The Canadien Champion, Friday, Juty 28, 2006 -B5 Avoiding West Nule virus by cleaning U-p around your house (NC)-Mosquito season is here and you should make sure you know what steps to take f0 protect yourself ftom West NBle virus. The best way f0 keep mosquitoes away is f0 dlean up areas where fhey like f0 breed. Unlike birds or other inseots, most mosquitoes do flot fly very for and tend to sfay close to their breeding sites and normal habitat. Take a look around your house and prop- erly and get rid of mosquito-friendly places that would make good breedlng sites or rest- ing places for mosquitoes. Remove any type of standing wafer at least once a week * Clean up and emply containers of standing water such as oki tires, flower pots, wheelbar- rows, barrels lin cans or small containers like bottie tops. * Drill holes in the bottoms of used containers SO, water can't collect. * Change water in bird baths. Swlmmlng or waclng pools * Remove water that collects on pool covers. * Make sure the pool's pump is circubufing. * Turn over wading pools when not in use and regulaly remove any water accumulated in the upturned bottom. Yard and Iawn maintenance " Turn over compost frequently. " Collect, recycle or mulch lawn cutlings, raked leoves or olther decaying debnis such as apples or bernies that faîl from trees. * Fi ll n0lw depressions in lawn areas. " Clear ouf dense shrubbery where mosqui- toes like f0 rest, Check eaves and drains * Clear leaves and twigs from eavesfroughs and guffers fhroughouf the summer 0 Make sure drainage ditches are nof clogged. * Check fIat roofs frequenty for standing wafer. Check windows * Check windows and door screens for holes and make sure fhey fit snugly into the frames, so mosquifoos will nof get indoors. Whait are the symtom of West NDle virus? (NC)-f you have any of the folow&Ing symp- torm seek medkzal advlce. These may be early symptoms of West Nule virus lllness or of many other ilînesses. *fever *muscle weakness *stiff neck *confusion *severe headache *sudden sensii0y f0 light Extreme swelling or infection at the site of the mosquito bite is another reason f0 seek med- !cal attention. This may or may flot indicate West Nule virus infection. If you have concerns, consuit your physician. WEST NuLE VIRUS FASTFAT (NC)-Here are some fast tacts about West Nule virus: - West Nule virus flrst appeared in Ontario in 2001 - The virus is transmitted by mosquitoes that become infected by feeding on an infect- ed bird experience miid illness including fever, headache, body ache, nausea, vomiling, and a rash on the chest, stomach or bock 0About one in 150 people infected will experience serious symptoms including high fever, severe headache, muscle weakness, stiff neck confusion, tremors, numbness and sudden sensitivity f0 light - Four out of five people bitten by an infect- * Symptoms usually develop belween lwo ed mosquito do flot show any symptoms and 15 days affer being bitten by an infect- O f those who show symptoms, most will ed mosquito BIG ARDEN SALE FOR LL YU LATE GARDENERS! DIRECT FROM THE GROWER ~ Many Items Stili Available! Ail Hanging Basket only Buy $ 499 e 4eachFRE LOIS OF (1REAT SPECI4I S... DROP IN! 3S Ail Annuals 1 Buy 3, Getl1 E!, FREE! I JuIy 26 to August 8, 2006. Offr aalable while quantitios. lest. Dotails ut Rona Cashway Milton or ut rona.oa. j MILTON LOCATION ONLY., GRNA GADN 661 Trfaga Road Hornby1 (Betý-cen ritan ia&Dr0 -N-1o1s1 & Retl 905878710