawks bunîrng in and around my nerghbourhood. Amenican kesîrels can conîrol the population of the dreaded sîarlings as well. The only good îbrng that bas comne from ibis ppgorlv--planned expansion of the town is the waîer drainage systemn The vanrvt of bîrds bas increased in tbe lait year. Wben was the lasi urne sou saw a irumpeter swan in Milion? VICVOR IANNANDREA MILTON T4e, Canadia ChýMpron Fndqy, Augusi 4, 2006-AT \PL. Robertson's Big Screw Company coming to Milton t 'Time Capsules' are gents of infor- mation extracted from past issues of The Champion and other publications in order to provide a window into Miltont past. Explanatory comment is sometimes providedbto place tht situa- tion mn contexi. April 1908 The Big Screw Company la now a certainty for Milton. The negotis- nons betweeu tht town counicil. and the PL. Robertson Manufacturing Co. Limited, of wbich mention was miade in our last issue, bave resulted in the decision of tbat companry to pernianeudy locat their factories in Milton. Jacob Tuck on the west haif of lot 8, Con 8 N.S. Trafalgar has sold his 100 acre farmn to Jonathan Featherstone. Mr. Featherstoue now owns 675 acres of land, A close to Druiquin. He bas five sons and two daughters. WF Dewar came home about a week ago after a long tour with the Kilties' bançi, which wound up in Mexico. He looks well and la; well tanned by the Mexican sun. The Kilties'hand is broken up and a uew ont organized, styled tht Frazer Highlanders, of wbich Mr. Dewar la manager. They will set oui on an extended tour next mouth. The Y.M.C.IJ. bas between seven- ty and eighty members. The foliow- ing delegates will attend the older boys' convention at Brantford on Friday aud Saturday: Elgin Ford, Stuart Jones, Albert Knapp, Chas. Jackson, S. Hannant, Wm. Bnish and Frank McCanneil. A weekly eveuing Bible class will be organized firly soon. Two years ago Andrew Carnegie agreed to give Milton a $5,000 public library building on tIhe usual ternis, the municipal counicil to guarantee the aunual expenditure of 10 per cent of that amount for maintenance. The counicil did not sut at tbat finie. Now, on accountr of the organization of the Y.M.C.U. and the prospect that it wiIl bc made a branch of the www.ittl eha ndsta 1Ki ng.ca 9.76.1947 SATURDAY AUGUST 1 9:00OAM - 3:00 P 1313Q! e GIve-A-Waysl eDemos I2TH M usqarn2 Touth Nagne.Tout, Etàmpsent. HAUO POU QIPM 20 i S.W.Mlo 'TU POE sR's- 058538 *SIGN LANGUAG%-7E *FOR BABIES, TODDLER S * & SCHOOL-AGEDKD 44flJs 2 r\orksbops, 2 weeks. Ready 2 sign' A Pivate group workshops A ASL as a 2nd language for older cbildren * ~ Training for professional caregivers ma t on n% Time î capsules Y.M.C.A., the scheme 15 being pushed agamn with the design ofbhav- ing a Y.M.C.A. gynnasium in the basement of the building. A meeting of prominent citizens was held at the Royal Templar's hall yesterday evening at wbich comniisees were appomnted to select a site, etc. There ia good resson to hope dhat the build- ing wiilbe erected during the coming sumrmer. lt msybe found desirable to have it a hatle larger thoans at fis pro- posed. it that case it la not expected that Mr. Carnegie will objeut to increase the amounit of bis grant. On the evening of Good Friday the choir of the Mlethodist Church gave a sacred concert in the churéh, assisted by Miss Gertrude Hollinrake, soprano, and E.E. Yates, violin, of Milton and Major EH. Descon, baritone, of Toronto. A large share of the credit for the succesa of the concert la due to Miss Deaconi, leader of the choir, sud to Miss Lawrence, organist. An acetylene gas lighting plant is being installed in the Bank of Hamilton this w-eek. The tank la the latest and ssid to be absolutely safe, no explosion beiug possible. Messrs. JI. Hanuant and EJ. Wilson have bought out the grocery business of Messrs PM. McKay's Sons. Mr. McKay bas been in busi- ness here about lorty years sud bas been the senior merchant of the town since the retirement of Mr. Hoflinrake. He and bis faniily will reniove to-Toronto. Milton's population for 1908 la 1,624, a gain of 114. This material is assembled on behaif of the Milton Historical Society l'y Jimt Dills, who can be reachtd ai jdilks@idirect.com. -qqqur Iqqpp- - Milton Workshop be:gins:] August loth 1:::R:EGýIISTER NOW!Yom

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