Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Jul 2006, p. 5

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The Canadien Champion, Fniday, JuIy 7, 2006 -A5 Man gets blasted with pepper spray at busy plaza A 24- ar- idoaoa îe aîh~pî~ît.lin Police sai iheicimi wsas standing necai a restaurant when bc was approacbed by iwo or three maies in their late teens or early twenties at about 4:30 p.m. The group started talking, and then one of the maies let loose with the pepper spray. The suspects fled, running toward Ontario Street. Valuable metal swiped again The Hydro Oue compounid on Main Street bas been bro- ken into once agaîn, wiîb - as usual - copper aluininumn conduit wire stolen. Police saîd sometime beîween junie 30 and Tuesdlay, unknown suspects cut ihe fence to gain access and siole a 30-foot piece of the copper aluminum valued at $600. Paltce suspect the ibieves arc the saine ones wbo broke into Hydro One lasi month, taking $25,000 wortb of wire. In the past il months, Hydro One bas been broken tnto fîve urnes, witb conduit wire stolen in cach incident. Purse stolen from, car Police are reminding resîdenîs not to store valuable items House ransacked Halton Regional Police are învesîîgating a residen- tial break-in. Sometîme between 7 a.m. and 3 p.m. June 16, sus- pects forced open a wAindow to a bome on No. 10 Sideroad. Thieves went room to room ransackîng drawers and removing coins. The total loss îs not known. If vou have anrs itnJonn-atioti that leads itipi anest ini this or anv other malte,, vota îa-v be eligible jot a cash -e-waî-d. You will nevet have tii give 'vour name or lesnifv ini courti. Crime Sioppets oJ Haltoui doespi't subst ribe ta caîl displav' . Caîl 1-800-222-TIPS (1-800-222-8477) i check out Crime Sitoppets' Web site atisvwwhalton- ci iestoppers.com. Conselvration possible efrom POWER on page AI would like to set up a sustainability fund ibat could be used for environmental or energy efficiency initiatives in Milton. And wbile uts a preliminary plan, she also saîd the com- pany is investigating tbe possibility of turning the parcel of land behind its proposed plant into some type of conserva- tion area. -We believe that sînce we're going into a commu- nity, we need to give somethîng back." An information meeting on the proposai will be held Wednesday from 5 to 9 p.m. ai tbe Milton Leisure Centre. Pristine Power is one of six companies that bave put for- ward proposais for sîmilar hydro generaîing plants to be locaîed in Milton or Halton Hîlîs. A public meeting bas already been beld for one in the Homby area, but details on the otber four haven't been made public yet. Tbe Ontario Power Authonîty will ulîîmaîely award one of the companies witb a conîraci. Melanie Hennessey cati be reached at mhennesse@m ilIton- canadiaiichampioncom. in tbeir vehicles after a car was broken iat overnigbt june 27. The 2004 Ford Explorer was parked on Hartley Boulevard when unknown suspects gained euitry îhrough the passenger side window A purse, jewelry, a portable DVD player and CDs were stolen. Tbe estîmated value of tbe stolen property is $2,100. Generator stolen Unknown suspects suole a generator from a construction traider on Maple Avenue near Home Depot Sunday (ar broken mbt A car parked ai Chris Hadfield Public Sehool on Woodward Avenue was broken into lune 2 1. Police said the 1991 Acura had been lefi in the parking lot due ta engine trouble. Unknown suspects seized tbe opportunity and stole the faceplate of tbe CD player. CDs stolen from vehicle CDs were stolen lrom a car parked at a Valley View Crescent home overnigbtJune 27. Police said unknown suspects entered tbe 2001 Chrysier Neon and took 10 CDs valued at about $150.

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