Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 11 Jul 2006, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, July il, 2006 OPIN\ION Playing with tire While the Cold War is tihe subJeci t ofbistry lessens for our younig people, its entire- 1> possible that North Kerea's test of a controversial missile last week could mark the start of a new arins race. Wednesday's reported latinch of a long-range Taepo Dong 2 missile along witb multiple Scud-class missiles by the Democratic Peoiples Republic cf Korea is believed to be that countrys first test of a weapon capable cf reaching the continental United States. According to a Wednesday report by Janes Defence Weekly - a leading authorîty on worldwîde weaponry - tbe long-range missile faîled sbortly after lift-off, but its inaugural flight should bave provided North Korea with sufficient data for future development ofthîe weapon. The UJ.S., mecanwhile, has deemed the test as "prevoca- tive behaviour- in defiance cf« the international ceminu- nity North Kerea seems biell bient on developing an inter- continental ballistic missile and is far beyend ihe draw- ing board pbase. One popular tbeory bebind North Koreas missile development îs that it wants te be able to make tbe United States think twice before becoming involved in atîy future conîlici that anises between North and South Korea. Unless North Korea can be convinced to back off, the situation points to an escalation beyond a war of words. For everyones sake, we hope the verbal ibreats and political pestuning don't lead to something far werse. ReaýdersWrite Send your elxats tonumltonai@haltonerch.cmr or drop them off at 8/5 Main St E. wus u %ou LU IUI3III 3LI VdICMU Town years behind in despite fixed sidewalk slab à. .f n cin c DEAR EDITOR: In response te Betty Smirle'sJune 30 letter, yes the mayor and bis staff have a difficult job te do and yes, you Canlt please A of thse people aIl of the lime. But on thse same note, he was elect- ed te do a job, as was his hired help. The fact that he was able te fix a side- walk slaIs shouldnt cancel eut any neg- ative comments about his ability te manage thse town as a whole. The negative commenta coming fromt citizens of this tewn are regarding infrastructure relating te the town's massive growtb, and its inability te handle traffic on roads built for a tewn of 30,000 - net 60,000. l'm sure it would be possible for quite a number ef cirizens cf Milten to peint eut irregularities or even danger- eus situations in and around their own bouses and neighbourhoods. I've had sidewalk slabs around the corner fromn my bouse that mothers couldn't get a child's buggy ever with- eut deliberately lifting the wheels ever. Net te belittle Smirle's sinkhele, but everyene still went about their busi- ness. I would rather tbe mayor concen- trate on getting traffic moving ssfely and uimely tbreugh and around tewn before it geta any larger. These smaIl preblems bave tei be addressed, but in tbe interim let's fecus on the wbele, net just the small parts. Quick action on a piece cf sidewalk doesn't a mayer make. On a final nere, I'd like te know wbo Smirle got in teucb witb at Town Hall s0 1 can bave my own sidewalk addressed. SCOTU TURNER RIVERPLACE CRIESCIENT Drivers becoming more and more careless on our Milton-area roads DEAR EDITOR: 1 find it necessary te write again regarding the automobile drivers in our tewn cf Milton. What bappens te tbe average, ordi- nary reasonable person once they slide behind the wheel of tbeir car is often difficuit te understand. It appears tbat tbe rules of tbe road are ignored, with speed and impatience as tbe order of the day We bave become oblivious te stop signis, traffic ligbta, maximum speed limita and, above aIl, pedestrnans. Wbatever manners we bave are Ieft at home and the attitude of aggression takes over, which could easily lead te a collision or a visit te the hospital. DON SMITH MILTON MEM EWTO I wasn't mur if 1 was readng The Champions front page heallne or the lim Capsules section when 1 bnowsed tht front page of the July 4 Champion. Tht headlinie read 'Parking woles tai be Ioolced at in Offiia Plan. la ihi for real? Was 1 readng somethuiig that should have hem in tht pape five yean aga? Ait we actually IoiNg at parking i ntw subdivisions naw - after tihpsands of honm bav ahredy betas built, and mauy mare are already approved? 1 thought, 'planîsnw~manit ut advance of the actual developaient. Whertwr our planmers yeasago before we bulldozed tht are and put upaill of dt new homs? 1 wondtr how wt cari 'salve parking woles i new sut> divisions" now that thty arte Up. Relatives of mine plurhased a home in ont of the new subdivisions in Milton. Afler actuallly living there for a couple of years with parking allowed on both sides of tht street, it was later detertnintd that the width of the road was too narrow for fire trucks If parking continued on bath sides. Where were the planners before tht ares was butît? Did lire trucks suddenly gel wider or was someone sleeping during tht site approvals? Furthermore, 1 bave to drive mny vehicle to Burlington or Hamnilton with bicycles attached toi a carrier on tht back. These communifles have bicycle paths, while Milton dolesn7t. More poor planning, 1 guess. We need to give our heads a shake for allowing such nonsense toi go ahead. Voting lrne is comning, and 1 will be making my deci- sions accoringly. JOHN HRYCKO VALLEYVIEW CREScENT z4r~i cDaîablan (cbampton Miftor' sCornicunityNewspaper Sice 1860 875 Main St. E., Mvilton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-8178-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 www.rrfltoncanadianchampion.com Publisher: Ian Oliver Associate Publisher Neil Oliver Advertising Director Wendy McNab Managing Editor Karen Miceli Production Manager Tim Cales Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Teri Casas The Canadian Champion, publohnid eoeiy Tuesday and Friday ai 875 Mai, Si E., Milton, Ont. [ST 3Z3, Os one of thie Metrnsand Pnnsng. Publishing & Dsonnbutng [id. îommunity newopapeo Adoertising os accepned on the condition nhat, o the event ofa tporaph6oal eor, thatportion ofthe ader tising opace occapiei by the nîtoneous itemn, togenlie iS a neasonable aitowance for signature, ii noi be chrged for, bot the balance of the adoertoement ill be pari fon aith5eapplcablerate, Tne publir eeetentegh i caiegooze aifoeisemento or decline. CCAB Audited Recognized for excellence bv CakO na da omnt C C A NewopapersAociation IR~Suburbain Newspapees o___ of Amenica The Canadian Champion is a proud media sponsor for: Halton SSealSicar e 1 1 ý LCOME* l 1W AC AGON-CND A Jioge Bell Fond CoNA 1 UNITED WAY 0 0F MILTON TV AUCTION MIL.TON SANdTA CLAUS PARADE ATHENA Ti, O.kile Moltn Shoa ýcase Miton Annards __

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