Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Jun 2006, p. 5

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Te Canadian Champion, Friday, lune 3", 2006 - As Council shelves pesticide restriction bylaw for now By Melanie Hennessev j ' "i The debate on whether the Town sbould implement a bylaw wo restrnci the cosmetic use of pesnicides has been exierminated - ai leasi for now In a 7-2 vote Monday nigbi, town counicil ruled that a public consultation process on the bot topic won't stant until January 2007, meaning tbe counicil ibaîs voted in tbis November will make tbe ultimatc decision on tbe bylaw many residents are pusbîng for. Citizens botb for and againsi the pesticide restrnction packed into Milton (ouncil Cbambers Monday nîgbî wo voice ibeir tbougbîs on tbe controversiai issue - a crowd ibat was gencrous witb appiause and scoro. OtDnario Coliege of Famiy Ph> sicians CEO Jan Kasperski started the evening b> îelling councillors ibai ber organiza- lion îs ver>' concernied about the eflecis oi'pesticiclc exposurc on buman beaiîb. "ODur researcb iound alarmning evidence ibai pesticide exposure is flot safe ai an>' les ci and tbai cbildren and preg- nant women are cspecially vuinerable to beaiîb cffecis," sbc saîd. "Wc owe iî 10 our cbîldren to do everytbing iii our power 10 protect îbem.from barm. Pass a bylaw tbat proîcîs Milton citizens from unnecessary exposure to pesticides. Tbe sentiment was sbared b> Dr. Jozcf Krop, wbo empba- sîzed ibat "pesticides are poisons designed to kiff.- -Tbere is no sale way 10 apply a substance ibai is inher- ently poisonous 10 our waîer, soif and air, to cbîldren, to adults, 10 pets, to A living organîsms." But bis words didn't dîscourage ibose wbo are in favour of continuing witb pesticide use, witb many îakîng tbe trne to sbare tbeir side of the argument, lîke Oakviile resîdent Douglas Hauser wbose delegation drew mutters [rom the audience. ,0 , ic IL iO , i i 1 I 111\ ' rii "I avlu4,55bl Stuii oil everytbing.' But ibaîs not truc,' bc saîd, arguing, 'The mate- niais do not go beyond what tbey are applied o.- He wenî on 10 cnîticize tbose wbo are opposed to pesti- cides. "If we believed tbe sky-îs-fallîng lîtany of tbe anti-pes- tîcides groups we would îbink tbat people are sick and dying in tbe sireets," be saîd, to wbîcb someone in tbe audience saîd, "Tbey are." Clive Wbitlock of Guaranteed Green, a Milton lawn care business, presenîed a petîtion signed by 440 clients wbo are in opposition to a byiaw resîrîctîng cosinetic pesticide use. lu addition, cotincil beard [rom local resident Pbîlîp Walker, wbo saîd bes been working wîîb pesticides for the past 34 years andi neyer witnesscd anvone suffening [rom dis- case tor ilness irom the producîs be bas sprayed. _John Opsicen of tbe Haltin Fedieration of Agriculture also spoke ai the meceting aind voiced fariners' concernis [ie said wbîle the intention of tbe poiential pesticide b> law nmav be to ban cosmectic use, "You neyer know wbere ibai wîll lead," relerring io farmers' worry ibai one day tbe restrictions could be puî in place for agrîcutîlîral land ioo. Pesticides Alternatives for Milton (PAM) presenîed coun- cil wiîb a petition conîaînîng 1,261 naines urgîng tbe Town to create a bylaw resînicîîng the cosmectic use of[pesticides (ou private properîy "We know tbai ibere are iwo sîdes of the coin," saîd PAM founder Enika Risiok. "But uts lune to Rip the coin and enaci a pesticide bylaw for Milton. You are our leaders. Please proteci US." Council wenî on to debate tbe inaîter, wiîb Ward 4 Councillor buh Challinor saying tbat a timeframe is neces- sary for tbe pesticide public consultation. He suggesied starîîng il nexi January pointîng oui ibai tbe rcquîred researcb and discussions could take several montbs anti counicil will be a "lame duck" comne Ociober, \\ hile Vad4 <. ouiicihloi \\endy "Schau agreed wîîlî uic timelîne, sbe saîd il would be besi to create tbe bylaw up front 10 bave on the table for discussion during tbe consul- tation. Sbe saîd if tbe Town starîs holding discussions witb tbe public tbaî do nt ba ve locus, iberes a greater cbance of tbem becoming acnmonîous and emotional. Ward 2 Councillor Mark Curtis ecboed Sebaus tboughîs. Ward 3 Councîlior Jan Mowbray quesîioned bow tbe munîcipaliîy would be able 10 ban tbe cosmetie use of pesti- cides, wbile ibe products would stîli be avaîlabie for bome- owners to purebase ai the store. 'hi doesnît make sense 10 me," sbe said. She said sbe'd prefer the Town enforce its noxions weed bylaw înstead. Wben the voie was called, C ballinor, Mowbray, Ward 3 (ounicillor Cindy Lunau, Wards 1 and 3 C ouncilior Ban'r' Lee, Ward i Councillor Brian Peuman, Ward 2 and 4 (ounicillor Ron Furik and Ward 2 Councillor Mike Bougbîon voîed in favour of bolding public consultation on tbe cosinetic pesticide issue nexi january. Scbau and Curtis voied agaînsi tbe motion and Ward 1 Councillor Rîck Day was absent. Melaîtie Hetitiessy cai be reached ai mheîînessey@am i Iton- catiadiaîuchampion.î om. Which Costly Mistakes Will You, Old Milton & Dorset Plark Home Owners Make? HALTON -A new report has just heen released which reveals 7 costly mîstakes that most homeowners make when selling their home, and a 9 Step System thar will help you seil your home fast and for the most amount of moncy. This indusrry reports shows elearly how the tra- ditional ways of selling homes have hecome increasiugly less and less effective in todays market. The fact of the matter is that a full three quarters of homesellers don't get what they want for their home and hecomne disillu- sioned and - worse - financiallv disadvantaged when rhey put their home on the market. As this report uncovers, most homesellers make 7 deadly mistakes that cost them lirerally thou- sands of dollars. The good news is that each and every one of these mistakes is entirely preventa- hie, lu answer to this issue, industry insiders have prepared a free special report entitled "The 9 Step System to Get Your Home SoUd Fast and For Top Dollar". To hear a brief recorded message about how to order your FREE copy of this report, cail 1-877-617-1275 and enter ID #3000. You can cali any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, or visit us onfine at www.haltoncostly- homesellers.com. of 1 ........ 1 ,A, g

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