Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Jul 2006, p. 7

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The Canladian Champion, Friday, July 28, 2006-A7 Resistance to creation of pesticides ~ymMt Men's Christian Union us e bylaw just doesn't make sense brnhetablished in Milton DEAR EDITOR: I've read a Icuter to the editor written by Pbilip Walker from Milton congratulating Milton counicil for rejecting a radical rush to probibit garden prod- ucts in Milton. 1 wish to express tise exact opposite perspective of tisis let- ter. Tise following are Walkers arguments and my rcply to cacis. -Walker leads us into think- ing that hecause pesticides are recognized provincially and fed- erally they pose nu thrcat to human isealth or tise health of our ecosystem. Examples where this isn't true - cigarettes, gaso- lie, Thalidomide, VIOXX, Agent Orange and DDT. And these are just off tise top of my head. Now according to the lit- erature review by the OnLario College of Family Physîcians (OCFP), pesticides do pose a nisk to human isealth. aUnder no circumstances will tbis bylaw impact the use of pesticides for traditional farmers and those in food 'production. This is a bylaw for cosmeîîc use of pesticides. Farmers haven't iseen unfluenced hy this type of bylaw in other municipalîties. -The OCFP pesticides litera- turc review outines the scientif- ic method and isow papers were included or excluded during their review proceas. Thousands of papers are included in tbis review. They even outline, as any good scientihic sîudy will, the bias that may exist. In this case, tise bias was minimal. *Otiser major reviews of pes- ticides and herbicides showing no risk to human healîh were mentioned in Walker's letter. 1 searched for these so-called other reviews - including thse Fleming Review and review by the New Zealand Environmental Risk Management Authority - and couldn't find thcm. Where are they? The review by the OCFP is s0 easy t0 find. Ail sumeone must do is Google pesticides lit- erature revîews and there it is - aIl 186 pages of it. ,In Walkers opinion, the idea of freedom of choice for the homneowner far outweighs tise împusing of a'draconian law'. In my opinion, when tise choice of a homneowner imposes on the isealth of me, my famnily and the communiîy we have no choice. Is Ibis not the hasis for the ciga- rette bylaw? eClaiming that the spread- ing of anît-life cisemîcals on our lawns is going tu save the aller- gy sufferers from noxious weed pollen is absurd. One of tise major allergies peuple suffer is tu the mosî cummon plant on a lawn - grass. In Walker's letter he ques- tions the truc intent of tise envi- ronmenîal movemnent. He daims the intent of these groups is concealed, and attacks these groups of peuple stating they're devoid of reasun and wish to impose their will recklessly First, tisis is more a health issue than an environniental une. Second, its a rigisîs issue, wîtis my right tu dlean air, water and soif. Lastly, our will is tu improve the healîh and quality of life for ail Canadians, now and for the future. We base our will on science, logic and natu- raI laws. Society bas targcîed the use of cigarettes where their use impacts the health of otisers, and laws were made. Society is now targeting pesticides where their use impacts the bealth of others. la ws have iseen made in major urban centres lîfe Halifax, Toronto, Newmarket and London against the use of cos- metic pesticides. Its only a mat- tcr of lime belore Milton is on that list. When Milton counicil holds the meeting for ail the stake- holders involved in the pesti- cides bylaw issue, I will bc tisere representing our children. Tise scientifîc evidence is there and thse peuple are asking, but the political will lags behind. To spray or not to spray, there's nu question. DR. KYLE GRICE COBBAN ROAD Early moming wake-up by construction work on a Saturday wasn't appreciated DEAR EDITOR: I was awakcned Saturday (July 22) betwcen 7 and 7:30 a.m. by noisy construction suunds. Alîhougis somne peuple un our sîrcet - Williams Avenue - arc retircd, I lîke many of my neigihours work full time and was louking for- ward tu catcbing Up on my sleep on a quiet Saturday monning. I realize tisat our street ta under construction and it will last aIl sumrmer, but is it necessary for it to start at sucb an isour on a Saturday? - espe- cially wisen tise road grader made only a few trips down tise road and left by 8:15 a.m. Since tise work didn't continue for tise remain- der of tise day, its inconceivable tisat sucis an inter- ruption of my slecp was rcquired. Upon geîîîng out of bcd, I decided tu take a walk and met a neigihour wiso had been sîmilarly dîsîurbed. White its noted that under Town bylaw 16-84 construction ta penrnitted lu start aI 7 a.m., I îhink il's unacceptable tisai a worker decided îo finish up smooîising tise diii road when il only lasîs lor 30 lu 45 minutes, lu tise deînrment of tise rcsi- dents sleep and isealtis. RENATA BARRERA WILLIAMS AVENUE 'Tuinte Capsules' are gents of infor- rnatiort extracted froin past issues of The Champion and other publications in ontir to provide a window into Miltont past. Explanatory comment is sometimes provided to place the situa- tion mn context March 1908 A branch of the Young Men's Christian Union has been established here by Miss Ruddyr formerly of New York, wiso was for years a mission worker axnong the boys of that city in connection with the organization. Officers were elected last week as fol- lows: M.E. Parles, President; G.S. Bowes, Vice President; Elgin Ford, Treasurer; and Arthur Winn, Secretary. Committees were also appointed. The membera, wso, are generally boys, are pledged to abstain frm thse use of alcohol and tobacco, and they are encouraged and trained in healtbful sports, pedestrianism, bowling, boxing, running, etc. Already the brancis has a very large membership. Miss Ruddy bas pre- sented the boys with a first clasa pumching hag. Boxing gloves, mun- ning suits, mine-pins, etc. are being ordered. An Englsi expert will teach boxing, another will train runners. Judge Gorisarn will teacis club swing- tmg, and Capt. RM. Clements will be drill instructor An applieation will be made to the council for the free use of a roomn in tise town hall. At present meetings are held at the Royal Templars hall, where tise next will bce held on Tuesday evening at 8 odock. This oîganization is non-sec- tarian and bas done splendid work among boys i tise U.S. It dlosely resembles the Y.M.C.A. with which dhe local brancis is likely to affiliate. It should receive every encourage- ment froni tise people of Milton. Councillor J.W Blain is out again after being about six weeks in quar- antine on account of bis two children having scarlet fever. There was a large attendance of delegates to tise convention of tise Halton Liberal Conservative Association of Halton on Saturday at the town Hall. Dr. A.W Nixon, M.PP was tise unanimnous choice of tise Time î capsules * meeting as candidate for the corning election for the Legisiature. He claimed that the record of the Whitney Government was such as should dlaim -the support of every cit- izen of thse province. David Henderson, M.P received a hearty greeting. In bis speech he charged the Laurier Govemnment with extrav- agance, giving the public domain to political grafters and with other delinquencies. April, 1908 J.T. Hannant has sold out his hardware business to M.E. Nixon of Ashgrove, who is well known here, having been in charge of Clements & Co.'s store white Capt. Clements was at camp at Niagara. At a Iargely attended business meeting of the Y.M.C.U. thse names of thirty young men were brouglit in by one of thse members as ready to join, provided the pledge was modified to allow the use of tobacco outside thse Y.M.C.U. premises. The matter was discussed and a vote taken. It was almost unanimously decided to, keep, the pledge intact, only three or four votlng for a change. When the illegal selling of tobacco and cigarettes to, boys in Milton is completely stopped it will he time to take tie Inatter up again. The pledge stands pat. In the eyes of the church trustees and the town counicil neither the church building nor the town hall is a pmop- er place for the boys to flnd legiti- mate amusement. Meanwbile thse bar rooms and the isotel sitting rooms are open, and the various places where cigarettes are sold to minora are doing business as usual and the boys of church members and ratepayers are receiving their accustomed wel- comte. This material is asseinbledl on behalf of thse Milton Historical Society l'y Jim DilIs, who can l'e reached at jdills @iidirect.com. TRa i ,IIssIo ^ SINCE 1976 ri *Automatic & Standard *Foreign & Domestic *Trucks & 4x4's *Clutches & Differentials *Front Wheel Drive *Front Axie Repairs 2M V#7. soeaw AKm " FREE Inspection " WRITTEN GUARANTEE on ail work " FREE Towing within 5 miles with major repairs I ideLMI uw INATIONWIDE WARRANTY AVAILABLE 185 STEELES AVE. EAST, Units 39,4 & 5, MILTON 905-878-81 56_ 1

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