Milton's Community Newspaper Since 1860 kWeeend Edfition iAuto t1pltolstery Repairs 781 MAIN ST. #1 2, t W MILTON 876-4lt8 i N EW S Watch out for 'phishing' S POR T S Senior Sox ready for'A' elirninations AAUVM, joii IlU iý idUa iiXamTpLOncoiri A &E Kids invited to 'Camp ONE' GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION BEATING THE HEAT This week's sweltering heat sent many to the beach at Kelso Conservation Area. Here, two-year-old Camryn Kossel gets a lîttie relief - cooling even her tongue -while pdlîn near the shore, Waste-to-energy initiative going ahead Plan could extend Halton landfiMl life by 2Oyears By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF lThe Region îs moving forward witit plans to set up a facilîts tit would couvert waste into energh ielpîng leugîben the hife of lialtoris landfill by up to two decades and gen- erate enougit power for about 18,000 bouse- itolds. lThe announicement was made ai a press conference \Vedriesdav, s'with Regiolnal Ciarman Joyvce Savolîne sitaring detaîls ou the initiativse tit could c osi ahisvtere between$0 ad $800 million to estait- lish ai the Halton Waste Management Site un Regional Road - iu front of the wastc issue and exploring thte opportunlit to implement a sale, JyeSvln clean, green, state-ol- iyeSvn thte-art faciliiy usîng world-class tecitnologys she saîd. -Bs implementing a made-iu i talion ecig fromr wasie (EEW) solution, 1-alion. is n unique and favourable position tu becoirn self-suffîcieni in mauaging our waste and cou- trol our own destinh." An F'N facilitv is described by the Region as ait electical powser generation plant that couverts ttceiteat energv iii solid waste materi- ailot reioc be energ' uislng adva~nced thter- mal tes Ituologics. While an image o! anr old sityle iiîcincration plant mas' corne to mind for sorne people, Savoline assured titose ai the conlerence thaïs not the case."\ir not going to bc bus ing a 1960 (beys liete." sie said, adding that the Region ssîll provide the "hesi possible prod- oct"' for its residencs. Comnoissioner o) Planning and Public W\orks Peter (rockett explainied the thermal -see PLAN on page Al13 West Nule in Halton Dead bird in Burlington tests positive for W/NV By Jason Misner SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION West Nîle bas officially surfaced ibis year iu Halton. lThe Canadian Cooperative Wildlife Healh Centre iu Guelph bas confirmed a dead crow picked up by the Halton Region Healtt Departimeut iu Burlington on July 25 has tested posi- tive for thte mosquito-borue virus. lThe crow, found in the area of Tremaine Road and No. 1 Sideroad lu Burliugtou, is the first West Nile-posi- tive crow found in Halton thts year. Last years first confirmed case of West Niue lu Halton was lu Burlingion on July 15, also lu a dead erow So far ibis season, residents bave *see RESIDENTS on page A14 Today's Champion OPINION A6 DATELINE A9 CLASSIFIED A22 REAL ESTATE B5 a'w rftoncanacLar.-harnp'cncom Inserts: FiLL DISTRIBUTION - FO0D BASýCS - COVEES* - ELL COUTERS -SOBEYS~ A HE BRICK PARTIAL DITRUTION *SEAES - CANOAIA AIRE -PIZZA HOA*- HOME HARDWARE *ASHLEH IiRNITURE - PRICA CHOPPER.- RANtA FINE ROQUA - SEARS* t EST RUA. UA&P* -FTURE SROP - HOME OLPOT .SHOPPERS ANUS MARI* MChHAECU THEA SAURCE AH CIRCUIT CITY - SUPER PET www.miltonto SUMMER BLOWOUT JOi N S MILTON MAIL joqiEub-J-l CORNER OF m -Aue&so-wyEs * tR MAIN & ONTARIlO GLIT z CASUAL--- CLASSIC 878-9446 Relax and enjoy, but please don't drink and drive this long weekend. 751 Main St E. Milton e (9ffi) 87&R119 (Aeross from GO Station)