26-The -Canadian Charnlpton' 'Pday JuiVý ÈÈ, kdde6 I~ïïï IdId Slle &WouHI Office He Ip oHep j~eHein p1 jâcaIHeîp op- HVAC Technical Rep. ...when opportunîty knocks flred of belng on rail ...worklng long hours... diving ln heavy trafflc ...WELL LOOK NO FUATHER....Our Oakvlle based client GLP Canada has an opportunity for an experienced HVAC Toehnlcl Rhprissmmtalll. This is an opportunity for you to put your years of HVAC esperience t0 work providing support for the company's clients across Canada. You are qualified on HVAC equipment; hold a gas technician certificate and an AC refrig eration license. This is a secure, challenging growth oriented opportunity. Don't delay: Contact: gbusteedOnewsource.ca Tel: 905-825-0280 NewSource Managemen7t L td. ., *, DMMEIAT Jain sur fast growtng Company manufacturing Architecturai Panais for the Windsw Industr. We ara cantinuiog f0 gtow anal hava apenînigs for full- tima Positions in the fllwing alepartments: * Light Gauga Matai Shearing * CNC Preas andTurret Oparatots * Migfig Welder Sonme heavy liffing is raquîrad (SOlbs>. Ceai candi- dates must be practical team piayars interasteal la grawiag wîth an enpandiag business. You wîll te- caîve campetîtive wagas, and a csmpuay paîd benalit package on un excellent working environ- ment with potential for advancament, Pieuse upply an persan ta: Spandrei Tech Ltd. 16 Cita Park Drive Brin, Ontaria NOB f TO Senlir Craphlc Designer We are loofng for a creative senior graptvc designer wittt at least 5 veurs corporate and retait design exeerrence. hou wore in Mac OS X with a total command of Quare 6. Illustrator CS. PhiotoShoop 052 and have a shaep ee for deuail. Cou must Se able ta work towards tigt ueadlines, very orgaoîzed and hlaue excellent problem isoliîng skeills Mfail 2 porfo affipinf or sxume in erfidoxce to STEWART DESIGN GROUP 10 Mountaîoeiew Rd South Suite 210 Georgetown Ont LtG 4J9 Plastics Extruder Operator/Supervisor *Ability to set-up die part 5 -fs years expenience ao an extruder operatur *Mechanicai abilty *Trouble shuuting knuwtedge ut etecticat practices 1 year ut cottege training in etectronico and/or pneurmatics woatd be an asset *Basic wvelding steitîs (Sput velding) *Past supernisor eoperience wud be considerred an asset *Must haee experience haodlieg plastics *Must be able tu, worlt as an nperator and supervise the ohop dariog their shit $154S20/r dependlng on experlence Submtt reaumne toi: miton@atevenareaourcegroup.com or Fax: 905-87848312 Bot Contruction Limîfed, a Genetal i [ Coottactot in Road and Bridge Con- struction has immediate openings fotr:~ Heavy Equipment Mechanics Lîcensed or noo-licensed union ot non-union me- chanics may appl. Apprentices are welcome. Please fomward resumes ta: Caroline Browning Bot Construction Llmited 1224 Speers Road, OakvIIIe, ON 16L 2X4 Fax: (905) 827-045 Email: posltlon@botconstruculon.ca We thaok ail candidates for theîr btttereot however attly those seiected for an interview wili ha covtacted. se, pa e .0radi LICENSED TECHNICIAN Raquineal. GM expaerianca an assa Tu set ap- pointment contact Chris Jenny et 905-844-2320. Emal resume ta sjenny@ townechev.com __jia~s T a yî I ,rM ovinq & Storaqe, es ,tahlished, rince t59 ALcountls Fleceivabie Ciersi /IT Administrator This is a Isîl-time position, 35-40 hous pet week. The succesalul candidate will be able ta multitusk and have a otrang computer background. The 0lrteî rat f a weill ha $f2.00 ta $f15.00 pet gor pndno epatience and computer SkIS. Company hanelits are aeailable aller 6 mantha. Please sanal al resumes ta the attention of 1 Rick Taylor by fax (905)632-8130. MEDICAL RECEPTIONIST sought for busy nea Cosmetc Dermutology office in Oakvîlle. aeofer ahih ophisîcated working environ- metwîoustes te adl technalagy We are seek- ing the f1901 perosor lot sur office. Exscellent com- munication, orgueizatian and irterpertonal akilla are essential. Experience ta a delînîte asset, but a positive, winfvng attitude esceeda esperience reqoîrements. KIndly send a resume to psblack@cogeco.ca Clerical Position p- 8 month contract We tequira a csstsm- et oriantel persan wl/ developed off ice skilias Ç puceal faampaced l/a work environnment. Senal rasume to: Techmaro Label Systemos Ins. taaaifhe 650 #23 Lagion Rd. 45tt1t Burlîngtoa L7S t T5M i Fao 905-681-7072 info@teckmark.com BILINGUAL * Biliga~oi Moiida Englishl French. PLeaLI fa 10 amn r 1905-7"96211 tbesay BOOKKEEPER f htfl'd~ SmaflAccsuauing )10 arn fo Minimum 2 oamFrd expertance. Email renomse ta alcowal@dkcons.ce lstie or or fax ta lsk or 905-337499l Monday f0 Fniday Pieuse stata salury r 05p expectat ton. 9a o5p SaesNp Sae fl k1 Ageets &Aes i [ Bell World, National Wireless Stores BRLN11AeVEN HOMES lx aeking 11a titi the following positions FINISHING TECHNICIAN & SERVICE TECHNICIAN Succesalul applîcant must be proleosiona, Ener- getic, arganized with a psitive attitude. Must ha skilled in dtywalling, painting and carpentry. Needa ta be a Self starter able ta, wark wîth minimal supervision. Must have strong organîzatianal akîlînanal ha able ta supervise and motivate Cthers ta complete their requîred wsrh. To Apply: email: jobs@branthaven.com Or Fax: Randy McGuire @ 905-333-1720 L Aoi 01 Y Office(Admin Supeirvisor Buriington Location We currenfly have ut openîag an our Burlington location for a ful tîme Off ice/Admis Supemîisor. We oller a genaraus Compensation Program, Benelit Plan lor full lime, Training, Opportusaies faf Advaacement and a chance ta work in North America's tastest grawîng quality lurnîture stareas- Lazsoy Fumiture Gallenaes. Vas must bave related eopatience, reiiable transportation, excellent communication skîlîs, a willingness f0 leara anal a flexible schealule that permita yas lx wodt weeltends andl eveningo. We are now taiig applications in Permo on>' ut the store - f120 Brant Street, unit4, Burlingtoa. e7 Leneral nvestments s i s a aa busness seeking an sopetiencel, multi-tasked, cmpetent inalividual ta wark at the Head Office so. cufeal ut 40f/Winston Churchill, The successîsl candidate mruat have ut laast 10 oears of practical office admislmgmt sapanience. You will ha wothing with multiplie campanies anal supportiog Sr. Mgmt. Yau must ha computer literate, fluent an English anal holtieeping axperience is a plus. Stroag interpersanal skilîs & fleoibilitji ara requireal while warking an a fast paceal envîroomen. We aBfer job securt, vuriety & competîfive salary wîth haneftis. Forward your resume with caver tetter tai: sjlewis@Welnet.ca Office Manager/Admin. Assistant Marketing campano lan Burlîngton loakîng for Sep- tember placement. Muat have escellent knowiedge warking wilh POs .... Excel, Word, Microsoft Office... Goîdmine an asse. Abîlîfy f0 work as a teum pluoer anal meet deaoilinaa. Esperience work- îng on the telephone in aither customer service unior sales. Ability ta mulfî-task numerous cam- paîgrsaiu aro gîver lime thal requirea shîgh-levai of attention. Pis responal vis email ta cheryi@idea-factor.com (la Subject pieuse type RESUJMEI Insurance, Investment Administration Associate You will be raspoasibla lot prscassîag anal admin- îsfaring Lite lasuranca and Inuestotant cases lot a team af senior advîsors, Ysu will oversea paading cases to completion, pravide rapodting and ango- ing administrative support. You have anergo, alter- tisa ta datail anal excellent communication SIS. Relevant esparience an usset. Salar, bonus, hanelits with esperianca. Fax Lusa 90582-0074 Emait Imayea@wiserlddeli.cam Canadase Largest Vetticte Auction Houes Full & Part ima Opportanîties - General office Caties, tlexible houes in a faut paced enviroomant. Wie will train. Fax reaume to JudiO0 905-475-2910 SfTa-ng aal~im;lrs Excellent cuatamer cate computer akRillo Previaus retal experience Produot knawled e in the telecom înduatry canaidered 0000060., For consideration, emait resumne ta ahornlng@natcel.com by 6:OOpm, Tuesday, August 15, 2m0 We fhank you for your intareot however only thasa qoalihieo applicants wîl be cofacted Managers in Training AsorlMafîagers & Sales Counselors Since Januaty 2005 LA Weîght has been changing liveollt salditional locations scheduel ta open this year Customer service focusel passionate about sales Sales/Customer Service eaperience deaîred Extensive Training, bandfits andl opportunifes for advancement Outstandng Compensation Email otephanle@lawlontario.com Fax: 1.705.727.0180 Varlous locations acroas Minsissauga, Oakviila, Burtington & 2 locations in Brampton Fuît lime Permanent Positions Oniy Apply Today L A ~B O Y Furan UR N1TUR E GA LL E R ES- NEW STORE OPENING FURNITURE SALES PEOPLE NEEDED We're openîng a new store an Etobicoke- Queens- ay at East Mail and we're seeting talented, eope- rienced Ful Time Sales Consultants wîth a back- grauind in sellîng hîgh ticket items at retal. We aiss have apenînga at -OakvilielMississaaga Border, Brampton, Burllngton andi North Mlssssauga. Yas must have reliable transportation, excellent verbal and wrînen communication skills, and a flexible achedule that parmits 000 o work on week- ends andl some evenînga. vie affer a geners Compensation Pragram, Company Benelit Plan, Prolessional Training, Op- portunities for Advancement anal a unique apports- nity ta wori wîth Canada'slasteat grawîng hîgh ~uaity lurnîture showrooms- Lazboy Furniture Caes. We are 00W takîng applications by phone only 24 haurs a duo - simply cal Charlie ut 905-700-500 when prompted ta 'enter an extenson' -000 dial 15,then Cia #6151 ta respond ta several ques- tioas. Wea togte aou înivdal tua u abt tumutve ot her and unt he a positive attitude. Great andurtuty or maur sudn an OKb moms. G peat discuantol «# Have you receatly taken an early retire- ment, but stil1 want f0 be part of an eacit- ieg refait team? Il so. we have the position for you at Island Ink Jet in Milton Mail. H-AWKINS ANIMAL HIOSPITAL P/T Veterinary Assistant Required+ Woatd suit mature Otudent. Hoars Mon-Fni 3.4Spm toi 7.POpm Two Saturdays (pet month) 8.3000c 3.OOpm Must love pets, be compassionate, and able toi communîcate wvetl wvith clients and col- leagues. Must ha willing foi work hard and fast in a multî-taaking environment. To start mid-August (Training) Resumes by fax please: - 905-875-6853 r National irelesa eTrttî t e ti tre awl complette communications solutions including Internet, Direct-ta-home satellite, Wite-lîne and ý5 t ilVe autiyrates tadtng -a,ut r Plus vatiable commissions Competîtîve company beneîta. e )ý e ts ttakviltl/MiSSissaUga/Bramton orse locaions