Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Aug 2006, p. 27

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Thre Canadian Champion, Fnday August 04, 2006 - 27 Officeli Sales Help~ii; SNIfWg~ HHlp OMMZ HeI Île i;Si *ltsales HlpSaeHls f MOBILE MCAI (auto grease), on trucks trailenu and heavy equip- ment. Mechanical experience required with a background on service and repair work. Applicants must be willing tai travel and work flexible hours. Training arnd benefits provided. Please reply by fax or e-mal ta: Tom Bonus Fax: 90"475-2125 e-mal bonsst@acplsystems.com CE olfce Ml ffc elp is looking for an Accounts Recejeable Ac- tsar pacud Environmenr. and wîil be responsîble for ail Accounto Receivable responsibilifieo wir h- ini Karmax Heavy Sfamping including rhe accorare procesoing of transac- fions and compliance wirh companoy paf aiea. Qualifications: *Minimum of* 5-10 years Accounts Recevnabl e expeniencu in a medium f0, large corporaru envirxnmeof OR a Commxnity college Buxi- ness Adminisfraftion Accoanrîng Dîploma pIes 2-5 years Accoxota RecivabIe expeni- -Receivable eoperience, or profîciency in Microsoft office - Word, Excel, Powerpoinf. *Excellent communication skiffs bof h wrînten and xral. *Good maffrmafical, analyfîcaf and xrganîza- tional skiffs. LanaxHad Sxrv ng fr 33 nMer atwneure eDpriveead sr Milto. ON WordZ iondGBorkget om aee Drrinc afmnitra u- tiveng assant dMectr beisna eeicisg uec ma Wr-, plt ms fo aIl esmeto isaxe 10 itedfclcmu fod ooki r1 a Dimvisin of ron ub kin torio fo in berxonoiblefr enxur aurm niy obusiness un efiietlyfù wîl arraskng ai Ty nad condiatinol for the var-ie oio orgn and organize regionai mootirgo ancsapeciax exenfa. nr addition, you ai We resosible for co- ordinaOing office reedo includrg sales support rrx reriî, recru.ting irterviewes arc xxx or ng n tho contract proceso. re quas ed carddae w ' 0£5'm0 x,ýn e er,, oerteC wat- ti aOihi ', 'c aarne r*cie axsigrm "rerits ut the surie 'rie ,! ae 1,0d nepc t.arîg OKili0 and a xcý, "5dExrarsnc of MS 0f c.e nrciuîding. 05icKc A s1cg steror ýo Cetui and axisd wr' er anc *eOaý 2om""icaton xC 's are required. ffyou woulO like 10 orrl 'or a ieaser in trie media irduxtry thîs opponur1il may be me nght one for you. We offer a competitive compensation ard benefits package, as well au oipporturifiex for iti- fore career growth. Iinterexted please foreard four rexume, wrth'Office Corndnatr' in the xubjecf uine. no laterrfran Auguist Il. 2006 Ia. irfo@701.com Wu appecate Mne infereaf of ail appicants however, o*~ tfrose seiectud for an interview efil be cantacfed No phne -als or agencres plias requcres Ft-lime Exeurrnced Legal Secrelary fa fili mafemily leave posiion. Must liane comrpuier sllfs arit knowletg of Word Peecti0fhce WortrllivorceMafe/ Teravrew. Osin car rfuiret. P snd reumss ta, rio The MNa.,io ca- riadiser Champion Sn5 Mlai Stre Esi Miltan. ON RO. Box #21A 90 .8 823 ErnSnc an assuf. Real Estate. Csro- rate Commercial. Brilix & Extates. Sentd resîsme ta: Wiliamn B. Ker Rynie Kerr Oavidson Bsniasters & Saflcfrs 233 Robinaon SL Oalr'nlle, L6J 4Z5 wkenr@on.aibr coin Gold Bock I 701.com, a Division of Mefrxland Pub- lîxhîng, is a business direcfxry semicing local mar- kets in Ontario, praxiding consumners with a cxm- plete listing of ail busineoses in tbeîr local commu- rifles. Due f0i business growfh, we are seeking a dyramîc indîvidual for the foîl-tîme position of Customer Service Supervisor for aur Hfamilton location. la thîx roi e, yxu will be rexponoîble for xxpervîsînig ateam of Cuotomer Service Representatîvs wîth the prîmary purpoxe of enxorîrg content ix gath- ere and poated so client aeboîtex jr a tîmely and efficient marner. The qualîfîed candidate wîll be a motîoated and or- ganised indîsîdual wîth excellent verbal and wnrten communication skill. Vos ai be a team ployer and fie capable of workîng in a faut paced, dead- fine focuxod environment Vos ai hase thorough knowledge of Microsoft Office applications, încfud- îng creating ard generatîng reports, and good knowledge of interner xxablity. If you wxuit lîke to wor forfa a leader in the media induotry Ibis xpportunity may be the night one for fou. We offer a competitive compensation and benefîfo package, as well as opporturifies for fus- ture career groth. finterested please forward your resume, wifr 'Cusfomner Service Supervisor in the subîect mie, ns later ffran Auguot 1f, 2006 ta: info@701 .com Wu appruciatu the inferuat of ai aplicants. hwevur only lihose suluctut for an interview virl 1 0e confacled. No phone calls or agencres pleaxe. RECEPTIONISI require for BurIton based comparly PîT leading ta FIT. Must hase excellenf communi- cation, probiemt ssloîng and organîzationa okilîs. Must have reliable transporfation ta the office, fluent in Engliafi. Working kno*ledg of Windows and Microsoft Office baxed programs an soul. Entait resure : >kerw@customlcernkacon or fax: 90&M324723 0*nfr rse seLurcrtd for an interview wifl be covrfcld No phase calln plusse. No Agenceu. Eapenenced ndreidoal requîred for Customer *Servce for Burfgtonbased csnanyComprdn is FecEgs)are dehoffle asxetso Submit reaumnes to: Enier-Gard Eoergy Prodeclo in. by Auguat 4Wh Fax (905) 336-1507 Busy Brampto~n Lawe Office requîtes experienceit Legal ReaI Estate Secretary Minimum 2 pears eaperience wih Conveyoncer Teravew ýE Re Fax resume 416-486-789 530 F/T OR P/T COLINTER HELP aur-EMMUý E f-mail resume to: T p stoppsdrycleaersE L à bellnet.ca or apply in person be net STOPP'S DRYCLEANERSi'T 885 Main Street Milton. ON I Mutiia sin oef hsearea ktchtewar and eeainig eh~sories snowhi( hrs sme~ert heaIW owt scdifog Fo oedtiso o oji u L A OR 0 Y NEW STORE OP ENING FURNITURE SALES PEOPLE NEEDED re're openg a new sore in Etobclcke- Queens- way at Esot Mal and were seeking talented, sope- rierced Fuit limre Sales Consultants with a back- ground rn selling hîgh ticket items ait relail. We aixo hase openînga at -OakvilleîMlnsissauga Border, Brampton, Bsrlingtan and North Mînsianauga. Yos muat hase refiable tranoportation, excellent verbal and airitten communication akîlix, and a flexible ochedulo thaf permifo you tai work oni week- ends ard some eseningo. the offer a generous Compensation Pnogram, Company Benefît Plan, Profousional Training, Dp- portunhiex for Adoancement and s unique opportu nîfy ta work wîth Canadaxs foxteot growîng fîigh e ulitfy furnîtore xhowrxoms- Lazbay Furniture aIlunres. We are rau takîng applications by phone soi y 24 houro a day -xîmply cxl Charlie ait 905-789B-5800 whenl promptet ta 'enfer an extenson' - you dîi 150. then diai #6f151 ta reopord fo oexeral ques- t ions. Would y ou Ilike Io bu rscognizsd as a PROFESSIONAL SALESPERSON in ose of .'oaS sidln îvssie uafeiships' If o, sur salvopeople vain an excellent încomvi and enîoy the benefita 0f worhing with a ouccexoful progressive dealersbip. If faunre csrrently a profus- sixoal in automobile salex or if yo're serixux about a caruer change & are iooking for the training & guidance thaf are essentia for long term suc- cexa...e'd like ta talk fai you. I'm Newul DuSouza, Salua Manager. Cali emaili or drap rn BURLINOTON HYUNDAI, Tel:905-633-88fl1 /Fax:905- 633-88t5, ndexouzx@bunlîrgtonhyundxî cx Sales Consultant Opportunity Experiunced pruferrud a o a arg uxearfntr Gareatpx pan Cet your cae oîg We ofler GMxs fasteor growîng brando to oeil from Email resumu tai: % B d s wcarter@buddssaab.ca L Saturn Saab COMMUN ts$i FOR e WEf FOR IN ~"* ~ 535 53 Denta 535~ oeIe OH:Dna o LM. o0 li Ai Hailln, tee vsaliue aur 9pby9aes. m if ia ont> tfrrough their efforts thaf we are abfu toi mel tdm enaMia noada of our custors Bu recogvîzed for yxxr contribution f0 Hsans a ucceaSu. Piroiidhsig services in public heaffi. social andi commusity auerlces, si pienning and public erae*ai 141lon, Rugiras is a dynamic organizabion in an elor- changing and gmowrng canmnli Iocstsd in tAs weater <3reater Toronto Ara. REGISTERED NURSE Allendale If you are a self-rmtivated leader with a geevine desire toi ware wli Bru eldenly, coxosider joing us in Bris fuall-Ume eveninga position in Mion. Drawrng xoi your 2 years of geriatncs, rehablitatior, or cnag-tenn care narsing esperrence, yoa wof f direct deoignated home areas, supervise staff, and provide indrviduaized service, white creabing a homne-lke atmoaphere Vour dtbes wif f also indatde co-ordinahnig skmn ant woi.nt cane prograres, atmnîsterng meticabion. panticipahosg in qaality improvement and nisk management achihes, and acting as a resejent atoocate. Current registraaion ali Bre CNO is requiret, as are temonotrated comparer skili s A BSoN moult 0e an asset. Please flxiward yoxr resame. qxoting Compeiflion #SS-179-06. by Auguat 17, 2006, to. Humas Resiaurce Services. We tfranîi vii candidates for theîr inloreot Hswevvr sniy fhose seiected for an interview wîli be csîîtacied HoteRRturnt k=1 HRelRaurant II Hoel Resturnt 1H lRsarn FIFTH WHEEL as currenfly accepting ap icain for the following pcxîtionaý Budrgori Gardera. Gracicus Reniremenn Living. os unden consrucion xi 300 Plains Rd. W. rn Aider- sorra le are NOW oeekrg memro for ou, FO00 SERVICES TEAM. Vot rrxust have otrong culinany afiility, harda or, experience ri quaity & quantty cxcling, ard excellent management xkiils lIe hase a grear env'ronmnert,. benefoxatcr oemire cagexý Please stop by thf your resumne, 9arr-5pxn Mors-Fni, or Fax 905-521-084 THE QUALITY SUITES Now hiring Pl & Fl -PIT Nighf Audil -Front Desk *Roomn Attendants -Janitor -Maintenance (Cortracti -Server *Line Cook Emialilfax reaumne: gm@quality ftoteloalville.com fax 906-847-7447 754 Branle Rd, Oalcville UfL6L IMondayto FrdayI IIOMEWOOD SUITES BY HILTON OAK VILLE lx xeekirg a prof essionia Guest Service Agent & Maintenance/ Houseperson Fax Resume ta 90542Q906 TM1 'un deîxersis ,I< t. Restaurnt rnequirex Servers, Cooks, S Dishwasfrers, Cleaners wowfpirm & w and Kitchen Staff Sundays off, We hîre affude aven espenence. Please appfy taý Bftsftedoive@htoai com Or drap off at: f1-210 Guelphi Street. Georgetowmn FIFTH WHEEL !s currently acceptjng applicatons for Line Cooks Maintenance Hostesses Cashiers Store Clerks Please fax resumes Io: 905-878-9736 or E-mail: fifthwheelmilton@betinet.ca

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