Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 14 Jul 2006, p. 7

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r)eninc i me i DEAR EDITOR: Congratulations to town counicil for rejecting a radical rh to prohibit garden prod- ucts in Milton. Yes, you can sîill use federal- ly-registered and provincially- licensed products t0 eradicate pests as you see fit on your owri pnivate property Ifs important o -note that Milton is following the lead of Oakville counicil, whîch thor- oughly rejecîedi the demands of a boisterous minorîty xNsihng to establish an anti-pesticides bylaw. This becomes even more importatnt for Milton as the agri- cultural communîty - 1 believe - will be targeted in the next stage of the 'back-to-nature' movement. The idea of freedom of * choice for the homeowner, in my opinion, far outweighs the imposing of a draconian bylaw Wben studyîng the Ontario Coilege of Famill Physicians' (OCFP) review, it becomes apparent that onl%' portions of the epidemiologic database are used and a very signtficant data- base is totaliv îgnored. Their reývtew doesn'î make * weight of evîidence' decisions. as requîred by' sound science and regulatory agencies. In fact, when it's convenient to show a positive association, ifs reponted '. while the equallv negatîve asso- ciation isn't. For example, of the more than 140 studies pertinent to the phenoxv herbicides. the OCFP revtrews found that only four studies were suitable for their purposes. This created a bîased rnti-pesticides movement view The 'Fleming Review' tbat studied farmers and Iandiscapers that have exposure to pesticides shows tbey have an overaîl bet- ter health and lower incidences of cancers than the general pop- ulation. The failure of the OCFP to include these studies in their review cites another major flaw At the June 26 Milton count- cil meeting, we were al bom- barded w,ýith assumptîve phrases like 'lînked to', *associated wMth' and 'could cause' - ail the mights and maybes that have no place in a post-industrial infor- mation society. Afier attending and partici- pating in three counicil meet- ings, two in Qakville and the lat- est in Milton, it has become apparent thai the anti-pesticide activis are bankrupt of reason. This brings us to the element of cost. How much willibths cost the communty before this fatta- cs' ts laid 10 rest. So lets let Healîh Canada rule on the issue of pestîcîdes,as it alreadv bas. In fact, lets face facts. The products used on vour law,ýn and in v'our garden are no more toxic than the blcach used in vour home. And one other îhing. 1 don't need to be educaîed to hand in my bleach or pesticides like some gun registry program. Wv'atch out, there goes some more municipal moneNv Be aware that the fedieral and provincial governments. auge- mented w,,ith laboratonies and banks of scienuis, are constant- IN, reassessing and îestîng prod- ucts that are used dailv bv aIl Caîiadians in tbeir homes and gardens. The assumption that a hand- fui of communities thai have taken tbe radical approach of banning legal products are pro- gressive is simply a radical illu- sion. The OCFP dido't include recent major reviews of herbi- cides and pesticides by the World Healîh Organization, the United States, the Envîronmental Protection Agency, the European Commission and the New Zealand Environmental Rîsk Management Authority These review conclusions were very different than those reached by the OCFP Perhaps this is why their findings weren't încluded in reports prepared by the OCFP When one Milton councillor called for enforcing our present byiass; I felt fot the thousands of lîtîle children and adults afflict- ed with allergies and asthma - a direct resuli of the many and vanied noxious weed pollen that abound. The only 'cosmetic' I see in the anît-pesticîde campaign is the thîck make-up which con- ceals the iriue inient of ibis envi- ronmental movement. There will always be pests, and defin- îng them as 'cosmeîîc' won't make them go away The environmental move- ment seeks to impose ils wtll int many areas of our pnvate lives - devoid of reason, in the name of sav.ing the world. PHIUIP WALKER MILTON DEAR EDfl'OR: As a hearing împaîred aduit, i read with inter- est of the upcomtng addition of closed captioning t0 our new theatre. The spokesperson for Cîneplex Ententaitnent. Pst Marshall, said there bave been many problems with the 'rear window' systemn. i baven't found tbis t0 be so, and have been able t0 enjoy many mo-mes wîîh thîs technology in Burlington and Mississauga. Not betng able 10 go to the theat re for many vears, it v.as a weicome addition and quite con- venient. 'ses, sometîmes 1 had to go back to the ticket booth and ask whv it wasn't on, but this was a smail inconvenience and easîlv recîîfied. It's to be hoped Cîneplex %41 put the needs of the deaf in our community at the top of its hist of inprovements, and instail the 'rear windlow' sys- temr or the new svsîem it speaks of verv soon. BARBARA AIKENHEAD FARMSTEAD DRIVE The Canadman Champion, Fniday, Juty 14, 2006-A7 Man kiiIed by flying piece of clay- in dynamite mishap 'Tinte Capsules' amr gems of infor- mîaton exstracted fluai pest issue of Thue Chantploe andi otite publiatio ln ontir to pro"d a wlndow inte Miltn past Explanatoi contient is sometlntes prwlded to place tite sitimi- Lion in contect, March 1908 On Fritiay afternoon workmen were blasting with dynamite in the dlay puts at tbe Toronto Pressed Brick & Terra Cotts Co.'s (Mr. LjewWss) works west of Milton. A charge was put into a Isole wbich bad not been bored as deeply as usuai and wlsen iet was fireti thse suiface dlay, winch was frozen, was thrown mucis fortiser tban usual. One large piece went about 100 yard and feu tirouffi the tin-covered roof of an open shedi buit against one of the main build- ings anti just above one of its doors, in which an employee, Stewart Moorebeati, was standing. It struck bis beati anti fractureti bis "kl, anti hie liveti only a little more than an bour TIse accident was one whicb couid not bave been foreseen, no blame coulti be attached to anyone, anti no inquest was considereti nec- essary Mr Moorebeati was la bis 6lst year, was a native of tise north of Irelanti, anti hati liveti in Milton for about forty yesrs. He was an indus- tnous man, a gooticitizen and akiît neigbbour. He Wet a widow, who lsa sister of Mrs. John Crowe ofloronto amisa son, Thonas, also of Toronto, anti four daughters. Tise funera wns one of the largest ever Seem i Milton. The 'Act respecting Municipal Houses of Refuge,« passet i n 1903 requireti ail counties or unions of conutes wbicb badn t tsent aheady to builti anti open tisent by January lst 1906. In 1906 the Act was amendeti by extenting the tinte wo Janusry lst 1908 anti Now Mr. Kohlcr bas introduceti a bill for another amentiment, s furiher exten- sion 10 Januaiy lst, 1910. John Roper, of the New Royal Hotel (Thompson Hotel), anti A.G.H. Luxton, late of the Bank of Hamilton, bati a discussion on Main Street on Tburstiay niglit, in which it la said Luxton said Ropees veracity Hilton % capsules was nothing to brag of andi Roper sed knock-down arguments wbich discoloured Luxtones eyes. Luxton laid an information, but when the cms came up for hearing before Police Magistrate Dice on Tuesday nsornlng declineti to give evidence. Romerpaidthe cosand the case was dropped. The popular Carey Brus., vocallat with thelr moving pictues, sppeared at the town bail on Tuesday eveming under the auspices of the Lutiies' Aid Society of the Niethodist Chuith. Receipts were about $109. The hall with its two narrow exits, with no exit behlnd tihe stage, no fire escapes andi its two stsirwsys with their bass- esso close together is a fire-trap. MUi our town council never take action? Albert Petidie, son of Peter Petidie, Mansewood, who bas been wuth thse T. Eaton Co., Limiteti, Toronto, for 12 1/2 years, severeti bis connection with them on Sanuday List t stant in business for bimselff Before leaving Mr~ Eaton presented hizm with a batitisome 18k solidgold beautifuily engraveti watch for gooti servie rendered. For over six yens Mr. Peddie bas been thse timeleeper of thse factory, wbich at presesit employs over 3,200 banda W&e wlsh him every success in bis new under- taking at thse Union Cafe, 201 Coilege Street.. Milton won its hockey gamne from Burlington at tihe rink here on Thursday 12-5, but the game was not as one-sided as those figures would indicate. The open rink at Burlington la mucli larger dhan the covereti one br and tise visitors were no doubî bandicappeti on accounst of that. Tihis mateial la assembled on behaf of te Milltn Historical Society by fit Dills, who cati be oeacited at jdilLs@idirrcLcom. Indoor Garage Sale Sunday July l6th ona . '1nu, IICUdS OOS, 760 Main Street E, kltch mwarc'sLP Milton Ro" fflos, tc (905) 6931705 (Beside the Go Station) Soccer 1,SbMA Ags Pls 9:0 am 4:0p g es 5,. t6 9 :00a o1:0m FREE T-Shirt & Bail! To register and more information visit our website at www.sdfa.Iaor caîl 905-828-8366 Milton councilwiàse flot to rush to get No problems with 'rear window system Developmenit r-i Model Academy Hawthorne Village - Beaty Park South (Clark Street) Week of JULY 17 & Week of AUGUST 14 'I 1

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