The Canadien Champion, Frlday, JuIy 14, 2006 -A3 Catholic trustees stand firmn against regional campus By Hoîward MozeI SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION Halton Catliolic District Scliool Board (HCDSB) trustees wlio recently voted agamnst joining the Halton Regional Campus said they did so to preserve Cathlic education and they stand by their decision. Burlington Trustee Joanne Matters listed three major rea- sons for lier decision, one of whicli is tliat being part of the joint facility wiil be more of a "distraction" than a benefit to providing tlie boards core mandate, namely delivering quai- ity Catholic education. "Honestty, 1 can't see how tliat lielps," she said. "lt won't enhance us in any way" In addition to, saymng tliat funding for the project and the cost savings put forward by board staff were "specutative at best," Matters also lias concerna about tlie board maintaining its autonomny - especially in an era when Cliristian values are being eroded or are under outriglit tlireat. Proximity to, tlie board7s "secular partriers" at tlie campus miglit onty further tliis trend, slie added. "Vie are different," said Matters, maintainting tliat tlie board must remain vigilant to safeguard its distinctiventess. Some differences between Catliolic beliefs and secular beiefs sinxply can t be reconciled, Matters said, and if it's not careful tlie board could be "weakencd" by tliem. "We don't exîst to lie melted into tlie secular fabric of soci- ety slie concluded. Rather tlian look to tlie past, liowever, Matters said the board should be excited by st week's decision to move ahead witli a stand-atone central administrative facility. That a new Catliolic Education Centre is needed is sometliing on wliicl ail trustees cari agree, alie said. The proposed campus is essentially a governiment office .supercentre" that involves tie creation of a major, 540,000- square-foot multi-use campus on thc Bronte Road property currently occupied by Halton Regional lieadquartets as weli as adjacent land tbat's up for sale. If it comnes to pass without tlie HCDSB. the site would be a central location tliat includes at least tliree distinct stand-atone areas of office space for tlie Region, Halton Regional Police and the Halton District School Board, plus a shared facility bousing about 1,900 staff. Burlington Trustee Bob Van de Vrande agreed wiUi Matters that some Issues between Uic Catholic board and Uic other campus partriers simpty can"t be resolved. "Tliere are stiil dlifeérences between Uic values of CaUiolic cducation and Uiose espoused by anme of Uic oUier partriers Uiat are simply not reconcilable wiUi our own values," lie said. "As Cliristians we are caled to love our neiglibour, but that doesn't necessarily mean accepting ail that Uicy do or stand for." Rather than simply look outwarl for Uircts, Van de Viandle sad anme trustees arc alan looking inward. AUTO EBODY (ROYAL ATLANTIC) INC. 'M ai o1 wý giL illt [lie ilirct --Il tlte is orle to Catliolic education - ta from witliin b>' weakening'our- selves or opening ourselves too mucli to non-CaUiolic values that Catholic education will eventually implode," lie said. Ail to often, lie continued, Uie board takes Uic paUi of least resistance or adopta a potitically correct stance tliats not always acceptable, so ultimate>' it comes down to effective leadershiip - or Uie lack Uiereof. "Personally 1 fe thits wliere our board is lacking, boUi at Uic trustee level and with our (Education) Director (Lou Piovesan) and oUiers," said Van de Vrande, wlio added that sometimes thie board will "subvcrt our own policies" for expediency and that too, mucli is donc beliind closed doors. "My attitude is Uiat if it can't sec Uic tiglit of day itfs prob- ably not good," lie said. Like Matters, Van de Vrande also liad senious concernas about te aîit4,,d cost savîngs ta lthe board thraugu rite cami- pus, wliicli lie said are a "10 year projection based on esti- mates and assumrptions, most of wbicli arc not even identi- fied in Uic (staff) report." Van de Vrande also believes tliat "it is entirel>' possible that Uic future Catholic administration facilit>' cari le buit for a lower cost per square foot and wiUiout some of Uic betis and wliistles includcd in thie joint proposai" that may be unnecessar>' to "detivering quality CaUiolic education" to students. Van de Vrande characterizcd Uic notion that Uicrels no funding available for a stand-atone facility as "misinforma- tion at its worst" and that campus proponients; fait to mention that Uiere was no funding for the boards participation in Uic campus cither. ',25crol us--- l1229q* 3.9au% ý-1w[ me,,h CANADA'S BETDiVE 2001~~~20 Ca.r Lt» C00 Yai 2001 Earstms d CANAh "S BEST DRIVES S25,10 Hs- 1450usR-'1,2 u." DSIh Wi..g.-liMh. IIhiÇW-.,,.Wfhph M7* 3..% q= aicele mPar o a. 00 ua je,--------------:ss ».AM fi-tu B tin M S 'I