24 -The Canadian Champion, Friday August 04, 2006 Camers~~ 1ê E caen W 1es 1 Cres L111Crer rvr rvrsI rvr -, ir.r~i.î_______________________L LAglO è7E 0Y Union Oas is an riegratel vatorai gas storage, transmission vol diiuion compaoy that pmoie energy We are seeking qualîfied individuals ta become Utility Service liveiy vol retateut services n re e ta i s ns t 3 million resîdevia. R p e e n a i commercial aol indlooOiali n the foliowîng locations: cootomero iv more than 400 *Windsor îe W12006-08) commonifies iv norttrem. *London (il L2006-3r1) soottrwestem vol evotem * Woodstock îe L.200t6-29) Ontorro rTre comprvoy asa Owen Sound le W2006 r13) provileo narrerai gvo storage *Hanover e# W2006-031 vol frvroportason oerviceos Guelph ei W2006-17) ta otirer otibsndo ecergy a Simcoe Ie W2006-t6) markt paticiantsin Otari. aHailton îe 1u-1201-î0 nsvixepvirovntiv0tino e Kapuskasing eI tAPn 200e-0o) Quebec vol tre Unied States. Unioir Oas is v uke Eoergy Companyn More Infornation ovn be fond an www.uniogas.rom. Combining ss'ong tecirnicai ana castomer service skîilS, voa wîil ensore sale, efficient utiiity service woeix suce as pipeline repeîms appiance inspections and meter worx, as weii as respenl ta satura gas emergencies. Along Wt pesitre communication capabilities vol pest-seconlary elaratron, yoa trace a carrent calid laceras licence. Ahiough preterence wîit ire gves ta 0000e wt5 haee a vid Oaa Techirncian t!2 licence aivng aurh relevant aore ecoanence, se trigiri encourage thsse aira trace a techoicai aptitudte vol a minimume ot Orale ru ta appein Candidates mast re in or be wrltîng to reiscate ru ae speciric geograniric area of tie postn As a nmssdw oi sur team, yoa Wiii mar a cosapettn Ulma <$20.91 - S2&02 pe houe), foui banaliS and theaportaih5 se pua ail an hadusir e adée. Fer cuefidwUls couaid.ralis plams sud ymu résum by Fréiy Aauliut 1 fl 2006 t0: Onio Gus Ub . Humi Rasmouea PO Boa 200,950 Kel Bae Norlh, Miusa ent ON us. Fer 519.5480m snnui (US Word tssu lm v'm kasia,aiogaC (jail liss asho i l ue o an homalu tomb ha c-nr-1i* Looktng for a new challenge in teGetrTrnoAeEpoeteef opportunittes wif the Ministry of Community Salety anti Carrectianal Services, Maplehurst Correctional Centre, ta practise a wide range of nursing skiils for aduit maie offenders. You wiIl: pronide front-line care ta offenders, including psychîatric, emergency intervenfion; conduct assessments (psychosocial, clinicaD; participate in multidisciplinary team health care planning; conduct patient enaluations. These are one-year contracts, with possible extension, working up ta 40 hours per week. Location: 661 Martin St., Milton. Qualifications: current registrafion as a registered nurse in Ontario, Ontario certificate of competence, CPR certification; thorough knowledge of/ability ta apply nursing principles ta aduit offenders wtio may eshibit unpredictable behaniaur; proven ability ta deal with emergencies, petiorm routines with minimal supervision; signifîcant clînîcai nursing espertence; sound knowledge ut oredical or psychîatric nursing procedures, knowledge of tnfeCttous/CommuntCable dîseases; abiîty ta wotio rotafing shifts (days, afternoons, ntghts), încluding weekends. Salary range: $1,066 -$1.289 per week Resumne anti cavering letter must be received by Aug. 21, 2006. Quating file CS-1100, senti ta: Julie Stephensan, Human Resaurces Adviser, Ministry ai Cammunity Safety andi Carrectianal Services, 777 Memarial Ave., Orillia, ON 13V 7V3. Fax: 705-329-6611. Start each day with a sense of purpose. End each day safely with a sense of accomplishment. Need FAST or CDRP carIs. competitice wages *Beneftitpackage3-year accident teeacea pal- Isonaian CVRAbstîact 905-840-9526 : 1-AZ CROSS BORDER DRIVER WANTED For 150 mile radius. This is an excellent job wlvih Eelient Comoensation Mon-Fît. Must hase minimum one year crossing the border ta qualtfy Cati 905-338-4023. ,r-nela!i Monday to Fnday Must be expert- 9ant5p enced and have w mt5P dlean trc Cal -878*-&2 STO(7X% and sinîgle patntts ylan retinaI paisalis li wot sci octivity und added incarne. ProesioalSchlBu Dive Trinn " On-geing drieer suppert " Toke yoar child olong with yoa fai work * competitive wages *Driver recognition prograrmo *Sormrers Off!1 b drivers fa be relioble, friendly, positive und corinq. If Yeu are.... cell us today! INIERiOR DESIG.NERS NEEDEL) We're opening a new store in Etobicoke and ex- panding sur 'In Home Design Service' in aur stores at Oaknllle/Mlooiooauga Border, Brampton, Bur- Iington and North Mîssissauga yod wie are look- ing for some talertxd people ta aois as. If you are a graluate of an accreditel Interior De- sign coarse who is lookin for o unique opportanity ta ase your skills and talents then thîs may be the job for yoa. The dutîxo involve wortxng directly with oas clients and oar Sales Consultants in sar showrooms ond in clients homes. You must have retiable transportation, excellent verbal and written communication skîlto, sort a flexible ochedate that permîtS you ta worx on week- ends and some evenîngo. We otter a generoas Compensation Prsgram, Company Benefît Plan, Profesoronal Training, Op- pvrtunities for Adoancement and a unique apporta- oufy ta work wîth Canada's fasteot growîng hrgh quaity furnîture sbowrasms- Lazboy Furnîtare Gallerles. tie are now takîng applications by telephone orly- 24 tenais a loy- sîmply cvii Charie at 905-568- 2211 - hen promptel ta enter an eetension' - yoa liai 150, then liai #6151 ta respond ta several qaestions. IRETO OFCAS Lakeshsre Place, a 17t-saite Retirement Resîlence ni Barlîngtsn is oeeteîng an RIPN/IN for its Director of Care Must have canfent registratior and be a member in goal standing wrhthrie Collage of Nurses of Onta- sohave the abrllty ta direct and almînîster the care neels of resilents. and manage a suppert staff of 50 emplsyees. Candidates wili have proves man- agement experrence in a sîmîlar seOînfg. gosd problem soling siil and strong arites and oral commanications steilis. Forward oesurme and coverng tetter ta Nancy Fischer, Admînistrator amati nflcrcgeo.net or fax 905-333-3103 No phone cails pleas SITE SUPER VISOR(S) Neelel for an aaarl wirning custom home bailler and renovator in our CatevîlIe ans Toronto dm-~ sions. Responsibities inclule eeecuting the scope of aulx. crxating take-ofsa. empioyee sub-traIe maragement, sitx safety ard budget octredule maragement. Minimum of t years eeperîence in the construction inlustry. 5 as a Site Super. tepe- riesce in resîdentiai custom vol hîgh-end carper- try an asset. Effective team building, planning and communication are key. Let as tensa oaa yoi cor beniefit our teamri Emaîl oniy to: thliohls4yoa@hotmail.coni uw .whitehatlhao sca BUSINESS MANAGER WANTED Fast paced dealership looking for a professional, experîenced F&l Manager. Fax resumne to0 905-845-9109 attn. R. MacCallum 2741 Plymouth Dr. Oakvilie, ON L6H 5R5 Loakvapps@stock-traioaportationco www.stocktranportation.com ýug 8 L ' zg 9 ýA-ýgJ PM 15 3-3 PM 1 GnalHoIp Geel Hlp W -eieaHelp SHOPPERIS DRUG MART Our new Store Opens in September at the corner of Thompson Rd and Louis St. Laurent in Milton. We are currentiy acceptîng resumes for ail positions includîng. *FT & PT Pharmacists *Assistant Front Store Managers *Cash Supervisors *FT & PT Merchandisers *FT & PT Cashiers *Ff & PT Cosmeticians If you are interestedl in joining our team please send your resumes to either: Fax: 905-681-3179 or E-mail: shoppersobs@hotmail.com vo offers individualized services toi guide and assisti you to identify and reach your empicyment goïals. o> iCareer Exploration Il Counselling Pl lob Search Training Ob lob Matchîng / Resume Writing 1> lob Creation VSkîlt Training Ob Self Emptoyment Golf Operations Hospitality Turf Operations Shuitie Drivers & Servers & Turf Labourers Marshals Dishwasbers Glen Abbey Golf Club - Oakville Ptease vppiy in wntîcig, indicaticg ycur preferree position, ta: Tel: 905-844-1 e00 Faix: 900-844-2035 e-ail: ioisfeckbukca T ho £ hW m ,ef Make a diffarence in a chiids fle and enjoy the fneelom vol fid fleoibiity toat cornes from afi Mpat-Onne lob an a vchi us v lver s'rKs * Frire training " Cvii now to begîs Jviy traininvg "Part rime " Awards Programs "Actvancemrnt Opportunities Leae mcore about tris exciting atter. Cali our recruiting trotine tolary. 1-877-914-KIDS (1-877-914-54371 4* Tel 905-829-2040 or s1o~ 1-800-822-3732 ffffffÀgffffff FIDUCATION SERVICES