Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 4 Aug 2006, p. 16

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A16 - Thte Canadian Champion, Friday, Auguat 4, 2006 JOHNSTON PETROLELJMS GALLENGE FORD LICL A TrdtosfVle&TutSne16 65MIN STEE EATMITO MEF<CEF< u 1 jui ci t> e rcîl ticcu îuîîtîiht & MLL *Full Service Accounting for Individuals and Corporations *Personal Incomne 'Tax *Financial and Retiremnent Planning *Estate Planning Wi//iam J. Mercer. FCGA. CFP Bl/ake Mercer Hon BA, CGA 245 Commercia/ Street M//ton, Ontario, LYT MJ T 905-876-1144 F 905-876-4209 wwîs.mercerandmercer.com *Sa/es & Services MiltOWn Software & Accessaries *On-Site Service Computer eRepair Deoa Services Netverk/na/tos *Consuiting -.LEXMR Výcross froin *eGWOSiiation 905 878-M51 Mais-Pt, 9-5:30 -SW. 1-2 Fox 905 876-1013 L~~"Ourrdesiners wlig create Camrie Visit aur sara 905-818-0000 ~ 18 Thompson Rui, Milon www.olatinumhomeimprovement/s.com "%M1LT ON CHAMBER 0F à . www. chamber. milIton. o Il Ji'ithatsimple! You canocu on you busines whitevou ree e President's Message Leslie McLaren My message thîs mon/h is bh tiioe/x. t/ti tii or unpreieden/ed /teat woî'e and bene/icial /0 our Chainhe'r îoembers. 1 am p/rosed tîs annuice t/te Milt/on Chamher if Coimmerce Memher-tii Member Natura/ Cao /'rogram! Thte Milton Chamber oi Commerce in crnîunctîuîn ai/h ECNG tAim/ted Partnersh/p /ECNG lPt has created a naturat gas buyîng group program thai helps smo/t bus/nesses ciin/ro/ iheir energy costs thriiugh a priiven prîîgram that consistent/v beats t/te luoca/ g'as utitits' prîtes sear a//er sear. Members can participa/e in the Managed Portfoliîo and yîîur business is p/aced it an experits' managed **Burîng Grîîup". ECNG's energy experts wi/I purchase na/ora/ gas on yîîur behalf as part oif the group and pass oin the henefîts fruin buving targer s" iLimes tir a dîs'ersîfîed group. ECNG's iean of experis wi// purchase and manage .i/t "i t/te natura/ gos for the "Btising i.uuî.Ercry aspect is taken tare if four you: ECNC sei/t maniage a// natura/ gas negiitia/iiins. t/te physicat niomina/ions and the ba/anting requirenîents un \ii tr heha/t. Yîuu ai/t recei îl lne imouice per renih thrugh vi 'tr gis titi/ the henefits of/tic Managcd /iirtfo/îo's huying power with the confidence if hcing part if a larger group. JIENEFITS Consistently ou/ pcrforms uti/y prices One price givcs cos/ certainty Croup huying power Expert managcd portfolio Simple sign-up One invoicc per miînth No penalties for over or under consumrption "T/he Gue/ph Chamber ut Commerce has of fered its members a group natural gas program, managed by ECNG, since /991. T/te program has consistent/y provîded /ower naturai gas pr/cing than uti/iiy rates. T/te Chamber has a terrîfîc retationshîp wîth ECNG and we look forward f0 worktng wîth ECNG for many years to corne." tan Smith, Presîdent & CED Guelph Chamber of Commerce. Tii /cdrn mire about thte Miltoîn Chamher of Commerce's Managed Poîrtuo/io for natura/ gos contact Tracy Currie at 1-888- 989-15/il ext :3268. Jus/ onc more reason tii juin ithe Chamber and get invo/výci w//h a/I the gooud things happening in Miltuon' Are~f1IMilton and Campbellville's OL YoU ye complets Business Directory If you adverfise your business in just one pubi cation f/os year ...make sure ifs thîs one. 28.,000 If is f"te" source Mi/fon ans refer fo for a/il their business and home-re/ated purchases. COf leS distribuled Io Dur mosf soughf affer pub/ication, de/îvered door-to-door inc/uding a/il new househo/ds and a businesses and offered free of charge year-round at our Chamber office. homes in ltlonj CatiAndra Bale rbar Campbell taday at 905-878-0581 ta rosorve yaur spaco. Camrroundng aea ,t......2m5 5TH MNAL S ORTSCELEBRTY DINER & AMION VpWVVVW~ ~Autographe: 6-S >mn Diner 7:00 p.a. EattIambm P.". Gl Clé FARMERS' MARKE T Sm '5401 anal Mo2 a. Saturdays 7-00 a.m. to Noon Proceeds to the Chamber SdeoWaship Pund. COMMUNITY AWARDS GJA AUGUST BUSINESS AffTER HOURS Saturday Marcht 31, 2007 Tuesdy August 22, 2006 Cocktails 6-00 p.m. Dinner 7:30 p.m. 5.1)0 p.m. to 7:00 pxn. Cet Ridge Golf Club At lie Fbidaos Cuir. for hUily Law, Ce«Om ng and NeMshion 9503 D"lt Liu. 11064 511 Lft. RA2 Its never too early to nominate a businessperson, business or citizen Vmst an ideal country seting and network with your fellow members. for thte 2006 awards. We will b. s/uring thte spotljgh with memnbers of the Halton HilIs Chambe so corne and meet your ne4i/bourl SEPTEMBER BUSINES AMI'R HOURS SHOWCASE MILTON 2007 Tueuw sep X MMore than a Home and Leisure Show. '>'n .June1, 2, &3rd, 2007 Villisd U aikaudMilton Sports Centre at ù Old Train StatIo% Chwt.bPa Pb Once agamn- we wilt be hosting t/te popular consumer trades/tow testuring Milton businesses coordinated by the Milton Chamber of Dioesa AfteHomi ar ellefmt ofi<n~,l t Commerce. Watch for further details in this spacet P.Apeth mW e m r i*b .. at an omW aw&erqmiL - Industrial * Commercial " TrDubleshoDting " Pane! Building " Pole Line 400 Morobel Drive, Unit 1 Milton, Ontario L9T 4N6 Tel: 905-876-2519 Fax: 905-876-3903 www.arthurelectric.com ,ELECTRICAL CONTRAlC70R$ 1

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