UjMiOOeîta:0,:bl: W MeOS dcat, D:Oatal ZI dtoeIl, Dntal C5edtpaDntal Be Part of a winning team!! VON HALTON Client ESCort position A Monday to Friday, Split shifts Aprox. hrs: 7:30am-tfamn & 2:30pm-6pm Responsibiitiea. *Prsvide assistance foi cognitivelY impaired seniors w / Alzheimer on / off tht day prsgram bus to frsm their homes safely. *Lsading / unlssding wheelchairs and waikers on tht bus. Expertence: *1-2 years Community College in Gersntology o equivalent o *Minimum 2yrs working w/cogoitively impaired seniors. *Understanding of Alzheimer and relaled diseases. -Gsod communication skinus. *Valid Ontario drivers license and current CPR. Plas apply ta: Humain Resources, VON Halton. Fax (905) 827-5476 E-mail: harnanrasoarRaavonhahon.oe On/y f/ose candidates se/ecfed for an interview wl be confacfed REHABILITATION Phyaiotherapy Aaaistant Kinealologiaî Required for a Physiotherapy Clinic in Milton, Starting Aug, 2006 New graduates welcomt! Excellent learning environmenit!!f Fax raumes ta: 905-876-3737 Email: infa@hcrc.ca Be Part af a winning team//! Due ta increased Demand VON HALTON Personai Support Worker Positions available immedistely Burlington, Oakville & North Halton We offar: *Paid orientation *Compesitive wages *Educational & Carter Grswth Opportunities -Travel reimbsrsement *Day, evening and Weekend shifts *24 hosrs Support Pleasa aPPlY to: Human Reourcea, VON Halton. Fax 905-827-5476 E-mail: haaanresoarceax@eanhaton.ca On/y thaae candidates seiected fai- an interview w//i b. contacte. 95 878234 .fi "ýu Join an excifing Worfd of oiportunity'. We req. professissal Kitchen Staff for our new Sharey'sWorfd Caie & Loungt in Oakvile. Cati 905441400 or amnati resume: jlm@sharcays raatautaents.,om, Tii. Caadiaml Ciiamlbîws Fvidaoy Jine,3O 2006 -25 N~Iote m jetu oelRaurant H e QUEEZE CLUB (1ocateà onihe Mississauga 'Oikvil p h.j ýrp P e se a p p ly in p e rso n w ith re su m e d V o :y a x e e c SQUEEZE RESTO- LOUNGE The YMCA is looking for individuals that are dedicated, flexible Thursday June 29th, between 4pm-ffpm and enthusiastic for the following positions in the Hatton Region: We are located 1 blockr north of the QEW off Wins ECE Teachers or Qualified applicants (Cnild and Youth Work- ton Churchill Blvd jn the AMC theatre complex. er/ Recreation Leaders, Assistant Teachers) for School Age Squeeze's estrance is located directly acrots frsm Programa (Part Time/Spnt Shifts) the AMC theatre's front dssrs -Supply Teachers for Preachool and School Age Programa ECE Teacher fluent in ASL (American Sign Language) for Nursery School Program located in Milton RS auT xSOT A A clear current (within 6 montha) Police Reference Check is re- - MUANAGESPRS BR quired prior fo employmenf. IlAGR Please email resumes to: (Genelral, Kitchen i Bar) kathrynsehnke@ymca.net for Georg etown required for aur !1afton Locations arrn.enOmctaR Mln Apl r pt son: 4523 Dundas at Appleby FaORKtrnSene 0-7-26 fe p orxwith cover lester 905-315-1584 Fxt ahy ene 958726 fe p Affn Laurence Kavanagh Only quaiCed candidates wl b. ca/led faor an Interview. Finding a great job was so easy. Just open ïý W 4q classified section is ail it took. Phone 905-878-2341 or email: classified@W miltoncanadianchampion.com A-liac-tFisployees! Place vouqr ad fb lia Can.alan cjjj &u»î classfledsu. .îuî.uîuîîmru ctaaaified@mitoncanadanchmpion.com 4W }~ } iy ~ n ~ 875 Main St. E., Milttan, ON., L9T-3G7 MIII.EC RAI ORSre. sl iii