2006 Chrysier PT Croiser AtO. black eateron St #TPOs àMUp 3,0 -EMPLOYEE PR/CE DISCOUNT $2,180 -DELIVERYALLOWANCE: $4,00 Tour has pilouet tu, Yeu $ 17, 125t 200 Dodge Cars van Fuel consoamptionm Cty., 12,2L/1100 km (23 mpg) PAey: 8.2L1100 km (34 mpg) Tour hst piou ept tho year ~O U on' ý'ý 'ýf , 2006 Dodge Charger SE Stk. #TA31 etS MSN -EMPLOYEE PR/CE DISCOUNT.-194 -DELIVERYALLOWANCE: $2,200 Ysia, mat pric eof tige Y& aIry '4,2 1 t 206Dog Grand Caravan SXT entny, noof rack. Stk. #TG77 MP: '32,465 -EMPLO0YEE PR/CE DISCOUNT $3, 111 -DELIVERYALLOWANCE. $5,000 Fuel cmmsoamptin mm Cty: 13.461100 km (21 mpgp Hwy: 8.76100km (32 mpgj' Your has ilou of the Y&w 243w TE ST. sa ~ za EeK*JALS: vm com - ysWScdm LimiteSlime ottetsapplto retail neliveies on 2006models romrstarter iraertory ontIy pAt fpattioipatInt re^tailers onty Att oflers exolude treight ($1,050 for PT Cruiser. $1,200tor Carearin, Grand Caravan and Charger) Iicense, insutance registrtion, any tetarlers administration tee n plcbetxs ealrtat FNANCING PROAIOOD Rn may be necessary Fiirancing 5s tsbect to approval by Chryster Pinancial. See reaier fo s peto rindeaits and conditions. Retailers are free t0 set isdiaidua ptices, Esotudes CAW neotiatRd eboros and 0CCt retiree bonus cash. Otter Ates flot 0h o oý Witit R Sprinter otl to att 2006 modets exePt Canavan 28T. VîPer, SPringer, Ram 250t3500 t Diesel) and att seîe modets. 01,1 tnancing Sor Up o 36 menth fermns on att 2006 modtets exclading Caravar 28l , tier & Sprinter modets Oown payment map Se required. sýampte $3, 000 tinanced atSfr3 .lhýImolýthY"lYIýýtý, $t1000 'cost ot bonowing is $0 and the totat obtigation is $36,000. Purotase prîtes apptp olty Io 2006 Chrtister PT Cruiser (270), Caravan (28T) Charger SE (27E). and Grand Caravan SXT 0 eK CVV JPAt modrts. Prices exlUdn tinight ($t,050 for PT Croiser, $1,200 for Ceraafl rn aaa hre)lcn insaraneeregIsrationý any retaîter's administration tees and appioabte t axes *Admit tees lit ese registration tees astre. +Taxes incUded t SA C d