A10 - The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, August 1, 2006 Chamion Countr y Calendar dedicated to respected Lowville resident Lopies ot me iuui LSmN1ii Lommunity t.aiencar - dedicateti to Harold Ledsham (inset right showing the 2006 calendar) - go on sale next sseek. By Robin Downton-Poirier SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION Before bis death on lune 1 after a bout with esophogeai cani- cer, Harold Ledshamn spent many years striving to make Lowviile - the town he called home - beauti- fui. Its because of his hard work thut the Park Edition of the Lowvilie Community Calendar 2007 will be dedicated to bis memory Ledsham could be spotted walking through the Lowvilie Park with bis dog, watermng plants throughout tise village and participating in various commttees to keep the integrity and heritage of Lowville intact, said David Haley, a member of the Lowvilie Community Calendar Committee. "Harold was a highly-visible neigis- bour," said Haley Ledsharn chaired the Lowville Ares Residents Association ([ARA), which worked co-operatively with thse Region of Halton to, insure duat the reconstruc- tion of Guelph Une through Lowvilie would protect and preserve the charac- ter and heritage of Lowville. He also spent the st year of bis flfe working to create an aluminium ban- ner that will be hung in place of the FREE SALT FREE 1HSAL CM3 ManS» as it Ontario 906478-2474 flower baskets throughout the village in 2007. Ledsham was aware that the cost of buying and maintaining the baskets through the Beau tifi cation Group of Lowvilie couldn't be sustained and the banners were a more cost-efficient and attractive solution, added Haley. Ledsham was a foundmng member of the Lowviile Community Caiendar Committee and was instrumental in the researchs, marketin and promotion duat contributed to the calendars suc- ceas. lts for ail these reasons duat the Park Edition, one of seven different covers, wiii be dedicated to bis memo- "y Harold Ledsham lived in the heart of the village of Lowville and the village of Lowvilie iived in the heart of Harold Ledsham," Haley said. "His struggle with cancer may have ended on june 1, but the impact of his efforts over the past 25 years will be feit for many years to come." Ledsham was aware of bis picture on the calendar before bis death, said bis wife of 51 years, Edna Ledsham. A Culiga W Nbaé uio symmh eaaae bouisd wat qealiiy rigla c yau *ep. i rsdao - - - s iuan amd lin Ip wowq mua lsad, SdOm cie, .AI *wslehMis Ma doenno Caullgoe CMa mcà. VUei a Co C 4UDNW@m i ~ -~7 She said he was very honoured and happy about it. "Harold and 1 were members of the calendar committee and he was shown a mock-up of the calendar before bis death," Ledsham said. "He was very honoured and a littie overwhelmed with the attention, but he was happy about it." Some residenits have also, initiated the creation of a stone bench that will be placed in the Lowville Park in Harold Ledsham'Ès memory The officiai. launch of the 2007 Lowville Community Calendars will be August 9 at 7 p.m. at the clubhouse of the iowville Golf Club. Calendars go on sale the foliowing day at Kilbride General Store, Different Drummer Books, Spice O'life and Harris Stationary. For more information about the cal- endar, contact David Haley at (905) 335-2136. To contribute to Harold Ledsham's memorial bench, caîl Cindy Powell at (905) 319-2186 or Edna Ledsham at (905) 332-7780. Firefighters mnay pay visit Don't be surprised if a firefighter shows up at the door of your country home sometime this month. Starting today, teamrs of firefighters from the Milton Fire Department will visit rural homes to, educate residents about the recent change in the smoke alarin law. Effective March 1, it became a requirement that ail Ontario homes have a working smoke alarm on every storey and outside ail sleeping areas. Firefighters wiil be handing out information to help residents under- stand the importance of complying. WALMNART CORRECTI1ON NOTICE The 15 ft. x 48 in. metal pool (#771816) advertised in our current flyer (ending August 4th) wiII flot be available. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. If vow ', » - have apo, a* us. Ifyffl have spots, Ca a linCI@r 1- > 1 ". ý 't thý,;tt, www. cowitr y her itagep a rk. Co [il