Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 28 Jul 2006, p. 25

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. 1 The Canadian Chiampion, Frîday JuIy 28, 2006 - 25 alirHIp GnrlHp al HIp ~ Iep GenIlHep nrllp GHoIP lmHep RoIeP ~ eta ptfie Sales Associfftes & Delivery Drivers Stephenson's Rentai Services lnc. is growing. ldeally you have prevrous experience within the rentaI indsstry, or have worked wrth heavy construction equipment. A dlean drîvîng record is a must for drivers, and excellent customer service skills are required for both positions. Weoffercompetitivewages.comprehensive benefits and incentise programs. Please apply wîth a resume 10: Stephensonos Rentai Services lnc. 901 Steeles Avenue Milton, Ontario L9T 5H3 Fax 905-876-3367 Email: dmelnechuk@stephensons.ca Stephens*ns RENTAI SERVICES www.stcphensons.c a We rhank aIl whv res-qnrd. hirwever please nte thar vsly ihore applicanîs heisg cvnsidered will hL cîmeracred Personal Assistants A physîcally fit and enesgetîc athlete with aatîsm (Budingtsn location) reqaires two mature, flexible, creatise people to provide pemaonal assistance with ail aspects of daily living tasks. We are searching r for assistants wfth personal istegrity wha stnîve 10 treat ail pesple wfth kindness, respect and dignity. In lte masnîngs (8:30am-t2:30pm> focua on fit. DMj vigsrsss walks, hikes (5-8 km), warkoots sn tht gym, suldoor activities; espenienceilsve of ran- ring preferneit. in the attenssons (3:00pm-6:OOpm) foco alth and nutrition shopping, meal préparation, knswledge of hslîstic nutrition an as- set. Prefereaoe viil be gises bo applicants with ex- cephsenal social networhing skiffs and experience, teha lise in Bodinglon and have a oniversity degree sr the equivalent fle and leasnîng experience. As- tistic and musical skills an asset. Cas is essental. r $Bttlhssr, plat mileage, 15-20 houar week each. Please send resome and lettes detailing yos espe- rience and intereot by Augsst 11 to the attention aI P.Nei1175@sympatico.ca Pleaae sole. We are a tamily, natan agency. We aincerely thask ail applicas, however, we are onîy able tai contact thase selected tar an interview. VOLVO Of OakviIIe seqsîres the islawing positions: Sales Consultants We are lsoking for a motivateit, positive indîvîdual thal woald be interested in a great caseer apparto- nity selling a psemiom bsasd like Valsa. No sales experience reqoired, terîl train, Sales Co-Ordinator We are lsoking tsr a hardwsrking indivîdual with esceptional srganizatisnal shiffs and a keen eye for détail. There is currently sne position available . This is a fsîl-ime positon which needs to0 be filled immediatey Applicante must hase a high ochool diploma. Evening &I Weekend Receptionisi We are*looking ton a part-Urne evening recephiont to worh Monday-Ttsursday 4prn 10 8:30prn and Sat- ardays Bars ts, Spm. Stodents welcome. Alt leterate appllcants for the ailote pasi- dtons are Invttd tai apln persn ta 770 PuctRoïd, Oakvfie, 905--8M. FULLITIME SERVICE TECHNICIANS Flexible hours... competitive wages... benefits... computenized sysfems... Professional Certification .Scholarship program and incentive plans. We are looking to TRAIN motivated individuals who enjoy customer interaction as el as servicinq vehicles. Plfas apl in pe .o - 90 as t. Wet .0. -ll ACCEPTING applications for Pick-Yser-Own season startrng laie Augusl throuah to end oI Oclaher. Weekends and holiday Msndays. -Parking lot -Cashitro -ScItovI tour guides - weekdays-only -Food service -B.B.Q. area -Greelero -Farm animal area Pttaae apply in persan ta: Chudîtigh's Farn 9528 Reglanal Road 25, Milton, 10-5 Any day W apa Irepelîse lpoifti Loa OSA pprsve steel ed shsebst reuresiredvd]! o h issa Plese futor ardres a: Hemnn ullman - Resou/rce (lu Fax:t (905um) 542s4113it Capans freeie ftkig 456 Tafalgrod eel le L6J 3H9ot aoore r a careerwceysrwr maeP ifre lease f vrward yeun o r reuetHun reo akrtevafxa Fx90537-11 crew6 Trfaga has ailile It He laknge thfbor) a a dhesre vou ear s tlemakes 3 ifrne das a wk (Wene trouhaatoSnf Oakville vTia sa tl adoor-to-oor eliver ga vn vard ark anl ey oking fraut indepen-l o darety thbttr ados anirety and ax trag sne by dlvrin espasibliyand ne- liabilit ae mand atay )t esdne If ygou wOukllie & epltor This i rl a opptodorunley p or eand easued cointact Bo e 05-67-8795f Wto e re okigfr relpiably sanibe- Youthsit ar nd Adults ordorutl dar deline peAs cnactBoL 905-6787925 I OT /odtet 0fUL CARIER NE Saturday/1Sunday Sun Newspaper nleGeorgtto lAdeMteaa "For re nfrahuleaae catll Georgetow/Asmn: 905-7M-5960 We are laaking for adaîts, individuals or crews, who have a reliable vehrcle - the larger the better and a desire ta eass extra money by deliverrng sewapapers wlth llyer packages 3 days/week. (Wed-Fsri-Sa) ta residences throaghoat Oakeille, Burllogton or Milton. Thrs la traly a doas-to-door delîvesy prsgramt and is hest saiteit ta those who are sot afraid af hard work. Matanrit and a stssng aenae of responsibility and relrability are mandatory, If you would lîke to explore this opportaoity in more detait please contact Bob 905-637-8795 THE POTTERY SUPPLY HOUSE Supplying gotters & ceramîc artista since 1958 reqaires a: Respassibilitis Phane & retail sales desk; Pro- cessisg onders; Prsvding product & technrcsl infor- mation, Basic sffice dutiea. Qualificaltios Eecellent cammanicatianîorgasîza- tissa, computer typinglsavigatisnsl skiffs, Phone etiquette, Time management, Able ta lift25kg. Apply: bsmyt@psh.ca.; Fax: 905-849-000 1120 Speers Roed, Oakville, Ontario, L6L 2X4 no phone calis please SECURITY TEMP!/ PT $13.00 /HR Reporting ta work 10 minates Nsrth af Waterdswn, an Hwy 6, the candidate must be have their ows transportation ta get ta and trom work. This is a temp. (apprsa 3 masîpostias. Applîcanta are re- qaîred ta be a mînsmam af ilyrs, clean-cat, seat sn appeasance, gsod communications skîlls, physi- cally fit, satislsctosy drivîng record and have ns crîmînal record. Police FsasdationsLawSecarity as DNO an asse. Part-lime candidates shosld eepect ta wark 12 haur shifts inclading Sandays and hli- days.. Send DETAILED letter and/or re- surie: AVERVprotector@aol.com 4W ete(o fr meain- 'Ihuua o hu'ISenas *Uce A ftseaa Ceitn e bod"t for Mumu and fternail Coaches. Un you sUe cçed ancedioedge of head t f eto h* om mbqs ree theW heats and we2gtrt lum goMi. cou4neh Sillery plan bemeaa Ask UsAbo ut.. work6p* Part-i _ _ _ Home Helpl Needed sn Bvndington'OakvilieMiti homt cltaning fsr stnisrs and s disabilities. MusI hast ows Irant Cleaning expérience ana Fax: 905 844-5656 Emal: auaanh@haftanheplng AfllJ[TI; PFOI)IPFfl à-y- NOW HIRING FT & PT AOUATIC 125. COORDINATOR _________ & INSTRUCTORS Starting at - $11.e0$l5hr! 905-339-3000 - Need a Job? Are you 16-24 ytara old? me We can heîp Norkers cal nta provde JOB CONNECT duits wrlh at Sheridan ipeitaron. 905-878-4956 ;set. Ihandaca 1 DUE ta grawth in reglan, Martin Building Maintenanoe, an ISO-registered dlean- ing campany, seeka Fuii-Tlme Heasry e Dufy Cleaners for tht Milton Regin.. Experence an asset. Wacle ta benetied ~he "p.Transportaton~ h r> 1T SCHO L B S D IVER NEDED Fumture Store Fret Training - Pant-Time Maure reqarres I Perfect for retintes and hamemakers' UITM (Yo1r pre-scirooi children may ride viih yo I ULTM jf11a hav ehorsa ay1adjth1j TRUCK DRIVER campanry af children, please contact us at Some heasy Ilftng 905-77-2251 or 905-877-4448 requrred. Thiaining NOWN for September Fax resume tai 90582-5226, MOVE S L OKIN FO oeil 90582-1868 CalPeter: 905-877-6183 alunre pensas required part-lime ton paint & alpopues stase workinq with tht public. Wrlling ta work ose evesrsg & Saturdayo (3tthr/wetk) Eop. as asset but rat necessaN. WiI trais. JOBS AVAILABLE Praduction wosk 5tht MILTON arta, Al ahifts avarlable HCR Fax- 905-876-4090 or Tel: 905-876-4661 310 Main St. E. Ste. 205, Milton Clene eeded inthe Miltonl Oakvlle area Mon - Fri days Paid training Vehicie an asset Call: 905-875-0391 Rlequises FulI-Tîme help. Transportation to yard a necessilo. ELITE SALON SEEKS TALENTED Assistants & Jr. Stylists If yaa're thrilled shoot hais and motisated lo be ysar hest then establish yous carter with as! At Ventre we take son junior staff very seriosoly Frsm the sapport we offer teithin the solos, csm- hised with training in sus unique in-house academy (tailored specifically for sur junior team); ysu wil develop adsanced studio techiques and the confi- dence that wli enahle yoo to reach ysor creabsve and fiancial goals. Opportusity awadol! Join sus teamn and be part of the besl thîs isdaotry has lai sffer; simpiy emal a résumé with covening-ienter to Jess HR@salonvenere.cam, fax ar deltver R ta any one of aur lacations. Grow your Passion! VENERE SALON - SPA mm. s alIons e ntare . c o a SÇUPERCUTS M Side . ut aLir.âcnia ~ Hep Fonicift Driver (Raymond Reach) Must have 2 yms top. as ShippenlReceiver. $13/hr-40 hrs/week Order Pickers Must hase l ys top SaperCals vilerss a tbe $tO/hr-40 hroîweek tout paced, fun ard tlesiblt Posiions in Oakville workisg envirorment ao sý Send ressac Attn: Fal Bentef ncad Carol, 905-8599 Advarced taining *Fret eqoîpmîrt *Apprentices Welcome Col 1-877-700-0062 90.88.34 805-487-4901 slkt o LotIjiI jýllil Sldllad & Slied & AECBiglV EOUIPMENT FLEET ANALYST Aecan Civil and Utitities - Milton, Ontaria. Essentiai Functiona and Responsibiides: " Weekty distribution af utilizatian reports " Devefapreent af manitaning taals and praceos; nesalving software/hardware is- sues as required # Caardinating distributian af eqaipment tleets and develaping cast contnal tacîs * Fleet cast analysis supparting mainte- nance espenditune and capital budget plan- ning Position requiremienta: * Esemplary communication skilîs " Praofiient computer skilîs are essential * Gaad undenstanding of construction eqaipment and fleet aptimizatian stratégies pneterred * Callege Diploa / University Degree an asset Forward reeumne and cover letter quot- Ing 'Equlpmest Fleet Analyst' to: E-mail: hr@aecon.com or Fax: 905-876-1322 Pon't Miss the Peadilite! <~ ~ ~> Mouday &.10 am for tuesday Thursday &.10 a*t for Frfday Carne Work With Us, we re looking toi great people foi loin aur dynamic fiam Current Lqqk (î or F/ PTSae A s e s Muat he availahle far flexible retaîl hoas. Vas will find that we aller a competitive campensa- tran package, an individuel reward programme, a genessus aasociate discaunt pslîcy & as envison- ment that la fus & fasters open commanicatis. Please fas to: 416-674-7779 (Attri Pat Kachun) on Emaîl: pkachur@jmichaels.net Osly candidates canaidered ar as interiew wil he castacted. RETAIL ASST. MANAGER *Excellent oalary & bonuses *Comprehensive benefil plan *Monday - Frîday 9am-6pm *Sales esperience necessary Contact Stephen Paul Email Stepheo addmore@gbellnet.ca F as 95-681-2806 3245 Falrview St. Burllngtoo San&Spa Help SalSpa Hep

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