A18 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, August 4, 2006 POýýRT SPORTS EDITOR: STEVE LeBLANC e-mail sleblanc@hhaltonsearch.com Senior Red Sox set for 'A' eliminations GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPiON RARIN' TO GO: Above, COBA ail-stars (f rom leh) Jefi MacLeod, Taylor Lawton, Kurt Mitchell and Adam Finkbeiner wilI help lead the Senior Red Sos ai this weekend's Ontario 'A' Elminations in Windsor. Inset right, Mitchell ýooks to complete the double play in Sunday afternoon play against Etobicoke. Dimnitrov shines at jr. nationals Daviîd Dimiîrov's sAimming success continued recenily is Calgars, ss-tth a hefty baul a11 the fîrsi- ex cir junior national cbainpionsbips. J ust iwo weeks afier dotniîsating ai the junior provincials in Ottawa, the 14 sear-old Milton Marlîn once agaîn sîood out wNiih fîve medal-wînnîng per- formances. His besi efforts were ý reserved for the 400m indh- DvdD vidlual medley, which he won by a full aîdD four seconds. Trailing tbe leader by a suzable mar- gin midway through tbe race, Dimitrov delîvered a sensational breaststroke leg to completely îumn the tîde. This golden weekend finish followed second- place showings in the 200m freestyle and 200m 1\1 and bron:-tssiiedail efforts in the 400 and 1.500m1 free. .\ýbout &,asctisve aîs ans \larltn ai ai\,s single mncci in receni inemîns Dimitrov also sssam the 5,000m open water race -i to fourtb-place bonours and %vas fîfth in tbe 100mn free. These fînîshes allowed the Marlîns to 1place among the top fîfîb imitrov tnthmof the 175 teams - put- tigten35th overali. Brent Burke was Multons other junior national meclalisi, claîming bronze in the 200m breast- stroke. Alex Davis, Colmn Whitford, Will Wrighî and Paul Zîelinski also reached event finals, while rounding out the Marlins' contingent in Calgary were Cathenine Boyd and bsiissa Ruiz. Miltoný inconsistent hitûing agaiitst top-i evel clubs somewhat concerning By Steve LeBlanc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Heading into bis team's firsi trip t0 the Ontario 'A Eliminations this weekend, Senior Red Sox manager George Moore admits that he doesn't quite know what to expeet. . However, he's got a pretty good idea of wbat'il make or break__ Milton's efforts ai the Windsor- area sbowcase. "We've got to bit the bail, uts that simple," stressed the sea- soned skipper. Inconsîstent l p r odu ct i on agaînsi 'A level îeams bas been the 29-10 Red Sox's onîx' real ibis season-li and proved cost- ' . IN, in ibeir lasi big lune-up to the provincial champi- onsbips ai Brian Besi Park Sunday .iiiei nooni \bilc 1 I bis againsi ire (.entrai Ontario liasebali Associaiion-Icading Eiobicokc Rangers offered ai leasi some rooro foi optirism, Milton Nvas silenced îhrough tire final îbree innings, allowmig the perennial power- bouse Nisiiors to squeak bv witb a 6-5 comeback decîsion. This marked the thîrd straigbt nar- row defeat to Etobicoke ibis year, and dropped the Red Sox's record against 'A teams îo 8-7. Saîd Moore, "We played 'em well todlay, but we just couldo't finish on our opportonîties. We've goî to get the bits wben we need them.' Fresb off an appearance at COBAs AIl-Star Game, centre fielder Jeff MacLeod and sbortsîop Taylor Lawton led the Red Sox's offence in the beart- breakîng defeat. MacLeod - wbo won the bome mun derby tbe previous day with six dîngers - bad tbree consecutive singles and scored the potential game-winning mun, wbile Lawton got tbings rolling witb a first-inning long Y bail over tbe - rigbt field fence. Tbeir bats kept bumming in Clarkson S Sunday nîgbî to help annibîlate the lowly Twins 16-1. Lawîon bigb- lighted a tbree- hit evening wiîb bis second homer of tbe day, while MacLeod had a parof bits. C)îber brigbt spos fromn S Sundav's two- --game tune-up for the elîmîna- tions %vere a near-flaxsless fieldîng camn- paigo and sonme impressîxe relief pitch- ing againsi Etobicoke byv soung Mîke (,r.saulsas. Expecied to base ever. body avail- able for ibis weekends 24-teama double- knockoui iournarnent, the Red Sox kick îbîngs off ibis afiemnoon agaînst tbe Wiîndsor-area Tucemseb Cbiefs. Five other COBA îeams will be part of the elimînations, includîng the Rangers, who won it ail two years ago and reaehed the semnifinals last sum- mer. Arguably one of tbe most împroved Ontario senior-level teams in recent years, the Red Sox made it to the OBA 'B' finals the past two seasons - win- ntng it lasi sumrmer. Their COBA league playdowns comne later tbis month. " 18-hole Cbampionship Golf Course " Driving Range and Practice Faciiiy " Licened Lounge and Bar " Golf Tournamenis * Weddings and Receptions " Private and Corporate Functions Raws " Monday to Thursday$6 " E-arly Bird (weekdys before 8:3Oam)$5 " Twilight leveryday after 4:OOpm) $5 " Weekcnds (FRiday ta Sunday & Holîdays) 175 CROSSWS NDS GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB 6621 Guelph Lisse, Burlington, Ontario (Just south of Derry Rd.) www.crosswindsgolf.com Tel: (905)_319-5991 D- Rd.e.