A6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Augual 1, 2006 OPINION (78 A Ns'nîc nsîigli suggesi lialton cotiticilîtirs tîîîk lise easy e ay oui ieeuily seN'Ill theY tîrred docîs a cîlîzens' grolp's lequetltoi- a reglois- wide pesticide use hvla\wý After ail, ss heu il coînes 10 pesticide tise, il's a case of damnned il sou do, damned if sou don't. And reallx, whio wants to juggie that bot potato in an election year? * In fact, regionai polîti- cians ieft the decision for * pesticide use whcre lit has been for years - in the hands of municipal politi- clans. The Haiton residents who appeared before regional councl urged couniciliors t0 ..stop peddling the poisons" and have even asked some municipalities to introduce a byiaw to restrict the use of pesticides for cosmetic pur- poses on private property. DEAR EDITOR: Thanks to the ongoing generous support of many groups and individuais, the il th annual Ladies Dnive 4 Cancer golf tourniament was a tremendous success agaîn this N'ear. Wýe wouid like to thaîsk the 140 golfers for their enthustastie participatiotn in the events of the day. You made our efforts most enjo>'- able and worthwhtle. A special thanks goes out to the Milton and surround- ing community. The generos- îty of our bole sponsors, prtze and auction item con- tribuiors and cash donators lilowsevet-, others insisi tisai iiuiied and selectîve use ofl esticîdes on îosunieipails'- owried property t- thse Isote prudet routle ici 1liîs' i'he Regioîi's lisalîli departieis coneurs, as il conitinues 10 support a ' pru- dent as'oidanee" approacb to pesticides. lis the end, regioîsal count- eil approved having Chsair J oy'ce Savolîne write to the federal and provincial gov- erniments urging îhemn to take a leadership rote on the issue of restriciing non- essential and cosmetic pesti- cide use. White that syrnbolic ges- tut-e is ail weil and good. we doubt either the provincial or federal government is ready to bump pesticide use to the top of their respective to-do iists and it will likely remain a municipal issue. Readers Write Sand yourk lers to mltoneid@hakitosech.omor drop them off at 875 Main St. E. Roads becoming like speedways DEAR EDITOR: Has a date and location been decided for lte fit-st annual Miltonapolis 500 race? We have many hopeful contenders on our town sîreets and litie rural roads no doubt anticipating an opportunity to display their drlving skiils - or iack there of. Der-y Road might prove to, be an excel- lent course since it's reasoniably straight, and spectators couid watch fromn both aides of the road. Altemaîivey, Appleby Line would be a challenge, wlth its snake-like tut-ns. Perhaps the developers concensied would permit tetnporary bleachers t0 be erected before coliecting their millions and moving on. This letter lis in no way a ctiticismn of our police departiment. Despite the lt-agie bit- and-run accident. increaseil home invasions, usual fender benders and dt-uggies and drunks, they somnebow maintain order. They can't be everywhere at the saine time, and conaide-mg the numbe- of officiers available and their increased workload. they do an excellent job. Our local bistorians have carefully docu- mented te hard-working families who ieft us a quaint litIe tois wilh heart and cha- acter. 1 hope they will be as diligent in recording those wbo've destroyed lit. We have long amnce passed reasonable growth, and now the taillas waggissg the dog. Some cail it progress, but aimply put, Was out~ and out greed. ELIZAMETH HIARRISON MACARTHLNt DRIVE was remarkabie. Many of you hav'e supported us oser the past il years. XVe wouid aiso like to tbank Granite Ridge Golf Course's staff and the Aibatross restaurant for their excellent service. A s'en' special tbatik you goes to the tireless effort ofi the coînmîîtee and volun- teers who put in monîhs of very bard work helpîng futidraîse and organîze the day's esents. WVithoui your help and dedîcation. we couldn't hase done thîs. The efforts of ail of these people enahied us to raise DEAR EDITOR: 1 had to laugb out ioud wben 1 read Champion reporter Stephanie Thiessens openîng sentence in ber Jul>' 18 feature story entitled 'Students volunteer in Afnican nature reserve'. She states that summer is a time for'many university students to pack away the books and bead for a tropical destination'. 1 tbink a more appropriate statement would read, 'For many university students, aumnmer lis a lime to put away lte sweats and $28,000 thîs year, bringing out total contributions to more than $278,000 in sup- pîort of breasi cancer research. A poriots of thîs year1s iunds wtllI be goîng to Milton District Hospital tossard the Isurchase ol a much-needed CT scanner. Again. please accept our heartlt gratitude, and we look forward to your support in 2007. CAROLE SHARP, ORGANIZER LADIES DRIVE 4 CANCER jeans and put on the business casuais and uniforms'. Ail the studetits i know are spendîng rbeir summer workîng fuil-tîme - or ai multiple jobs - to save money for the pns',ilege of caîl- îng ihemseives universuiv students. White a summer on sandy heaches sounds wonderful, sucb a generaltzation may be bet- ter suited to descrihing spring break. OUVIA HORBASZ MILTON Thorny issue grows UINITED WAY OF MILTON TV AIICTION M ILTON SANTA CLAUS PARADE VYMÇA Showcase Miton e GALA Awanft z:j cEanabian c4~ampion Miltons Cimiii t N Newpdpet SFse 1860 875 Main St. E., Milton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Editonial Fax: 905-878-4943 Adverlismng Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 wjww.miltoncanadianchampion.comn Publisher: Ian Oliver Associate Pubilîher Heil Oliver Advertiaing Director Wendy McNab Managing Editor Karen Smith Production Manager m~m Coles Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Teri Casas The Canadian Champion, pisblished every tsiesday and leiday ai 875 Man StE., Miltin, Ont. L9i 3Z3. i n of lie Metraland Pinii, Piiblishing & Disttnbutiîî Liii communlity ewspapei. Adveriing is acceptind on tne uondiion Pt. in Pie evn fa iypoqiapial erro. Piai paostion ifth adver- tîiing ipace occupied Sp the eeroeeos itet, tiqelier wiii a tearonable allîwance for signature, i noi Se charqed lor. but Itie Salance of the advertisemeni will Se parti for ai tie applicable rate. The publishe reserves the ight ni ctegoise adveriiennenis or decline. CCAB Audited Recognizend for exc-lin-ii-,e by O c a Ontaaio Coemieinty â , S Newspapers Assoiation Neispopers Asoiation Suur Snîla Ne spapeil oIPeerica lire Ciîîadiï-oi Chiaipion s pî proo.ind for -LJM AR_ Thanks to ail who helped make Ladies Drive for Cancer a success Lead of feature article wasn't appropriate as many students spend summer working