A14 -The canadian Champion, Fniday, August 4, 2006 HFS receives accreditation Residents urged to protect Halton Famîly Services recently î.nsure hotb clients and funding t trnm11r i, oiwcioi lt ll,,ithemiselves fo ibugý bites Credit Counsellin1, Services. Halton I-amily Services bas eamned9 Tbe accredîtation process belps accreditation twîice in tbe past * from WEST NILE on page Al virus to bumans after becomine tbe deatb of an Oakv] Super financing. Supersavings. Super selection. HurryIn for 10%/ to 40%1 off. reported to, the health depart- ment more than 980 dead birds - a littie less than baif found in Burlington. The purpose of bird surveil- lance is to establisb where West Nule is present. This information helps the medical officer of health for each local healtb unit in their efforts to prevent and control West Nule illness, according to the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long- Term, Care. Local health officiaIs are urg- ing people to protect themselves from bug bites. "This is the most important time to take the personal protec- tive measures," said Matt Ruf, the region's acting manager of environmental health. Health Canada bas saîd its around late JuIy and August wben buman cases of tbe virus typically start to appear. Tbat's mainly because tbe species of mosquttoes tbat bite botb bîrds and bumans and potentially pass on thc virus become mnorc prevalent. Mosquitoes can transmît the infected by feeding on tbe blood of birds carrying tbe virus. Measures to protect against mosquito bites, according tbe Halton bealtb department, include: e Covering up. Wear ligbt- coloured, long-sleeved sbirts and pants witb tigbtly-woven fabric; - Avoîding being outdoors in tbe early evening to morning. Tbis is wbcn mosquitoes are most active and likely to bite, as well as ait any time in sbady, wooded areas; a Reducing mosquito breed- ing sites around your bome by getting rid of ail water-filled containers and objects. Change tbe water in bird batbs at least once per week; * Use an approved insect repellent, sucb as one contain- ing DEET Tbere bave been no buman cases of West Nîle in Ontario this season. In 2002, Halton was the botspot l'or West Nîlc activity in Canada, witb 60 buman cases bcîng diagnoscd. resulting in woman. Tbe Halton numbers accounted for approximately 15 per cent of ail bumain cases in tbe country Tbe number of bumain cases bas declined significantly since tben. About 80 per cent of people witb West Nile infection bave no symptoms. About 20 per cent bave ilI- ness cbaracterized by fever, beadache, muscle acbe and rasbes. About 1 per cent of tbose infected become seriously ill. Maps sbowing tbe locations of positive-tested birds, as well as standing water sites on public property tbat bave bad larvicide - a safe-to-bumans pesticide used to kilI mosquito breeding grounds - applied are avaîlable at wwwbalton.ca/wnv. To report a dead bird or standing water, or for more information about West Nile virus, caîl tbe region at 905-825- 6000. WenEil Ffgumo Gm,,ooecmho LaolioYSiooo Wff '4997 Mwiwttb,,qRoo,~ SOS -T.bit - oe I~3AG -2[0_ W-., ' ý.VkN- - www.1abot to.iT ffliIday MoTday 1"4; Tuesday-Fnday 10-9; Saturday 9-6, Sunday 10 -5- The Royal Canadian Legion Thne Legion still cares' The Legion wishes to ensure that eligible veterans, ex-service persons and dependents receive ail benefits to which they may be entitled. If you're inter- ested in receiving information and/or help concerning the benefits provided by Veterans Affairs Canada or AIIied countries, please contact Laurie MacNlab. JL Disability pensions " Preseni pension assessment " lmperial/Allied Veterans " Appeals against adverse original applications for War Vexerans and Widows Allowance " Merchant Seamen Serving 1939-45 Allîed Nations J Funeral J Benevolent Funds J Veterans' Independence Program J Treatment The District Service Off icer will be in Milton Tuesday, August 22, 2006. Contact the Branch Service Off icer betore August il, 2006. LAURIE MACNAB 905-875-4607 Paleo Modular Pavers BB Brownli Moega (arMyeAneii io9hLM &-CRed ed,"9 *hgAohoT i99I* MonrSa1orngRý ofa~~ t GeTTTF 5RedeuN Sofa "9» iff TOCK LASTS IWO"'