The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 30, 2006 - B5 businesses Ane eJMaa4c" 13 qlu« su Wube , m., 00>478-2 Fulaf A Wy to W44n th4e adIidite War! Acts4emdl es vktlnyu ,oy neca's ta /sreak tep stulîcorn fat e&-firoue tissu<e. No dow;ntinw fnoa otier sie #dot aLlier t/ian Creai 1-Pgjn« SkiiI Servwmt ipneluWe 8/ut4/t ae *Laserkaîrvrrenmorai tieframet 1sb LIhi Ser 5kmý t qny Dilait ilreatments Electroysîs 5rtest mark * Potjaaal(/PL) ireaiments * C/îiea facals Resýy1a;ne *Skù, tzýqs Sclmeroer, 10Minute.4nti-Affrn Faeùd Re. $175 Ca/I now Io Isookyourpfee consul/tation! Open Mail - Mlurs untlipm ~AJ~J k&dYV &9 - ----- LIV1RZ& l AFrRNON& V <oN 4 a IgfÀUIMEIl '41 IA O -Mm1-lbR Ladies GoId Necklace with Gold Medalion Chain is approx. 20" t 24" long.- Medallion is about the size of a toonie, round with twisted the outer edge. 4 Embossed Mary image in the centre.~ REWARD for Ets return. 905-878-2151 A COUdTRy MILE FURNITUKE, HOME ACCENT5 & GIFT5 TO 7 0 OFF!I MOVINO SALE Open STORE CLEARANCE Canada Day, 9:30-5 SaL JuIylo ;265 Main ý5t. E. e Carnagge 5cquarc STORE HOUAS 005-87b-1070 0ü Mon-Wed 10am-6pm Thurs-Fn ..lOam-8PM Saturday 9:3Oam-5pm rELXLG -î Ig)LG - PHY'1.1HEIe'PY r mm"11111 f Iap!fl Carnada We Will be Closed Saturday July lst for the Holiday, and Re-ODpen Monday for Regular Business Hours I