CMMERCE Monthl Newsletter www. WELCO0ME to the following Milton and area-based businesses as new Chamber members. New M em bers thVe ccit Vlie 0 c l i ilvipa iii iîciti eveini and eincour age voii ic tan, pcani iii one ori more lc the CýhanihCr connln nl)iîienu hsc,înpmenit Cionin1a ' Tîrîi l'iînen cAVERAGE IiES OF ILTO J'ciîi lv p l n.i o iceî and enptct aii MTTHE%%'STINSON - TIIE T<ORONTO i5 \e, cc i ccv ne sme l fi)v flic ceai stt 327c i 'ofi.1 nform STAR cîîcicciîiiîdc Aicicc deocaii MtnONl)T 1ý iocnai macptil i ciiccîicicccc .i1o l ,v iihei}wcccicilciciel l'etc reîccnc iiiri dcv ciccT Aciii ia Contacit aihc liniii iccînoa ii id gininiâ c i ie ' Mv Ta :itviciiiî di.ihî,c ilc li e Ci i i l TdJ>S il i[vu cal maelonngcîc cplicciaicT i n for acie d iiiw !M, hcn, ccc.ccd iivcCiicidhc1ci TI icodiciciccliý,[,i cieiiceinnn cciu incke iiide(i ) af a. on l i il iii 1îP ic l andthe lielie ads Ba ie> P a c trai aiecdahieilcaidi cciiccgict ancecniCaian CcadaiandCnre t i n Aea irsà m nut c i cltici,c awcadicn[i e1ic chsi, cacecng car Iw ii h idn n n hiscicni ic nen loatd aite"'iOks iciza L v usCPHAIL CHIROPRACTIC CENTRE help vi eun covu heai ccfid eiijec\ COLT FENCES & DECKs 271McinS ciet heflet MiltocnO-7 ilrti SL' W LINC O WESTIn,, A 111000"_ * Graphic Design & Typesetting w~ *p Multi-Colour Printing e> *Finishing & Bindery *Full Colour Laser Copier 100 Nipissing Road, Unit Wd omtCpe 9T8 Tl: 905-876-4647 Milton, Ontario LT52Fax: 905-876-1 100 (Behind Milton Mal) FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY ROBERT (PIE) LEE INSURANCE AGENCY Lits Dualt - AniuuIit fjl - LM - MISP's - PJk iI Fmsd (1111M.1.L.) - RESP'u Bob "Pie" Lee Kim Mitchell 245 Commercial St. Milton 19T 2J3 OFFICE 878-5786 FAX: 878-3692 collision & ÉPaint Cail Steve Boers 706 Main Street, East Mitlon, ON (mi5 M ill SKD[ COMPANY 375 Wheelabrater Way, Milton (905) 875-1427 (416) 798-7099-1 INSURANCE AENCY INC. worl ng for o HEALTH, DENTAL AND DISABILITY INSURANCE Available for as fcw as one person on Croup Rates Fcaturing - "Assure" Prescription Card Group Life & Health Specialist P.O. Box 152, Milton, ON L9T 4N9 Roger Lauzon 905-878-1633 Fax 905-878-1671 BIRD PACKAGING 671 Sîlriihgiaic Pli Ginih liN Contact: Bian Seir Sales Heprecentiacc Tel: i 8001 d65i7P122 hec i 1S14 lit -1idl acea.hday-inc ver Bird Packaging is avcirragaied pcacknaging, mnanalaacce ihai apeciaiceci n diapiain. Tartiitions. stipping cartoîns cîd induqcci Tacksnb% aiiing cccl cirengihc ccc dcccigi. icnidaci maniiaciaring aidac.emciaeris aid an iidacinciclading ieiveiii anagemient ced iicisiciiccccien BIRTH CONN'ECTIONS .Mi it n ce vN Contact: Meicc a cc i Cice Tel Fhec 90cli li dc, enca h-wicihcicne. ccci. Cocntact: iiian andManiiacic Tei 9r15-875 ualý Vi carea Miltoin haced fan ciiicics. andc Tncadspnsorscof Miiin Ytîih Sccc. colt Fcnic & Iick> oficcposiiniaaiiciciccin hcginicing il end and a ccc, icar iiiiid Si i,4 savai chia. cai lir a te Cboat ilcar ccnciihapccini i ciarc LIZ HARB(JSIP, ACJ2ESSORIES Coniact:ia Iîîiarbiccînie idiit Jvc: 9li5Vinci c6i0 Miiuiaciiioriiîîiii >llili,chin hatand Contact: Manii Mîi'haci. iincc Teli il 0005cli Mci'iiaii Chicipcti ic ee i, uniidicisacd thei cau eai u cocndiionciid heipccicaiîo uiniaithc hailth îcinccqicnic ofichcci viriiiaikc. Eiinoiie agniecshaih incic imrnt tiCiernileiicai dnieicicaiheaiih [S.e l goal iii hcip clv hracv heiter heaiih hi clngicil o thi eîc wegvilc h Ach tiiinane goc i hnaiih c iiiiccs ROYTAL LEPAGE NIEADOWTOME REALTN - CHRIS LIGHTFOOT 17i.7 Monei i i liii. SI Contact Chci i ichiii.ii ccii> iicpccciai ici: ci7i Ilo iý 405 17,, i I il iMain St. S l'~ceicie l iti' Iliii Conctv iccei Mîiaii Finala i'iar Fax. 1115 <54cil i Ourciscionc i to rccide or cientscwihthe eci es ficnal planning, reirernen planineg, vcaiih mainagernenti. cccranca hcikiie, andcrnpiciihnticii sneli .îîaîiahic. We ara ionnc iied ici set a standard ciiiexcellence in ,arTprosioin tiehai reftciiih, impotacnaceil cccii or ccini iheiccliciofou clint and tihî famcilles Renewal Memberships - Repeei cacirit( iicnt \ ar A special thanks to the fol/ou zng busmnesses for their continued support. Aitec Industies itd i)minFiinaliîraup Kachaccici incigîi & ietintrlPl i'Sadqaec-cc cle., -Ilarrni Atiantc Bearing &a.ivsIl nn Imen iini cedciid aniphill Baron Bac -<ST intenprise eni--car M. PutzeriinrilcNanccniid Bansic varIflic, Borner Bdrgain Barn Fouar 'easnn Beniing Mettie Hiil Tee Scien , hnoahnccni Construtao ]Jr. ian Bnu] i hn-Shine Enintani. nn Miton Chnnnier Iiedge Lidi Siapies Businessiiet Basinens Jievelepineni Hank ni Canada Snez Tte Clonin Milton Cnmrnanciv Banai,, Centre Tarnhll Thrnpscn Chaiendccantantn The Centre -iGien AShen Executine Search Inc Miltnn Evergee Cemetera tni SOn ni Miltn Career and tarinre [ienevprnen HbI Ont Milton Milinanne Coliion nI. Walter I)epn Cline, Medical Syciems Ine. Hunt ChrYnier Jeep N. & W. Caiening Wheein uriner Training itd Coinar Warkn Priniing Inc Indusirial Ceramnics Laimiied Nnrihnrn Croup <niai) bd. Danietiens Finrain Irnesinîn Group Jgi(;rail & ccsicciaiec ni. JULY BUSINESS AFrER HOURS An exciting addition to, July's Business After Hours More than 70 Chamber members and guests enjoyed was the presentation of the Chamber Scholarships which - the BAI- meeting ait Miltowne Collision I. also co- are supported by different events that the Chamber runs Ihosted by Miltown Computer Services Ltd. and throughout the year. The deserving recipients of the S.T.R.I.D.E. Ail who attended the event had an excellent scholarships were Lisa Brown, Melanie Koso. Danielle time and enjoyed the opportunit to network with others Tetrault, Elissa Whitman and Tyler Winter who will ail in the community. be pursuing post secondary education this faîl. B.AH. Co-hosts L to R: Larry Green, Miitown Computer Scholarship presentation L to R: Leslie McLaren - Chamber Services Ltd., Jan McCabe, S.T.R.î.D.E., Lance Stevens, President, Ron Hudson - Chamber Director, Elissa Miitowne Collision Inc. Whitman, Tyler Winter, Danielle Tetrault, Mike Shepherd - Comrnittee Member, Melanie Koso, and Lisa Brown. Twiss Lut ai nts Lfd., Family il s ince 1977 32 Steeles Ave. Unit 15, Milton, Ontario L9T 5A1 eQ5# Î59S Fax: _07869 Too Khc o mua ? il MILTON CHAMBER 0F COMMERCE MEMBFERS AND THEIR EMPLOYEES Save up to 55% on Auto anmd Home Insurance! 24 Hr Claims Assistance Open until 8pm on Thursdays 1A-775 Main St E. Plice 90-5-8S76- 160-4IG7 i O E or Faxs 905-876-1001N ~NOE j ,