20 -Thé Cunudian Champion, Tuesduy duly 18, 2006 SPits, Su-plies a9 asf ~ p~étpî Forrîj.-- Sale for Sale a*Al ai BE0ROOM Cherr FREE 20 !ýt, r rw ý D oviail Construction Neyer opened Coul $8,00ou Sacrifice CasfrSale $1.900. 905-567-4042 + _______________ 1992 Mercry Sable i e7,uookm $800. Ail CARPET t have everal new brakes, new mut- 1,000 yards ut new Stuin fier. 0usd condition.- Master & 100% nylo car- Pieuse cati 905-875- pet 'Will do living room & 9963. hall tor $389. Induites __________ car-pet, pad & installtion 1997 Oldsmobîie 130 yards) Steve, 905- Achieva, great caýndi- 833-8192 lion, needs brakes. High km's - musfiy FANTASTIC Summer highwuy. $1.500. or Sale- Custom aphuister- basf otter. 905-875- ing, nu GST un PST We 4480. puy the fuses un sutas unit mafching chairs, 2000 Chryster Intreplit. sofas hums $788. Chairs 9usd condifion, frum $249, D/R Seat s l50,000.Itrms, PL, PW, frum $19.95. Fieldus CD player. $6000o. Farnilare unit Fabrios 080O. 905-864-1811. 9um-9pm. 005-832-909 ________________ 2000O Acuau 1.6E1 4-dr FREE Estimutes Gut auto, 4-cyl, biuck un wubbty chairs, tird kusk grey, taliy loadad wih ing ood inîsas? af- p/w, PA unit kéyless an- Caing w ad Rfnissild tny. Heuteit & power usto Faiue Repins. n mîrrors, bukat sats, 9.nd63 A/Cur epis.9 , AM/FM stéréo, CD 9. 05-32-0M player. Great cundi- busn. Only 111.880km. HOT Tub (Spa) Cuvers Ludy-dniven. $12,999 best price, Best qsality. Ail obu. Witt cerhify. Cati shapes & coloars. Cati 1- 647-242-2355. 866-585-0056 __________ www.thacuvergay.cu 2002 Hundu Cîvîc. Certified, 91,00km, HOT Tub/ Spa; 2006 lots ut apgrades. Mast model. ail optiuns, oua- see $1,100.00 ubu. er. Nanan used stil in Cuti 905-878-2830. wruppér. Cust $8.900. Seli $5,000. 905-567- 2005 Chevrolte Anas 5 4042. Aatumaftic, falty tuadait, A/C, p/w, p/t, ssnroot, M 'y alsfndeded warranfy. ifd Great on gas! Tuka uver low leasa. $285/mth 905-878- L00K 8490. BEST CaShS Puid- 1994 Buiek Real Limited Art, Antiques. Cul- 174K, 3.8L, V6, fulty lactibles, China, Crystut, iuadad wîth wsrxing A/C. Siloar, Figurnes. Royal Racent liras, bruas, Dulton, $warovskî, whaai beuiings. fuse-Up. Glass. Poftary. Etc. Passait amîssîsns test Estuta Specialluts, last year wilh fiying Ton Cash. Cuti culours. Luoking for John/ Tracy 905- $1850/ohu. Munt 905-330- 331-2477 2588 Cosdrn a gee FREE Information Session! 905-333-3499, Ext. 121 www.thecentre.on.ca *9,The Centre q cr &wooe i»rv D aOhpm.né cm~z rnm 1Caz uiin 'wei ,icssier- MsS 706 18517OR14 88H îxg, ae. $8,850. Cal 905- mounted aod haiaocad on 873-2270. black steel rîmo. New nax- an uséd- $650. 905-876- 1993 Ford Ranger. Eu- Dm fcHl téndéd euh with cap. W te Va axîsmatie. Excellent munning dcondition. $1.200. INTERESTED in cush- Cai 905-877-8970. ioig? We raqaina sup- pont 2-3 ituyu/waah pré- i MIo,!! cycleL. Brookvitié/Campbellville 200 Hoda R80 ara 416-407-5779. Motocross Mutu cycae vary gond lu excellest condition $210 080 111 1985 Suzaki GSL C .. . 450CCG mon wail neaits wsnis pnoiéctlparts bk 90é $250.00 Cul rm sor Jesse 905-878-0934 8 8. 34 ImIUUFodUSmke Oiis u slumW edu l kmt gmllwlum N101h:ne w.,. #neM, fooa,- c islo w.. aod, 1b-emhsoy SmedIn Mton Ontdo, w r oh om ifd nod lngfipovd exceleni Poduts Fnd Wdn eniceIoa 1d sne f esouons il N b.aIv.bo u BURIN§ id Fior.b.tU ldingsts l.ua a aewp.,p a mm5, lP £ prit,~~e FuNé Mmbgwe poymen WwWim Fo-d Ser1 vieo Attn: Human Resources 2999 Jamresý Snow Parkway, Milton, ON L9T 5G4 Fax: (905) 864-3842 Emaîl: canadahr@gfscanada.com Onlune @ www.gfs.com f.- . s . . . . . . . . J. Transit Co-ordinator Reporîing ru the Managcr oif Public Works, vou seill lead the Activao speciaizcd transit service. This will involve dirceing transit planning as iî relates ru growth, engineering standards, roule plansng, syser evalsation, and establishment of service levels. An analytical, organized communicator with sîrvng financial analysis and repoee-writiog slcills, you wiil develop and manage capital and operaring budes, forecust anoual eidership teends, performi roule scheduling and analysis, co-ordinate ail aspects of service administration, and prepare tender documents. Your 3-veai diploma in Transportation Planning, Esgineering or Technology is combined wieh at leasî 4 yeurs of relevont experiesce, iscluding a svhid background in treansit bss operarions and relaîrd planning and administration. A working knowledge of MS Office, specificall- Excel and Access, is necessary, as are a valid Claso G drivers licence and access to a reliable vehicle. The annual salary rau e for ehis fial-rime position is 841,309 tv $49.177. We offr a highly professional, progressive and supportive work enivironmreoe. To be ais integrul pare of ose growing community; pIeuse send a detailed resume (ssing ONE method of application, only), including references and a cuver ferrer, quesang Postng#200628, by4:30 p.m., Feislsy, Auguse 4, 2006, ru: Me.Jacqueline Kerr, Manager of Hausma Resurces, Town ef Halte. Hilla, t Haillon His Drive, Halte. Mlle, Ontario, L7G 5G2. Fosc 905-873-1431. E-maiL- hummtueaerSe~su1eeonhiJs-ca 1Fr thask ai tArie wa/ apply, bat adve that o4ý those appicans selteufor an, inteview wi// be contacted Persama/infvrnstion ii ce//tida uner /be atity ebeMuîeyunlAc, 2001 (SQ0 2001,c. 25), and wlbet uied to select a candidate Weareas Lysal Cpunnity Empi'yr ub"-M t' -i :,k wmyM -irK-'t of processes ond equipment. Provide mincir adiustments ond equipment maintenance. > Abilty ta work fiexible shifts >Previans experience working in a manufacturing environment is desirable > Excellent written and verbal communication skills is required AptpLTy onlinRua1 ISed www.gennumcom/areuen IFuoermechnddeanabtratol METERED FUEL DRIVER Thermusheil toc. has an immediata opaning tor an expanienceit Metered Fuel Driver to deliver petroleum producto tu sur cummercial and rex dentiai customers throughout the Milton and Bur ngton ares. This is a tull lime, houity paid position with a complete baneit package with a regular worh weex ut Monitay toi Fhday. Good divers are critical to sur succeos. We are louking tor exceptionsi peuple whu undarstand the importance ut sataty pertormance and great customer service. tf you have 3-5 yaaru drivîng expérience, unit a vary govit driving record, please submit your reaume tou. o wei n. 44 East Baiser Creak Rd, Unit 16 Richmond Hil, Ontario L4B 1GB Afin: DellivelrAagr Fax: 905 806-250 E-Mail: resum.*tshall.ca DRIVERS Oeuivés New Trucks! 43144 cpm f0 slsrt (Equivxlant 10 US Fundxi MutaI providadIlinghtly Ns coul tamily madicul Must have AZ liceoxa wi0TR Tf aop, 800-689-8525 'W 77 /j US' About.. 905,01341 !i ;," Bork your Recruitipiepit ad todav & recc * 30 daYs api cotili, $1215.00 1611101 RRRRRRý AZ DRIVER -TANKERS Immedîsa openîog tor un vuperioncet AZ Driver tor bulk tîxur delivarivs withîn Greatar Toronto Area. Must posseox dlean dniving abstract unit Grade 12 cumpiation. Wurk euening soit weekant shift once par msnth. Must ha able lu reait, speak soit write Englîxh. Wîl truin on bulk unlsating pro- cedures. We sitar cumpetitive benatit package unit pension plan. Pieuse submit Drivers Abstruct wîth Application FLOUR MILLERS APPRENTICE Immediute Fuit Time upening at sur Actun Flour Mill. We uSfer un the lob training, benett package andt pension plan. Starting rate $18 pet hour - shift work os requireit Succeostu candidate must have Drivers Lîcanse, Grade 12 csmplvlîun, strsng me- chanîcal backgruund. perceptive in prîsnîizing andt wurk wifh minimal supervision. lniuutrial environ- ment andt heavy litting os requiret PIeuse tus remume lu: 519-853448 Or Apply to: 45 Church Street, West, Actun Or Emalto, bsyuion@itvetgr.com Thavk you ix ai aho appy, bai sol[ thoue Ciiosen toi an inerview shall ho cooiuctud. NO PHONE ENOUIRIES PLEASE! "DoerIndustris sean Eqai Opprnvny Employer' JOB FAIR Thursday July 20th, 2006 10:00 am - 1:00 Pm HOLYTRINFrY CATHOLIC SCHOOL 2420 SIttl Llne, Oakvlle Ontaris Appty in peorm Positions for Gênera Hef p and Cooka required af tocal hfgh achoo cafétérIa's In Georgetown, Actas, Mlton, Burtîngion and Osaîvll .a Some Pf/ and F/T positions aval table, Greai job for staY et home Marna or seml-retlred persons. Ail siciool holldays and aumniet off. Apply in parsonaut HOLYTRINTY CATHOLIC SCHOOL 2420 Slxth UIne, Oakvlille Onfanlo Résumas cas also ha amailait tu: emilylioitlntaramanh.ca No phenecais plas. ASP.NET 2.01C# contractor required for six month placement Successful applicant will be developing and debugging existing and new applications from contractor's own location. Remuneration will be on a'lime and material' basis. Contract is to begin July 2006 and may be renewable. We welcome ail qualified applicants; however only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Must have: *ASP.NET: minimum 3 years *C# Minimum: 3 years *SOL Server experience eAbility to work without supervision Knowledge of ASP.NET 2.0 and ATLAS would be beneficial as well as a working knowledge of FoxPro. Please send Resume/Curriculum Vitae wîth a cover Ietter, expected hourly rate and avaîlability to Resume-SysDev@wmaÎu.Metroand.com. Car Détaller & Maintenance raquirait tati time. Must hava good valid drivers licanse & ha a bard worhan. Buitington Location F/TUnloaders tt:3pm tx lsm P tersred tot um r anutwnds comptuas Muu, ha vaty exp. in carpes- tsy, atéctica, hile work, plumbing,atc. Fas résuma (mus 3pg) 416461-M72 or townhouse.ca Raersnces requirad. JOBS AVAILABLE Production wstb in thé MLTON unes. $12-$13/Ir Att shits avuilabla HCR Fax: 905-876-4090 or Tiel: 905-876-4661 310 Main St. E. Ste. 205, Miflton EmIc7areers - elp