Turbitt set to umnpire World Cup once again By Herb Garbutt CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF From the moment i I-yesr-old Lisa Turbitt umpired lier brotlier's T-bal game as a last-minute replacement, she was hooked. 1i loved it," ahe said. "I wanted to go out that day sud see how 1 could umpire at the higlier ievels." After numerous clinies sud now with about 2,000 games - who teaclies sev- entli grade at Cliris Hadfleld Scliooi - is agaiu taking lier skills to tlie higliest level. PHOTO COUT Thts week shlil be cail- Lis Turbitt umç ing baUls sud strikes St WVomen Wl tlie Womeu's Worid Cup in Taiwan. lt's the second time in a row that she lias been assigned to the women's base- bail cliampionship tournamrent. At the inaugural Women's World Cup in Edmonton, Turbîtt - Basebaîl Canada'a 2004 Umpire of the Year - worked home plate for the gold medai game. However, unlike two years ago, wlien there were six Canadian uimplires, dis time she'll be the counnrys lone representative. It wili also mark thse firat time she's travelled outside Canada to umptre. p c "This, being an international event, is very exciting. lim very honoured to be representing Canada. Every tume you get to do aomething like this its exciting. lts a new opportunity Not juat the basebaîl side of it, but its a country 1 haven't been to before." 0f course, umpifing international games does have a unique aspect in that many of thse play- ers sud sometimes even feilow umpires don't speak the samne ianguage. "Sometimes (managera) coe wi tli their own interpretera but it's mosdly univer- a. Basehali is basebail is basehaîl." SY OF JOHN LYPRIAN Turbitt lias lielped Ontanio's female deveiopment progrant, which runs umpiring clinies ac-oa the province - contflbuting to, the increase of femnale umpires. At is summer's Ontario Summer Games, both the peewee sud hantarn girls base- baIl championshipa will have ail-female umpifing crews. Turbitta love for the game extenda beyond umpifing. She continues to play lieraelf, agai behind the plate as a catcher in the Burlington Women's Fastball League, and is the pitching coachi for Ontario at the bantam girls nationals in Grand Prairie, Alberta. la iYow Takia Appll&itons For Morxt Sanoins Rop resai ***ALL LEVELS AVAIJUNLE** -M BALL - 1lm -lm -liiII MOmmIT - 1997, MJOMOS - Ilm, osPEEE - 1 M, " «MO IlWE - 1994, " MLIIORIATAM-i1993, " MAMO SRAITAMll- 1992, 0*M si- lm - lui. Incn asaure yau t/lo ail did a t/ret job. T/te tact is, /lawever, mhat tee nead mare t/tan nîne board meinSers ta ma/te a season t/te succasa tf sbeu/d Se. I wou/d lave ta seS parents tram t/ta yasnger sgt graupu step tmrward We tiai t0 teains baawaeen aur 2 yaungest divtsians t/tus seasan and thaa la mare t/tan t/te 5 aIder at/a graus combinaiS Thase p/ayers are t/te basa Irsin w/lic/t t/t/s association man andS wlI grsw Wa need ta hiave peap/e stap sp and tic/p ta ma/te mfat liappan. t sinceraly liape ta sec ysu a// at t/le AGIO T/tanks Ric4atd e4am Aw/.at Mflu miner Imaaat - ---- - - - - - - - - - - AS tlie President Of Mil/ton Mirer Basebal, I would b/te ta take /i.ç appoctunity ta tian/t ail tlie valunteer coachea and board membars for t/teir liard wor/t t/du seasan. I knaw this season lias flot bean wdtliut its lilccups. butl1 be/touae att players s/taa/d liave t/te appoitunit' ta play and anîoy tlie gaine I wou/d b/ta att/lia lime ta nvit AL paoentu ta lp us ina/te nasa season aven baffer Wa wl//be /laving sur Annual Generaî Meeting an Saturday. Octabar 7, 2006 at t/he tSoyna Cammsity Centre. Tliis meeting is an appartunlt'/ for AUL parents ta g/e inva/ved wtt/ t/e runntn ot tItis arpanizabaon. iliere were an/y mie tu/t ine board members t/lia yaar anid as a resu/t ex/t was as/ted ta perfoan aavera ditfeailobs and tasks ta make t/lis seasue liappen. Thse Canadian Champion, Tuesday, August 1, 2006 - AIS Marauders destroy Imperials By Murray Townsend The Marauders closed out regular season play with an embarrassment of riches Saturday alter- noon, pulverizing the lowly Sarnia Imperials 67- O on the friendly confines of Milton District High School. Their l4th straight victory on home turf did- n't exactly feature much resistance from the expansion visitors, but stitl served a number of purposes. "The pressure was off today," said liead coach Ban-y Emo. "lis been a tough season, so it ws refreshing to go and play the game for fun." Not that there wasn't work to be doue. "We weren't tryiug to, run the score Up," Emo stressed. 'But we also have a playoff game uext week, so there were certain thinga we bad to do." One of those was getting an often bit-sud- miss offence in geai. and quarterback Josh Spanick - in bis fl.rst game of the season at the controls - was sensational i that regard. After losing lis starting job i traiuing camp, he once again looked like the player who came in st season when Domenic Camastro wss mnjured and led the tesm to the league finals. Spantck even sliowed his veraatility by kick- ing a 25-yard field goal to start the scoring parade, and booted the extra point on ail but one of Miltons touchdowns. On SarniA, second and third possessions, Marauder Antoine Bridge turnied out to be an unwelcome receiver, intercepting two passes sud takcing over the league lead in picks with six. Chad Kennedy capitalized on the interceptions Milton ahead 17i-0 by the end of the first quar ter. George Baiden, Jon Nedeljkovic and Matt MacPhail each added majors before the haîf, which ended with a 38-O hammerlock on the regular sesson-ending mtsmatcli. One of the few holdovers fromn the MaraudeWa fiast season, MacPhail kuows first-hand what it feels like to play on a winless expansion club. His 30-yard interception deep in Sarit territory was remarkably siniiar to the one lie scored on in that tougli first season. In the second half, anotlier original Marauder - Ryan McGill - came into the game sud on a quarterback keeper near tlie goal line also scored a touclidown. Rounding out tlie scoriug dowu the stretch were Mike Long sud Kirshawu Thonipson, the later on a huge 47-yard scamper. 1Chris Green provided the higliliglit of die game for Milton in the tlird quarter. One of the liardeat workiug sud most dedicated Maraudera, lie'd neyer seored a touchdown sud bail only previously cauglit one posa. Sponick connected wîtli hi from tlie nine-yard fine down to, tlie two, and dieu on the next play, Green caught dhe bail agatu, dis finie i the end-zone. Wnth the Tri-City Outlaws losig to, Oshiawa Saturday, Milton fitshed first i the Nortliem Football Conferences Southeru Division - witli s 6-2 record - and will now liost tlie 3-5 Sudbury Spartans i flrst-rouud play at Milton District Saturday Tlieres a possibility tihe game will be puslied bock front. 3 to 4 p.m. to, acconi- modate thse nortliern team's travel. S-ý112 PRICI CLEARANCE SALE 11a2price on ail Sufmor tock! Always NSOied AU BAS Y EGUUPMENT! MILTON 1$ GROWINO AGI and we are Uookhug for carrierts te dei Ail Applicants Most Be (Or Be Wiilin&Té Becomo) Cortlflsd Levul 1 NCCP Coaahes. Ail Application Need To Be In By No Later Than AUIGUSI 15, 2M0. They can be dropped off at 897 Childs Drive or emailed to mmba_.board@hotmail.com. (Please note if you e-mail tem that you must recev a response ackowledging their receipt - DO NOT ASSUME WE RECEl ED THEMW). Milton Mn maibamll wuild aima 11km te Invite ail cunumm players and amy ml playors who atted tryouts ta pMe-rmglm r far mali m n at 11M maons pricem. Ail cuarent hom laup players can pregimter on SATURDAY AUGUST 129 2006 AT ROTARY PARK. THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE...