Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Aug 2006, p. 22

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22 - The Canadien Champion, Friday August 04, 2006 * * A * s ; :Index: Real Estate 100-135 fil Business 140-169 Rentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-299 Fax: 905-816-2364 Email: cIassified@miRoncanadianchampion.com *Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470,* HeIp Wanted 500-5 Mon. ta Fh. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classitied ads also appear on www.hakonsearch.com fil Service 700795 For CIRCULATION oeil: 905-878-5947 I' i ENGAGEMENT I John and Joanne Sutman of Milton are pleased f0 inounce the ngagement of theîr daughter Jodi to Xaviel- Vargas, son of Eduardo and SAna Vargas of Maple. Wedding f0 take place, . Summer 2007 DISTRESS SALES Free computerized lîsI of Power of Sale and Company Owned properties. wdlh pîntures, mailed to pou FREE, wîth Free Recorded Message 1-877-617-1275 ID# 3042 Piadertial Tsar Centre Reaty SELLERS Fîed Out WSat The Home Dosn The Street $014 For. Free recorded msage 1-866-456-1109 04#2257 ReRomna Estaie cnna GEORGETOWN & Anlon detanhed $260K-350K, sient t0 own possible. Mi- chael wan realty inn, bro- kerage, 905-574-8882 REASONABLE indus- triai unit Ion rent 1,600- 3.200 sq.ft Loadîng docks and drive-in. 905-277-9347 or 905- 275-6834. COMMERCIAL spane for lease 1 2,000 square feet is dîoîded mbt offines and open spane. excellent loca- tise on Nîpîssîng Rd. aI Thompson Rd. Con- tant: Heather Jackson aI 905-876-1244 ext# il. SMALL prinate uffines - beautîtulip appsînted. Hwy 25 & 401. 1-905- 277-9347 or 905-275- 6834 BIRTHDAY SThe family of Lilian Mathies invite you to attend 9 Sher 8Oth Birthday - celebration ýýàd undyAugust 2Oth 2:3Sn0tpm 5pm n St. George's Anglican Church, S Lowville MLBest Wishes OnIy Please Oorunities NEED balancein yoo tie? Want o be pour own boss? Chenk out the amazîng opportu- nîties a: wwasona or naît 905-875-9067. CANADIAN Man Teanhes How to haro Exenotîoe Level Pop in US$ From Homo 1-800-537-1931 wwsnousavanage.con PROMOTE pour business opportonity to oser 4 mit- lion adott readers in South Central Ontario. Bookr yoor adoertisement in ooer 80 Metrotand nommunîty newspapers 416-493- 1300 ext. 288 Ibr ünablau (Eampon ta place an ad cali 905.878.23411 PROMOTE VOUR BUSINESS t0 over 4 million aduit reader in South Central Ontario. Book po u advetise- ment in ooer 75 Metro- land nommunitp news- papens with one phone caîll Cail fot informa- tion on weekly work ad packages (internet list- ings inctuded) 416-493- 1300 eet 276. 288, 237 0 Polsonai REMOVE pour noiminal records Fast. We do Par- dons and US Wainers. Dontl be embarrassed t1- 800-298-5520 gooernmentpardons.ca SSMONEYSS Consotîdate Debts Mortgages t 100% No income, bad credil OK! Ontarîowîde Fînannia Corporation t1-888-307- 7799 MORTGAGES lrom 40+ tenders. No tees, and we pap $250 tuwards legato. Lawper Centrin Servines 866-497-9449. mort- gage@lawyernentin.nom MILTON Upper tesel of Souse. 3-bedroom, 4 appliannes. A/C, 4-nat parking, large bank- yard, nlose Io shop- ping/HW'Y, quiet street. Anaîlabie September 1. $1 ,200lmth + atîlîties Caîl 905-875-8899. ITON newlp rens- oated 3-bedroots apant- ment. 89 Ontario Street. $t,250/mth + hpdro. 416-988-0890ý MILTON 2-bedroom apartment approsi- matelp 900sq. Il Re- nentlp rensoatedi Nol pour typnat basement apadtment. tnniudes utilities/nable. 5-appli- annes, tws-nar parking, big bankpard. A must seei Adaits, ns smok- ing/pets preterred. $llOOlmth avaîlabte Sept tnti. 416-832- 3072. MILTON t-bedroom basement apartment. Avaîtabie September 1si. New frîdgelstose. $800/mth ail-iniosîve. Contant Debbîe 905- 875-0201. MILTON 2-bedroots basement apartment Bright. spanîsus. A/C. washer/drynt. Oown- town. Asaîluble Sep- tember lt. I 900lmth + utilîties. 905-691 - 0994. SPACIOUS immana- laie. 2-bedroom apart- ment in new house rn nountry. Garage, ail new appliannes înniud- îng washer/dryer. Pri- natre entranna. Close t0 401 Prefer ns pets. Suitabie lot aduits. Relerennes. Avaitabie t September or Ontober. $920/mth. 519-856- 9259 or 905-856-2406. 1-BEDROOM apart- ment in rural Campbell- oitle. Parking, Seat, hpdro and satellite ti- niuded. Suitable lot mature, quiet non- smoker. S85Olmth. Firstllast, referennes. 905-854-8351. MILTON large 2-bed- rssm apartment, 5920/mIS inniadles 5 uppliannes, 2 cor park- ings, anaîlabie August It 905-897-6391. GLEN EDEN COURT APARTMENTS 122 Branle Street South. Milton We are now anneptîng applinations for: 1-bedroomen For more information and/or t0 make an appointment, Pliasse Cdl: 905-878-5375 Building Managers Leonard & Penny DOWNTOWN MILTON Mllelde Tawers 82 MliIside Drive, Attractive quiet build- ing. Spanîsas bright nieun 18&2 bedroom unIts wîth taundrp tanilitp and sonial room on site Reguîar resîdent eoents Open 7 days & eveninge Cati 905-876-1249 wwwrealstar.ca NO MONEV DOWN Free nomputenized tînt of Homes, wîth pîntures, St ,358/month maîied 10 pou FR88, wîth Nu obligation. Frise Recorded 1-877-617-1275 Frudensul Town Cenre Seaty OAC ALARGE, weil main- taîned 1 bedroom. Sall, qaîte building. Heat, water, appli- annes, parking ti- nlucied. Hpdro extra. Ns pets. $780lmsnth. 905- 873-8267. ACTON 1t-bedrm apartment wîth balnup Available Seemr ltI. 770/montSî utîlîties înnluded. Quiet Build- ing. Ns-pets. 192 Churchill f0oad South. Cati 519-853-1281 ACTON 2-bedroom apariment. main tîsor of 4-plex, large bankpard. $910/mortS. park- îng/heat înnladed. Aoaiable September 1si. Cati 416-567-2106. ACTON Large spa- nîous attrantive 1-bed- room basement. $880/montS utiîtîes/ parking înnluded. Non- smoker. Avaîlabie imme- dîatelp. Cati 905-875- 7560. D NTOWN George- toan banhelor apadt- ment in quiet building. N4o1.-..m.kerlno pets. Aoaiable immedîatelp. $750/mortS plus hpdrs. Cai 905-702-3301 GEORGETOWN RENTALS 1, 2, & 3 bedrooms. Check out wob site www.haItonhilIs rentuls.nom GEoRGET-owNi 1 bedroom basement apurtment. $800/month ialsive. Separato on- tranne, near GO Sta- tion. moldes tnîdge/stooe. No smok- ing/pets. First/last/reler ennes. Cati for aoaitubiî- tp. Saîts single temale. Cui Brenda MacDonald 905-877-5165. GEORGETOWN, near Guoet ph/Mou ntainoîew urea. Quiet, mature person. 1 -bedroom basement apartment. $800/montS utîlîties in- niuded.« Aoaîlabie Sep- tember ltI No pets/no smoking. CaI 905-877- 5811. STEELE S/T RA FAL GAR Very large i -bed- room, 2nd tIson. 5750/montS partial utilîties innluded. Au- gust tnt. 4168-743-8224 naît 416-666-8917. No banko needed. Owner finannîng. Bad nredit okay. Cati Bill 1- 888-2-08 MILTON 3-bedroots home. Top-Self. For- nîshed. garage. Avaîtable September ltI $1 .300/mrIt utîilîtes înnloded, CaI 905-468- 2463. MILTON Avaîlable Au- goot lot 4-Bedroomn detanhed 1-1/2 bath. famîly room. $1595/mth + utîlities. 905-854-t 023/or 905- 854-2357. OAKVILLE Short term rentaI. 4-bedrsom bun- galow. 4 appliannes. ns smoking. $1,2tiotmth + otîlities. 905-878-6437. CAMPBELLVILLE noun- tnp bungalow 3+- bedrooso Iamîlp room w/fîreplane, appliannes, 2-bathrooms. No pets prelerred. St 0tOm + atîlîties. Asaîlable September lost. Firttlant. 905-659- 7217. 3+BEDROOM Hosse (Duplex) in Anton. Bright and spanîos wilS mrsh paint and Iloorîng. Large banh- yard and drînewap. Asaîlable îmmedîatetp. $925 v sAilifies. 905- 702-0518. AVAILABLE immedi- atep. Georgetown 3- bedrsom main floor bungalow. St,250/msnth innlades noble and atîli- lies. Frîdge and stove. 2-parking spots, yard. Cali 418-258-6571 GEORGETOWN 3 bed- roomn bungalow. $900 + utîlîties. Avaîfable Sep- tember ltf 905-890- 7078. CLASSY Country liv- ing, 5-bedroom, 4-bath- rosas, s100e flouse. 30 minutes lu Georgetown. $2,495tmonth. Cai 519- 853-3322. MILTON DOwntown 3- bedroom. Garage, 4- appliannes, A/C, $1,.250/ mtS- Option tnt bup $195,000, 5% dswn. 416- 098-598. Referennes, OAKVILLE- 3 bedrosm townhouses anaîlable lm- medîatelp thrsugh Ontober lot. 4 appliannes. Hopedale Mali area. Lakeshore Management 905-876-3336 WATCHMAKEA seeks a moom, M1 Milton, with parS- ing. Cal 905-878-6484. Accoodaion BRIGHT master bed- room and attanhed den (idea lot home offine), wîth ensuite, waik-în for immanotate. single pro- fessionial. rsn-smoher. 5850/mISh Brîtannial Thomysoni Hanna 905- 569-3233 or 905-299- 3233. Supies PORTS Cruîsîng Guides is enpandîng the dealer netwsrt lot Trent-Severn Wateswup & Lake Sîmnoe nraîsîng guide (sew adi- tion Map 2006): Lake Ontario & Thousand Islands, Georgiar Bay, the North Charnel & Lake Huron. lnterested dealers/ retaîters natit d16-691- 0488; emtai orders@portsboors.nsm. 1P.ý1LsttFound LOST digital namera. Frîdap/Julp 28th. Pull of famîip/holidap pins. Please salI 905-659- 6370. ('.aiaei~s"/Iè-'3*.AJ ie tii an Ný(lies lagxaie Frots letst righti Jane Cheong -Marketing Manager, Bel Air Travel. ~ rLiarnt Merdes-Dodgson, Wioner -M J. Merdes Rose Scapin, Poblination Manager, Metrolanid's Lise Il Canada's News Healtlr & Wellness Magazine F"or inore infornatknr cal): M Js prîze nlades Grand ptîzeofn Lise-lt trip gise-away noniteot cnsîsto of a 14 day HîghligIrls of Brnain tour for tmo. innlodîng enonomy 416-4931-1 300 exil 335 - advertislng@iIve-it.c3 nlass roondirip aIrare ttom Toronits PRIZE VALUE: $7000 The tsar DEADUNE FOR FALL ISU August 31 si, 2006 nludes Exnarsions & Sîghtseeîog, Gusded City Tsars, Insight Fîrst Glass Delieredto seciAy slectd hosehids une 006setsices and Quality Dining. ~Ir~aa~,xîr WIflM.I...C VACATIONS r .Trâvet tir, à

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