Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 30 Jun 2006, p. 22

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22'- The Canadian Champion, Friday June 30, 2006 ~elBaskel Belaske TafIga odtiOnSdrodIecaONu A 20 dinivg S rom Uhrr.TNO SRapNTO tab e, 8 ch irscbfet, aas isse ntces hucr doi l ou- W iiapbc stks $2800:0 90-8795 6:0 A ~ ~ ~ 80 Ktoi 5ioto0Mt.0 ires Se.Ne n ias 18 on a Prlad ti.Col$80.oelfr 252,00km E xcelen tic, crrarey$250 95. 199 youtr Vopag go-r!" otoad conditon. Cati AEDROO Chvrryea905.83A03t2 or 4r8 w rafld a Roed , cet, 1570ff098d(Sewrt drssr 2 ArtilsTicdet Nee spvued Coom t chcrr r- aIto, Rpor c - C $8.0 00 . Sacrifice dctitcrîe kees $2600. 905-587-402 euu, /, 4K.$.9s A KingPilloto oster Autro. 905a333 1,0rds e f New ina- 18 od Prle Ma st &$100. nylocr- 2500laGL Exfcaglen po50 90556-959 dc Mgmo uen condrio 5 sPd ira D, Amal. bacdsclo '. saursi $0 CDm ai pesl orhpei p L aed 958 -219. $S tiyandsf a $2e50 905- 19 5 Psyout h Voyag.18 56O 04 Tab l f Spa) Co er 3L usprety shpe &o condiurs. Cati 1 POD Supl es , era- 98 torse, 2losu ttan bis deetc.l SCotrcin. 202Psat n $000 Sacrfic do99 litais.,kyls 1,00. MORE7-04 P E nty ,16. $9,g 1519e3325 Auto, 05-333 CuRcosul hav sev r Tm893 1,00ads om e ti HOT Tub (Spa) 2008r mode ai ptonrs. Cou 1 epNovegesedd mu n crPN p lies C erat $9900 7.90 i r Gsame Bu adr TR UT .9 (in 95-303f1or 905p China, C RaE Sle. 5-32 Tracy90833t-259 M Lern t ma poFid ou sbo motho. ail ots, sud miro-chi. Cl$500> 9el,00 0585 7442 AntiBesR pappatbs: orE sa CCrgslSer TpC.Cali 90587-838 i e eopar 1997 Ford F15OXL 4.6 V8, alomatin, power nivenîug, Power brakus, tuibor, bod mai, saieiy- chvcked sud v-el 260,000km. $4.400. Cai 905-893-9779. 1997 Nissan King Cair XE - 4 cpi., auto., bed liuer csp. 320.000km. lait higbsesyl $2,999obo. Cati 519. 855-4992 2003 Euvoy EL. 113.OOOkms. 8-passen- ger, OVO/CO player. PW/PS, clîmate contrai, dal hest/AC, duel stereo. Leather, Ou- Star ..fuy ioaded. $54.000 Nec, ssking $22.700. Cati 905-877- 3371. 1997 GMC Jimmy 4x4, 6 cyt., Pocer trink power door iscks. As is $3500 Foster Auto. 905-333- 1893 ROCKERY stoues for sale J.P. Trve Farm. 15 Sîde Rosi West ot Stir Lîne/i mile nortir 905-878-8251 or 519- 763-5162. rn~ zargrniz onsels rNets la aearching for o LISTINGS COORDINATOR For oun Oakvltte Location Gsid Book / 701.csm, a Divisisn of Mefrsiand Pub- lishirg, is a direclty business seruicing local mai- kets lu Ontario, prsoidiug cansumers citir a csm- piete listing of ai busînesses lu their local cammu- uily. Due to business grscth, ce are seiln a dyusmic ludivîdua for tire fu-lime position of Listings Coar- dinatar for sur Direcfary businvss. lu this role pou ciii be ivopousible for mansgiug aur busineas-critical telephone number dalabase for euery cammanity beîng resched by Gsid Book / 70t.com. lu addition psu ciii manage client lots sud reports for sur sales leasol assiat them ili esch direcfty campaigu. Tire quaified candidate iii passeas ssiid lime management okilis sud au attention ta detail. Vos iii havue eporience cnrkiug citir Microsoft Office applications Il au lu-depir uuderstsudiug of Microsoft Escel ta organise large amount of data. Vas ciii bu au action ariented, self-starter cira irel- fl isl puffing tire castomer final. If psu csuid like ta csrk for s leader lu tire media iuduslry Ibis spporuutty may be tire rigirt sue fat ysa. We affer a competilive compensation sud benefîls package, as coul as spporuuîîîes for fu- ture career gractr. il lnterested plase forward your fesume, wlth Listings Coordinetor In the sablect fine, no luter then Juiy 12, 200Gbo: careers@701.com We appreciale lire iteresl af ail applicano irowev er oniy lirose seiel foran interview il0 fe Coale No phase calis or ageucies pliee The Classifieds Attra ct Cu a hou dunopee? Sttnu Poklate satun uS Ie Car u sh s t no letuSSn ai 1905 818-234 today 111CaladIh assifie i Ci v Cal905--234 Et121 www.thecntre.hmon.com 4Cntren FREInfoaton Sesioen! 1 Gather up your 10+ years off direct marketing expenience mn financiat services orsteecommunications. Show us the brelait and depth off pour capability in building sopbisticated CRM programs. Dazzle us with your analytical skills. A solid knowtedge base and working experience of integrated marketing communications is atso a must. Demonstrate to us that you are results ffoloe a solid relatioeship buder and have the experience ta tea and manage ait aspects off client business. If yoo viant trobe part off a senior team doieg great worh with big clients in a ffasn-paced enviromment veil off the city - opportunity is knocking. Update pour resume and introduire yourseif. Send it to: )AN Kelley Marketing Atn: Megiras Kîrsein, Hamas tesoarces 1005 Skyviec Drive, Suite 322 Burlîngtou, ON L7P 581 mkirwio@javkelleymarkeing.com JAN KELLEi Ne tirask ail appiucaers for thirer interest, howevet, anly these seiected fanasn interview seill be contacted. e.V 1ý ,r() ob Search wA erienced Wc 3f your emplib sume that works ket yourseif to elc md deveiop interr ut the Hidden Job Experienced Tire Bay Ar 2nd Ploor -86 lx Rokyoura )rkSOp Ak Usbo u... Recruigment ad rksh optoday &l receive irkers 30Odays on e skîtis polos for only ployers view skiffs Market Workers Progeam o k ea Learnng Centre 0 Harringtov Couru lurtingtsn, Ontario hsu cruss i, fusSeS Su Sca11905-87& ouBo uî .csm, a Division of Metroland Pub- lishing, ls a business directoiy seruicing local mar- ket lu Ontari, providing cansumer Ith a com- plete listing of ai businlesses in their local commu- ndy Due lu, business grscth we are seeking a dynamic individual for thie full-time position of Content Coor- dinator for aur Qakoille lscatio. The qualdfied can- didate ii be a mstivated sud srgauized individual Ith excellent verbal sud critten communication snillo. Yoa cili be a tesm player and be capable of csriing lu a fast paced deadline fscused environ ment. lu Ihis roie you will be responsible for gatheriup sud posting cebsite information. Ysu cull cork di- recl citr clients in develsping their cebsites while maintaiuing a positve r lut Insdditisn, ysu cîlI have wsrking ksclei gefs Microsoft Office, Adsbe Photsfop sud a basic understaudug of the Internet. Knscledge of HTML csuld be an as- set. If y su csuld like 10 csrk for a leader lu thre media industry this spportuuity may be the ri sue fsr su. We sffer a csmpetitive compensation sud ~enefits package, as cel as opportunities for fua- tare career groeir. Il interested ptease forward your resorne, il Content Coordinotor In tthe subject fine, no loter than Juty 12, 2006 ta: careers@701.com We aporeciathfe interest of ail applicants fiowever criy those selecteel for an interview wili be Contacfe No phone cais or agences please. O Ventra Plastics An O.E.M supplier f5 Ford s currenty hiniug SLIPERVISORS Ws rave a requiremen tot superviso cil automotive mauacuriug, quaiy, maintenance or maieriaa backround on thre rolisong sinus ai sur SPD Mîssinsauga location Wel are luoking for a number ut ovperiencvd candidates chu cii Os responisbe loi muiaating sud trining empliyv to achlîa producion requiremenis clb ensuring ail applicables Hestn d Saleiy rvsonoibilifis ara cumpied wiih. Tirs stui candidate cii bo a surong ivsm nlavet sud possesu inierpersoua sills euouriug dhiu abiiiy Il direct, noiuae sud eork in tire muos effecive/efficieut manuvi. Sapeiuisurv voperience in autumotîse manuiacuring lacîi is eopecied. Genersi iunuciedge of ihe TS694 standards sud reqauormeuis sud oeuvrai computer skuiffs wud be cousidered as an aduanitage, bleuira Plastics otters a cumpetiive comupensation package. Ouaiied candidates are enicoaraged lui subiî resumes toi Human Rsources 'entra Plastics PCOe ox 775 Tecitnoogy Drive Peterboroghu Oui. K9j 6Z8 Lmtileot8vniasastics cnm Ouiy those candidates ta ire iuteruieced cii ire contaci www.jankellevmarketinci rnm 1 19 searcbiog for a DISTRIBUTION COORDINATOR For Our Oakvilfe Location Gaid Book / 701.com, a Division of Metralard Pubr- iishing, is a directsty business servucung local mar- kets lu Ontario, Prsuidiug Cansumes cd h a csm- piete listing of ail busunesses lu frIn local cammu- Iily. Due ta business graci ce are seekiug a dynamic individua for tire fuil-lime position of Distribution Casudînatar for sut direclory business. lu lis, raie pou iii bu responsibe for coordiuaîing lire distributio f Gsld Book directories lu ail mai- kefs inciadiug business sud residenfisi distribution. Vos cii deueisp sud support initiatives liraI ciliinl- cresse distribution prsduciy sud beller serve sur markrets. lu addition, pou cii liause cilir sur lo- cal sales graups lrroui asteudiug sales meetings sud iraudiug cuslomer, reader and undeperdeul cantraclor inquirues lu a professioas mauner. Tire quaiified candidate cii have slrsug rien sud verbal communication skilis sud ssiid lime man- agement sud organuzatioral abilitues. Vos ciii be castomer facused citir tire abiiity ta maire qaalily decisions lu s deadiue driven enuiroumeut. Expo. rieuce lu a distribution ai circulation erormeul cauld be au asse. If PsU csud like la cork for a leader un tire media îndastry tris spportuul may ber lire rigirf sue for pou. We offer s compotilive compensation sud benofits package, as ce)l as spportaniies for f u- ture career grocrir. Hf Intereoteul pieuse torward pour resume, with Distribution Coordinator in the subject fine, no tlter thon JUIY 12, 2006 ta: careers@701.cem We appreciate lire lulereol of ail applicauts irocever suip lirase seiecled for su interview cii be coutacted. No phrone calis or ageucies pleae s searciring for a MARKETING COORD)INATOR For sur Qakolfe locatiou Gsid Book / 701 .cnm, a Division of Mefroiaud Pub- lioiing, i0 a directo-p business semicing local mar- kefs lu Ontario, prsuiding consumers cIir a com- piete listing of ail basinesses lu their local commu- nity. Due foi business groci, We are oeeking a dpnam- ic ludividua for lire fuli-time positio of Marketing Coordinstor for sur direcfary business. lu iris rOle pou oif bu responsibie for csordieatiug ail Gold Book / 701.caSn promationsi mateia in tire markets tiraI ce operate. Tis cii include deoeisp- ing contesto lu coujunictixu citr varl neco- papiers sud exsing cients. lu addition, pou cii be reopousibie for ire coordination of sales Issis un- ciuding sales manui, business cards, iefenread sud stirer marketing support materuais for our suies fesm. Tire quaified candidate cii ire s crealive, mou- Ilte sud orgauîzed iudiuidual citr excellent uer- bel sud criffen communication okilis. Vou cii bu a lesm pisper sud bu Capable ot csrkng in a fast pacod deadiue focuse enuiroumeul. Demon.- olrated marketing esporience csud bu au set. if y u ould like ta cork for a leader lu tire media indusfry fis opportify map bu tire rugirt sue for euefAWe Offer a comPetifive compensation sud Pln-ispackage, aswi sOpportunities for fus- tare career groctr il inteneotsd pissase tortillrd pour reoume, wlti Markteting Coordinstor In the aubject fine, no lster thon Jsip 12, 200S tn: careers@701.cnm We aPPreciste l oof ail applucauls irowcu. or OniIls selectel Par au interview wii bu coolactel. No phrone caia or ageucies pleie ol3dh Bcook fa sesnchîng ton o CONTENT COORDINATOR

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