The Canadian Champion, Friday July 28, 2006 - 21 * * * A, * e Idex: Real Et*t 100-i135 te Business 140l.169 Reniais 170-196 si Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-299 Fax: 905-816-2364 Email: sMerchandise 300-38 te Auto 400-410 es Heip Wanted 500-5 Mon. to Fd. 9am-5pm BONUS! AJI ciassifed ads also appear on www.haý si Serices 700-795 For CIRCULATION oeil: 0-818-5941 Housse HOEs EVR ForAINAL IPGFrSale BIRTHDAY ENGAGEMENT BIRTHDAY Haveoa ig Happy IQ 3Oth Dirthda * Mummy of Brampton are pleased ta announce the engagement . ~ a I of their daughter Stephanie to Lot- Lenon £Cameon a meDerek Héunsell, ton 5hon, Lu- ~lace mn Spring 20107. BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY BIRTHDAY ____________ Happy 4oit Kn & Happy 3Oth Blrthday Ke& nte Shona moq't, ~You flew into ;e Gnt our lives& now you are flying into Ail our loveLesr I Don't miss this one! 111KotrihtRd E., Guelph ilMsmeMdhr m.kwu $63O.OW DISTRESS SALES Free camputerized lis of Power ot Sale and Company Oaned properties, witb pictures, mailed to yon FREE, with Pree Recorded Message 1-8774617-1275 ID# 3042 Prudential Town Centra Reahy SELLERS Find Ont Wbat Tho Home Dowa The Street Sald For. Free reorrdnd massage 1_866_M_611 09 ID42257 ReMax Real Estate Centr, special! Add a picture ooyorl Iannouricement u GEORGETOWN Do- minion Garden Ares, 1569 square foot end unit freehotd town- hanse, 3 bedrooms, 3.5-baths, 2 tireptaces, finished basement. Cai 905-677-2T70. Ta aiew picturea and info visit: aunbytheon- ercomSSO97 BRAND new canda fol sale OR RENT Adult building, many entras. Please cuit 905-876- 4020. OPEN hanse. Sut &Su t 3pm. 212 Kear St. Unit 304ý Priate Suie. Dan- ton Onkville condo, $164,900. Bright and spa- ciaus 2-badroom unit in quiet, nicely muîntained building. Lacatad in astab- lîshed neighbaurhaad , h nianute nali ta Lakeshart shoapping. 905-337-2781. eo a -inW 90 .8 8.34 COMMERCIAL spaco for asse 12,00. square lent is dinided into offices and open space, excellent loca- tion on Nipisaing Rd. ut Thompsan Rd. Con- tact: Heather Jackson at 905-876-1244 eat# il. SMALL priaate offices - beautiully appointed. Hay 25 & 401. 1-905- 277-9347 or 905-275- NEED balance in your fle? Want ta be yoar own basa? Check out theý amazing apports- nities ai: or cal 905-75-9067. PROMOTE yaur business aoporunity ta oar 4 mit-_ lion aduOt readers in South Central Ontario. Book yaur advertisament in aaer 80 Melraland rammunity nenspapers. 416-493- 1300 ent. 2088 PROMOTE VOUR BUSINESS ta ovor 4 million adaît reador in South Central Ontario. Book y05 adaortise- ment in oaor 75 Metro- land cammunity sens- papors witb one phono call Cal for informa- fion on aeekly work ad packages (internet list- ings includod) 416-493- 1300 oat 276, 288, 237 Pmorofa ca REMOVE yaur criminl tOcards Fast. We da Par- nons and US Waiaors. Dont ho emburrassed. 1- 800-298-5520 gaaarmmontpardons.a and get up to $10 in phone cards! -Win!*o aBuzi ï calling card! *Slc.detsn aegre ewe ue1s and...........s....2006 BUZTAE hn ad Advertise~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Iou Ia/ruUa wit usfrtowesatS9(ldste itnCn Chmo, Geretw . needn & to nFe Press an yo' wil reev a..e.d eW rdwieac é0 No ..clatosoe................................... For .Od mor det0l al 90.7824 IuYo em il clsiid mlocndaca po.o .mi tw iad pe ad,