24 - The Canadian Champion, Friday July 07, 2006 M A':aor:@o a n MILTON Room for rent in new townhouse. Ail- fllî,v o (, 0 905-699-7909 aller Spm. a Supp-les 14' Aluminum bourd, trailer 15 hp Johnson motor, tînor, new car- pet, sivel seats. Ail in excellent condition. Aoking $1500 eIll Noah 519-853-1817 Acton. PORTS Cruising Guideo os eopanding the dealer network for Trent-Severn Waterway & Lake Simcoe cruising guide (new edi- tion May 2006); Lakie Ontario & Thouoand fIands; Georgian Bay, the North Channel & Lake Huron. tntereoted dealerol retailero caîl 416-691- 0488; emaîl ordero@portsbookooom. Mos oud KITTENS free to a Ion- ing home. 6-1/2 weeks old and adorable. 905- 873-1522. ADUITS with Type 2 Diabeten needed for Uni- rernity nf Guelph Food Survey. Gift Provided. 519-824-4120 ext.58081 or gobertc@uoguelphca Daycare requaed, 2-3 dayn per week in our home, Brook- vile/Campbeile le axea 416-407-5779. Hoith & UIVE Il !New heaith & wollnens magazine 250,000 copies. Cont-ef- lective directory adn, word adn. Caîl today to book for i the next isue. 416-493- 1300 ent. 288 Furntue 7-PIECE waînat 4 antique set, cabinet, buffet, table wits bui8t-in told, apholstered chairn, $4500 for entîre L net. Cai Tracey 905- If 875-3493. tE h 0CM~ AGON *New in town? *Getting married in 3 months or more? *Having a baby? *Estabiishing a new business? Please cai us Cemmulty Wslce.s Doris 905-332-4799 abya 90569912e Mad 905-69-12 Michel 905-332-8634 Bidal Welce Launie 905-878-0126 Bus/iof Wslcom [surie 905-878-0126 Bists ComngEvents MlngEvent lbin e DOUBLE - Big sister Madion with mom and dad Katie and Gr, n' thrilled to unnoance the birth of her nec'S baby brother Austin James Double born ut 2:OSum Jane 17. Austin mus born ut Credif Valley Hospital and meighed in ut 8 poands and mas 21.75 inches long. He Is welcomed mif h love by ail bis grundpur- ents, aunts and ancles. BELL - We are thrilied to annoance and fa give greuf thunko for the recent birth of Joshua Kyle Joseph Bell, 9lbs 8oz, on Monday, July 3, 2006 aust before day- break ut Womenls Coilogo Hospital. Jonsh- a is weicomed mith mach love by beam- îng first-time parents Elise and Adam Bell, as welf us by ecstatic fîrst-time grandpur- ents Giselle Gîlfillan, Jack Gilfillan, and Janief and Bob Bell. Loving great grand- parents are Beryl and Gay de Margerie, Ardene Gilfîllun and Kathleen Morgan. Looking forwurd with mach anticipation fo, spoilîog thoîr first-boro nephem are Reid Gîlfillun and Lori and Mutf Bell. kRMSTRONG -Abigail, aiong wlth her lerents, Jim and Julie, moald like to velcomo the nom addition fa their fumify. nEm Elise wus born on Jane 1, 2006 ut :55 p.m. uit the Oukvillo-Trufuigur Hsi ai meighing in ut 6ibs 11.50z. Proad rundpurents are David and Barbera laniol and Mm., Hacel Armstrong. A big hank you to Dr. Sharma, hîs sargica tam and the mondorful nurses cho oiped mako this birth a groat and mem- rable one! TFell voiir i9'<f.f tiow proud you are of them! wifl run Tuesday, Juiy 11, 2006 $59.00 + GST (plcttsre mnci.) Deadline is Friday iuiy, 7th at 4pm, "No more than 40 word& pleafe" Phone: 905-878-2341 Fax: 905-876-2364 Entait: classitîrd@ mlttncaoadîanchampion.rom C 1 C anaixan ESFoin uit oing Events Staq6 Poe for LENNON LANIKY NICOLA KI? Sat JuIy fth, Z006 $Pm - lam MIRON sports C**e TICKETS $10 FOOP MAMES, PR ES COOK, Doris Peacefuify ut homo in Thorold on Mon- day, July 3rd, 2006. Beloved mother of Shelagh and Douglas Schell of Milton, Graeme Cook, Murray and Deboras Cook ail of Stoney. Proud gruodmothor of Amanda (Mîke), Matthem, Heather, Daniel and Spencer. Predeceased by her hue-j Dered Riloger (2006) adohr cma sre bandk BihCook (1995). on ber cmanin spected and longlîme employee for the City 0f Thorold, retîrîng in 1989. The faMîly receîved friends ut the HAMMOND FUNERAL HOME AND CHAPEL, 26 Or- mond Street South, Thorold on Thursday JUly 6, 2006. Fanera Service will bet isoi,- in the Chapel on Friday, July 7th ut il :OOum. Cremation 10 folow. if sct de- In Memory of Michael (Mike) Clayburî sîred, donations f0 the Heurt & Stroke J-a"t, 1971 te jeit 10, 1990 Faundutian moald be sppreciufed by the We dîd o kîow that moriig, fumily. War srrowthe day olo rig "Doris we wiii miss you and remnember No wmer id ring, you always", No chanîcr o say goodhy"e 1 fi broke rer hrarrs 10 lose you, RIGO ouisfut yîou dîd sot goî alose, aiO Lh ousep rn optl ulntn For pari of as wesî wirh you, ut te Jsep BrnI ospiulBuringonThe day God c.alled y on home. on Frîduy, Jane 3Oth, 2006. Louis Rigo, We thiîîh if ynu in silence, beloved husbund of the fate Evu Rigo. And oflen speak your same, Lovîng futher of Debbie Wunders and Your memory is or keepsake, Cindy Robertson. Louis miii be mîssed by Wîîh whîch we wiii seere pait. his grundchîldren Christira, Aaron and Jesse. Deur brother 0f Lucy Tomner, No- Lovîflglt' remembered by Mem & Dad ru, John and Joe Riga. Visitation mus at Sister Tracyu aud ber Huaband Paul the McKersîe-Kocher Fanerai Home, 114 Brother Steve and his Wdè, Paula - j Main Street, Milton, 905-878-4452, from Yeur Nehewe & Niece tIret wish dsey cotdd MILTON AREA 2-4 & 7-9pm on Monday, July 3rd,' 2006. haversud achanece know y'ut teving wat's CHRISTIAN CHURCHES Vigil prayers were pruyed ut the Fanerai and thse taughter t'eu bruugtst te ail. -~WORKING TOGETHER Home on uoda t 8:30pm. Mass of ~i Rosury Cuthoiic Charch, Milton, an Taes- Cai'd oi Thani ~' MUSIC IN THE PARK" day July 4th ut f 0:OOum. Informent ut "Where: The Park behind Milton Mujtons Evergreen Cemetery. If desired, Ir mas wich sadness th onCnda Day1si Town Hall, Downtown donations 10i Muple Village Long Term gîodhlye to my beloeca J f pihtn yert Vchen: Sunday, July 9th, Juîy Cure Centre, 441 Muple Avenue, Buriing- aldD.Gli t 23rd and Aug l3th ton, L7S 4L8, mould be upprecîuted by (,al Services wihh w h u a Time: 6:3Opm to 8:30prn the fumily. Letters of condolenoe muy be drîîog weli. She mas hm ihi the hot leh for the fumiîy ut wmw.mckersie-koch- Y0ds nwm e s S Corne out to enjoy er.ca. you eret there ai y a t en ho h et Great Christian Music! o eeteea o'benvrthya. THE DECK Youth Drop In 10sy a big rhanh you for t'ont carisg Centre Providing refreshments -JOn- frienshi to hoth Tua anJ mysef. l'il miss Or Y proceeds t0 THE DECK. Turîdat' oîght appointmeors when we'd talk No A missoy, ée -about what mas grise n sn rut lves. Bat Most No AdmssionFee IS MisYm car mso mas alsrays roder foot do oatio orppreciond na ' & '~ x loking for fond scraps or howling on the stair- For more info or dietin bJtafl Q apijaUfoI m1 heepisg as ap at nighr. cail905854-827toPlace an ad cal 905.878.2341 .Sia. Nainmith 0EK Your support 15 Vital. AND SITROKEth rotcueanled - t FOUNDAnION Research into terocassof heart disease adstroke will hep millions lîve longer, STUrr, Norman Paul Norm passod amay saddeny an Sanduy, Jaiy 2nd, 2006 ut the Oakviiie Trafalgar Memorial Hospital. Norm mas the beoved son of Mary and the sate Joseph, dear brother of oeresu (Don), Noollo (Kenny), Vorn, Mult (Sue) and Berb. Ho miii be sud- ly missed by bis chiidren Mia and Bon, and thoir mother Wiili, Ho miii also be missed by bis nioces and nophems and many good friends. Norm mas an artist, a naturalist and a koon observer of birds. His mit and sonne osf humour miii ho missod by ail. Good-bye, Norm, and may you rost in pouce. Visitation mas heid ut the McKorsio-Kocher Fanera Home, Mii- ton, 905-878-4452, on Wednesday July Sith. The Mass orf Christian Buai alms hoid on Thursday, Jaly 6fh ut Holy Rosary Cathoiic Church. Interment ut Milton Evor- green Cemetry. "val t ie . As a lauing îunaer of fleart and stroke research in Canada, we need pour Findlng answers For IlUe. help. Cal 1-888-HSFNFO or visit www.heartandtroke.oe and get up to $10 in phone cards! SWin! a Buz calling card! s * ni