Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 7 Jul 2006, p. 21

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Marauders squeak by Toronto Raiders Clutchhield goal turnover by kîckîng a 1 7-yard field goal jst before haîf lime. gives Milton win Most oif the second haîf both tcams wcre forced 10 punt, except for a 27- By Murray Townsend yard field goal by Toronto t0 even SPEChAL TO THE CHAMPION îbîngs up in the fourîh quarter, and until the Marauders' final drive. There was no wav the Marauders Miltons started on the rnidficld line were settling for 10 points tor a hourîbt ddshyddtriiaineeyse consecutive game. oh the way. Nate Smith caugbî two Les- Ticd 10-10 wsîh lime munig ou passes white on the ground froin quai- against the Toronto Raiders Saburday ebc N ie îhaza ar a nd afternoon aI Milton District Hîghbne out someîuhyrac n Sehool, Milton had one there was no stoppîng hast chance to break the Nedljkovic. spell. And thats cxactîy The Raiders made one whaî îbey did, scoring on a last diîch attempî with sec- Doene amsîo _2yar onds remaining on the field goal witb jusî eigbî secdok-alnpssba ondsreminig 1 pr vaiîwenî offf Jason Nunezs hands, off ands irein t0 3-1i _h the belmet of Jimmy Singh and mbt process. Tbings didn'î start so weIl for the Marauders. On tbeir firsI possession, aller three incomplete passes, Ricky Clarke of the Raiders stunned Milton by returning a punI 85 yards for a touchdown. On the Marauders' next possession, thcy scrappcd the pass and sîartcd pounding the bail, Jon Nedeljkovnc iniîîated the drive hy bang- ing out six. seven and eight-yard gains. and was rclîeved by George Baiden., who dîd the s.îmc. Ncdeljkovic toppc it off jusI before the end oh the firsî quarter by takîng il in the remaining yard. The extra point was misscd. Camastro later got the single point back on a punI îhrough the end-zone, but for the rest of the firsî haîf, the Milton defense ended cach Raider pos- session early Mike Bartello picked off a pass, Cyrus Sadeghian picked up a fumble, Listen Bates recovcrcd another fumble forced by Kojo Millingtons sec- ond sack of the haîf and Wayne Sliwinski recovered yeî anoîber loose baIl. Camastro made good on the lasI cthe waiig armhs Os jîm riarper. The game featured the return of sev- cral ex-Marauders, including standout running back Steve Lubin, who rushed for 70 yards on 17 camres, despite injur- ing bis ankle in the second quarter. Most of bis oins wcre grected with some extra bard welcomc home mes- sages by former tcammates. I bad the bull's-cye - îhey were comîing after me, and 1 was cornîng after tbcii," laugbed Luîbin, who admît- ted 10 mîlxed feelings plaving bis old teain in bis hometown. He fondly recalled bis days as a Marauder fromn the lie they went froîn a losing squad to the national championship. Lubin, the MVP in the 2004 NEC championshîp game, left the Marauders this scason for the Raiders, mosîly because he wanîcd t0 play more. 1I had 10 prove I was a good back in Ibis league. l wasn't something 1 wanîed to do, but someîhing I had to do. I love football, I just wanî to play" The 3-1 Marauders play a make-up game in Osbawa Monday against the undefeated Hawkeyes. The Canadieni Champion, Frîday, July 7, 2006 - A21 Namne could be changed: Heinz 1. roîj il S on page Ai18 place later thîs inonîh. White Heloz wouldn'î divulge names, he did say that îwo of the îhree leading prospects have Tier 2 jr. A experience, and that one is a former NHLer. His acquisition of the lceHawks essenîially nullifies the recruiting work Anderson had donc over the pasî several weeks, and nixes the îeams recent affiliation with Forgiones OHI Mississauga lceDogs - cxpcîed to bc sold as well thîs summer to l3harrnaceuuical gtant Fugene Melnyk. Mîlton's ncw owner also indicated îhaî the local club could bc undergoing a name change - pcrbaps as early as this coming scason. White consîdering giving the communiîy an opportu- nîîy to rename the îeamn - hy way of a conîest - hes also not opposed t0 reîurning 10 the Merchanîs moniker, which was dropped midway through Forgiones five-year reign. That haîf-decade era included îwo Western s. oîitc-iLs îsîî.. guf.sî bcson chlaîîcpioîîslups anîda tnip t0 the division finals in 2003. "We're very proud of what we have done with tbis hockey franchise and are very appreciative of the wann and growing support we've reccivcd from the people of Milton over the pasî five sea- sons," Forgione said in a press relcase confirm- ing the sale. "We wish Rick much success in the years ahead." As he did during what îurned ouI t0 he an unsucccssful bid to huy the neighbouring Georgetown Raiders back in the spring, Heinz stressed that bes committcd t0 giving local play- ers more of an opportunity t0 play for their hometown îeam. "Anyone who cornes ouI and proves îhey cao compete at this level we're going t0 give a shot. 0f course we can't filI the whole Ieam wiîh Milton guys, but it would be greal if we could gel somewhere between five and 10 local players. Fîve, I think, is certainly attainable for this sea- son." 'ci'- I \jA >, c J ~p.w~I~ii Sir~,uj.~ 'I!»X ~ _1>1? <Ci J dLILWMV%% n.5o1.1( T&R Sargent Farms Ltd. Terry Rowley Mechanical Inc. Town of Milton Heritage Canada The Canadian Champion Halton Agricultural Society The Halton Compeass Royal LePage Meadowîowne Vertex Energy Recovery Inc. Realty. Brokerage 031T A FRESH STlrà%f. Get SOLUTIONS nowv for-. Credit Card Problems Lots of Job or Loved One Repossessions Major Cash FIow Problems Wage Gornisliments Evictions Persistent Bill Collectors Judgements, Law Ssits Student [oas Delinqsent Taxes Foreclosores Divorce Related Fioncoa P sle PADDON + Baorpiey caa.hoavosd Coltus! Noclhageformealonadoon! PADO Dy AppounmentOonly. YORKE INC. 7 fl s 1 225 Main Street East (Main & Martin St.) Milton A beuter solution! Actng/odeingOpportunities Have yoa aiways woodered how people get ino Sear catalogues. Waimarr and Royal Bank TV commerciais mois i aCanadia n Tire ads. m usic videos a nd more ? ' Nexperience necessaey - 3 yrs aod op. on't mniss this opporturnity' MILTON Monday, July 1Oth Ramada Inn - 161 Chisholm Drive Arrive Anytime Between 5:OOpm-8:OOpm Registration fée of $43. Refunded if you do flot qualfy. For more Information visit www.sb a¶llest-taIu.t.com Zellers ambe ofCommrceSobeys Milton Chame fCmec Galaxy Cinemas Milton Mattamny Toronto Auto Auctions Gordon Food Services CAW TCA olw Knights of Columbus RtLenGol Clu Lions ClubRtteneGofCu Milton Hydro Distribution Colour Works îPeter Ksewit SosCo. Mercer & Mercer Prosperity One edMahnr Cation ExcavationRedMahnr Clarke's Golf Wallace Pontiac Buick Cadillac Sound House Studios TaylorMade Magna Karmsax Duffetin Aggregates Milton Downtown Mueller Canada Charlie Speck Business Improvement Austen & Noble .Welding Area ou anat Professional Audio RxlPraa Services Pen Retail Milton MaIl Granite Ridge povW5OYS Robert (Pie) Lee Kevin's Towing Golf Club Rotary Club of Milton Legion. Branch 136 R.C.M.P. t Club C.O.P.P.S. Rob Kelly Kinsmen Club St. John's Ambulance Kwik Kopy ~j Knighta of Columbus Red Cross Glsssvan Great Dane VJasycees Sancnsaey Church Lions Club M.M.Y.A.C We wgah Io oJso thank ait te me âg ajtvlduals, Milton ]Fre Departasent Community Soutisside the volunteers, too D.A..E. hurc numerous to mention, erg ~oiis D.A..E Cuecbwio heîped es put on hiudrn:Steam Ers Lamne Scots Army Cadets this evenL. n

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