Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 23 Jun 2006, p. 45

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a feekickfor Brunelo's and Amee Carpeote coredfoi a HAT TRICK. Bonourable montians for Beather Moor ofr 84 fDr H. 1Milton Magie Porple 3 River Ridge Phynuoiherapy 4 River Bîd e won this closelli iatcheit avie by acatrgo fat iver Ridge and bhey soar bld arother fom Sophie Boîvîo. Tberi the Parole Magîc came tbîaugb vîtb a pair af goals lrom Takîr Cameror-Biake and one lîom Picltia Aramîni. Rivet Ridge came back rn the second bail vif h a goal by Leab McGîitîvray and bher Sophie Botuîr Popedîin er second for the game. Goaiteodîrg for bot0 teamo vao spectîculari Sobes 13 Haton Recycling 1 Don't lot 10e score foot pou, lois vas a volt yiayed game vîlO sîgnsofn britant dofense and olIense. Broînnia Clarke was theofflensive star yOOtîOg in 4 goals fot Sabeys wîth lddîltanal prod action camîng Ibom Coontney Hilson, Megan 0000e, Emtiy Fîrr, Madetyn LeDîew eacb with a paît of goals and Santha Blair addîng a single goal. Ballon Rec;yclîng vaîkod a sbort boncb for mocb OI the firtI hall vîlO tome spîrking taa-v '0 %ia c omigIm Emiiy Wesslia and Jenna Ayon Th . 1e goal tBlon came from, Rebecca BOttlG 'tad SrBtradley and Alilsor ivin were tfearleos in goal for Ballon slapping a flurîh af sbots, Triple Teane Specialty Cotion, Deosert & Ica Croam B Dr. Bertea & Dr. Hord Orihodootiot 1 sa ge ofa keepîng the bail ouI of the net, atiovîng oni -ne goal on, scared by Broako Modetras. Dr. 8eika ar H Bard s goalies Lei oha Turner and Aohiey Tuft also sbowedl great goaitendîg on lOis coid ni ghi. Tboy bad tbor vork Cul out for îbom wîlh Florence Felero and Samantha Cascanente oacb sorina a laI. Skyla Baker vas unstoppabie, scorîog R goals for Triple Tease. Hoolber Moan p aoe oobremoiy voit for the Or 's leîm, as dîd Alîsan Astala oI Triple Tease. First Profeonionai 1 Milton Toyota 3 Byan Toslik of Milton Toyota os a great asset t bis team scorîno 3 goals rn Ibeir match agaîrol Fîrsl Professioaa Collsionrand Paîrî toc. Aavery eeciting game ,wasylayed with a stunnîrg goal by Fîrot Professionals Aasdaîr Brossaut Howeuer il was 001 enoogh lot Fîrsl Profeosionat and bhey weto bealer 3 I by Milton Toyota. Bobh teams ptayed haro witO an awesame effort armRdioA ir f First Prolessiorai aod Travis in' rm ebasianBarth ad CdyBoers of Fîrot Pralessîoonal and Spencer Jones and Bichotas Gchîrm af Milton Toyota. Great game boys. 241 Pizza B Milton Chrysier Dodge 3 Il vas a bard foughl match vOth Milion Chryster Dodge camîna out on top. Fanlaslîc gaaltendîng for 241 Pizza bylyier Oîjeros and Patrick Moîbaîl, and Joshua DaCoola and Andrew Jones for Milton Chryoler Dodge. Grant Belanger hadt a greal ollensîoe game scorîrg a bal-tîîck for Mitton Cbyle oge îl Hamilton af *241 Pizza had same good shols coming close or ses- erat occasions. Aaron Zomer îeceîsed ployet roI the rmne for Mlton Chrysler Dodge. Tyler M'ty of1241 Gibsar nPlayed a getd sv aeas o 4 Pizza. * evin's Towing i Aptple Auto Glaoo BolO teamo baOfled bard ir a vell-played game shavîng a hîgh touel of skîll or behaîl of bath leamo. Goalies for t bath leams made lrîumpbarî effbos keeptng Ibeir leamo rn 1he game wîlO Noah buntey and Dîllion Verma for Apple Auto Glass. In net for Kevîn's Towîng were Joshua Blazina and Jacob gemaîter.. Goat scorers or Kevîr s Tovîng îociaded Jacob Demaîler, Jacob Wîckvare, Michael Huolet, and Oukan Puceuîc, ail wîth one goal, Byan McGoraid and Adam DeMarco vîtO 2 and blîrcezo La Cavera avîl 3. The goal fat Aspie Auto Glass vas scoîed byllaymondllînta. Specîalmention gres out to Jeffery Archer and Bolden Martin from Milton Magie Neon Orangeg KPMG B1 The openirig goals were scored by 0100t Metarsor lot- loved by a goal b y Conror Herdershot and one by Bollis Mackînnon ail fot KPMG. Bp the end of the firtI bail KPMG was ahead by 7-t. In 10e firot fev minutes of the second bail Stephan Bisard came an slrarg scar- îng for Milton Magic Milot Magîc gol salie breaks by scorng' Penalty s ots by Stephan Rivant and Nathan Cart Il became an eacîtîng game, durîng the test aI 1he second hall Milot Magîc came or slroog. Goalie Jason Fortîz aI Milton blocked a shol by geflîog the baill rn the face. KPMG dîd rot score or Ihal ylay.The gal scarero for Milton Magtc veto Stephar Rivard (G) and Nathan Carter (2). The goal scorers Brelt Melanso (4), Carnor yendetsbot, Bolîts Mackînran 12) . Mîlc ell Vîieneuve and Jason Chabot. The goalies for Milton Ma c vere Thomas Batîg and Jason Faoîîi. The oa îes for KPMG vere Bîcky Krîînen and Jardor AFpile Auto Giano 2 Soite Farm Insorance-Doo Macgae 2 This game proved lui 0e a nati biter for ail of tbe fans. State Farm's, Tyler P. started off vîtb a quîck and pav- erfut goal. Thomas Bamsey of Apple Auto glass had many greal saves for the f îlot bail, vOile Paul Krighl dîd 10e insîde of the crosstîarand unIotent.Tamt Cbad Fugere bad totso0f great shots bol they were saved by Jash R. Glale Farm dîd flot give up the fîghl, and bhey came back in tbe last lev minutes vîlO a great shol by 7/%e/Vedett'~ ~f ~e M~ ~/ag4Se4 C« Alex F. Jordan Oves mode same groal 00000 On the sec- ond bail for Apple Auto Glass, sotino evertling thal Colin M. shot Il hum. Bath toamo exbîbîlod atoll sports- manohîp. Weil dore boys! 241 Pizza B Milton Chsoior Dodge 3 fi inas a bard fovgbl match autO Milton Chrysier Oodgo camîrQoOuI or top. Farlasîîc gaaitendirog for 241 Pizza by Tyler Olivoros and Patrick Muthat, and Juobua DîCosta and Andrew Jaos bar Milton Chrysier Dodgo. Grant Betanger liadt a groal offensvetgme oconînga bal trîck for Mîlton Chyso 1 ag WîliHamton aIf 241 Pizza bad some good sotos comîno close on sou- oral occasions. Aaron Zoont receîoed playet of the olefor Milton Chrysier Dodge. Tyler Bîley af 241 Pizza mode same excellent oiays ollensvely and Hurler Gîbsan piayod a great defoInsive game aiso for 241 pizza. Apple Auto Glass 6 Scott B. Prier ltomao 1 Goal îendîog dulies vote shîîed by Raymond Thomas in the fursl half and Owen Lîngard Ibom Apple Auto Glass in 1he second. Bo10 gooluos were keptb usy and saved a lot of soas. For Roman, Ecan Doiley and Biley Brady took cote oaf tbe net. De'spîte 10e sfrorg goal tendîng and defeoce tram Roman, Apple Auto G las came on stranger vîtO an excellent ooorce scarîng a ttal aI six oa110 Goal scorers vitO Aptle Auto Glass vote Cbîd Fugete, On Lîngard. Ian Fngsbram, and Raymond Thomas, Specuai mentioin la Raymond who scored thîee goals ooîoîrg o bat trick! Good for Mike Bednarz Ion scarîng the goal for Bomîo. Great gaine oeeyore! Fîrot Prolfeonional Collision 4 State Farm Ivooronce 4 Whal on avesome vay 1011 Itn he soasar, State Farm Insurance came an oblong scorîng the finît goal of the ýareC,,, edeosscoedfor Fis Pofessi~oa 0100e more goals la take 10e ld Thîntîs la twa goals by Colin M., one goal Ibom Alec P. and are goal Ibom Jonathan B. Finît Profesoa came oul ta play and ocorod lhroe mate goals la lie up the game. Thanks agaîn 10 Oarny Medeos for anoîber greal goal, Caleb Orodgo voutd 100 the entîre pîlch la score an amazîng oîtl and CodIey Boots vould lue ap the game vîlO a pet- ?ect goal Excellent goal keeping brom Jacob C. and Maon l ob te FamadRichard Bicchierai and Gobe Bous of Fîrol Frofossuonai kepb 10e game very înteîoslîng. The fans couid 001 hase beon happer vilO lie game a 4 al. Great game BOPS! Optomiol Club 1 241 Pizza 12 Goatios for 241 Pizza vote Thomas Bannab and Aptes umptohp Goals vote scorod by Justin Scbapor Borourabo mention goos 10 Josbua Casale and Samual Gîbson-Gamacho. Goaios for the Oplomuot Club veto Andrew Boitaban and Lîîm Buckioy. Lîam aisa sconod 2 goals. Trevor Chodliegh scarod 3oals as dtd Noan Cormier. Carter Ta p on and Mitchell Wizniuk also scarod a goal each. Bnourabie mention gaes la Jake Pîtoîmîs and Arthur Moîazek. 5tb Wheel Trucke Stope MIilon Dodgs Chrysor 3 Bath beais piayed veil but 510 Wbeoi Truck Stop, on the strength aI Jutian Josuanvoki s 4 goals and Jonathan Paca o 2 g alo edged OuI Mltbon Dodge Chopsier Milton Dodgo Cotystets goal ocorers veto Grant Belanger abo scored vwice and Tristan Mendes vho îddod another. The goalues for bath t0100 helped keep 10e game compeuîîoe, Andre Jones and Austin Macloose 001100 tbe 00h05s for Milton Oodge Chryster ahîte Bryce Metoto and Jîke Kîmmener bockstopped 51h abe ooth 00 ictorp. Valle Foam1 241 Pizza 4 Great lob gaine b obO Poile Foîm and 241 Pizza Flapira in net 10e lSb bail bar Valley Pam vas Cotina Canning w00 made many avesame saves. yiayîrg on nef 10e lot bail for 241 Pizza vas Pieipa Gîlmore vbo aisa made oome avesamo caves. Goal oconers fon 241 Pizza veto Caîttyn Carrai vutO 2, Pipa Blackbunn d Catleen Foiey autO b elcb, plipng un nef the 2od hall for 241 Pizza vas bobluna a samns oho a10 liadt a encollent gamin unet. Great effort ail aound for the 241 Pizza playnrs . Cbrîstuna Steînbîuîeî had the oniy goal for Pole Foain, pliîyng un net bar Polie Foaîn un the 2nd bail vas Ceienî Margani vho atoo bldt and excellent gume. Atoll effo b y Anne Pilote, Whitney F000 and the test aI bOn Patte Fam beain Good Luck ta ail play- on, hope you al have a groat soosor.. Balle Poane 3 Chadwlcks Traval 3 l vas a verp encîbîng gaine ai the Laurier Park, The excitoment vas croduted ta greot goalteridina by both teomo. For Patio Foan the goîtios vote Cabrura Canning ard Hay tep Peel. For Chadvîcko Trîoel the goalie 010 Sara Bioy The parents vote cbeering broin Ibeun lawn chairs Emity Matra ocored 3 goals for Chadwick Travel vOile Megon Gordor scored 2 0110 and Chruoluna Steunhouser scnredî1 goal for Paiteïoam. Great defonse for Patte PoalI biy Sanidra Pvad and Mary Abdelrou. Ptîo Tapier Rami ilon diaed great kicks and biackî for Cadvickis Trave. The bo bains viii look firvard fi meeting elch oîber again!i 241 Pizza 1 Millweld Eoteeprînes 1 The maod 010 set fr00 the opening kickabb of Iis epic gohodîng baIfle 241 Pizza bldt OelaneyMieunt ? bo"t' is afad managed 10 bobl the pressing Milvwetd teain ocoreteso. Pyta Blackburn managed ta use ber okilti vIlace a voit strock bail paît the oery lai- enbed goal tontina oI Madelîro Jolivet. Gaira vitO o ~oîatnding change un t0e second lialltiobabn 10ivaysepe nte net 10 fîgOt off 10e allackîr Miliveid Foterprîses leain ahao sponsiolenco paid off vîlO a atoll goal tram Sain Kabuk.T0e baiented Ta yior 01ev vas a voit un net tai hoid bock the attacking 241 Botb leamo piayed oatstandîrg soccer vîtb greal pet- soaî efforts and înspirtîalîo Flop hy Cheisey Luckett and Rachel Bodgors. Wap lo go girls! Chadwlckos Travol 2 Invasion; Group - Stoven Reon 7 Investors Graup mot Chadvick's Travel an a bol nîght for oocer. A great ame was layed byatiland thegurI Uavrein lvnded goal for Irvestors Gtoup un 10e ,'ýillhaý and Mîddîsar Conrotp 100k ber place un net for 10e secnd hal toethe oya livîaCadvîk o2gals, o sce by bora rodu Brb Chadvick souled 00 hîo goal vhOa nc ps lCera vh vavit- ina un psiion . tov Irtas GrouP lallîed 7 pa nt s ant Chadvick s Trîe goatie Chantl Amara vovked bard bd mado s e pa s ' 0 bt c od ' kto ai.TyrCey, Bin T mis aToaiWtt DGusoe pu un one go1al elh and Solîrna Cale and Mîîiut o e'cd ad ed lv gomales b c10001001010. Tnki a010 payer for an aclion packed game Inventons Grosp 4 Arthur Eilectrlc 1 Arthur Fleclrîc got off101 quîck 0110t and papped ane un la open 10e game. The teamo veto voit matched. Inuestors, Mîkaeba Megtio sored a 0010Wy froin centor and the crovd vent vîld. 50e vert onto1 gel a second lter on. Otîvua Reno scored tvico bon Investors and kept pîîgAdOur Elecrc keette ve t - Abby pivy de ce and surenc, shovîr ny cool.moves hAfu s._li kPb prsn b nvestos ke eponsK i Slna Cot Ilad Mîdîa oil y voeto na ahn SAhrg E s am ie a b n elors e rsChI M îîh Fat Rusie lBiay Trask, T ai' W ali î sp AOOar EFieclrc playe rs for some g real sPeed a ndi cool movos MIltweid Entorprîses 2 Vaie Foam 4 The game stadled vîtO both leamo piapîrg caulîaasiy, Milvwed vas the finIt 10 score vîlO a nîce goal hy Couttyn McComb, puoîrng the bail paon Madison Little. Patio Foamn came starmîna back vibO lbree quîck goals byMogar Gordon, Cbrîsîîoî Steurhauser and Girl McNeîl. Pîctoria Rogers gol one moto paît Miii veido Samîntha ibabtO belote the end of 100 hall. MîiveO came back slnang[y un the second hall. Madeleine Jolivet scored eary on autO a bard sbot tram centre field. Cbeisoy Lacketo dîdn't have mach action un net as her Millveid toommates stoîrnodîthe Patio Faam net. Bal Ibîl vas ut as Patio Foamos Cotina Carnnîng topped the test ofth1e shahs tai hoid on for a 4-2 vin. Atoîsia Mubro pot in a sîrang game un mudfietd for Mîiveid. Milton Magic White Il Tommay Coosractlog 2 The finit Hll vas mosly for the boit leam but unabte to scane. Goatues on bath sîdes dîd greal, Nick RoipO & Ahmad Hasan The second bIbI vont mate bulbhe guesb teîm and Andrea Ambrosoni gaI the finit goal abute Joîfery Mcbrîde scored second. Evar Boveil goaue for mion maguc dîd a great tub sovina Ous net sevena halls, vOile Cie Boustîr vas retînod as hua team affacked. UJs Auto 4 Chudleigh'n 0 The shutout steak contiuod for CJ'o Auto. Ibanko r part ta bOom goaltonders Cyren Lordo & Adam Evans. Soid team saine nuce passîng vas the dîRference. Jaob Mî0til Brovn.e for the finIt goal. Justin îoburned 10e fîvaur by asoustina On Christian Scbomberg's & Cyren' igoals. Gîbnet Arcîga go Ibis finIt oI the poar by binckîng a goaue kîckoub thon druvîng the biail urbo the cornet aI the net. i vas an enteOtaininq gaine for the patenta. vitO lobs 0f ond-to-end action, Good goaitendîng by Chudligo's Brandon Sorabando & Deîon Prîzzeii, atang vîbO a otrong defenoîve game by 01ev Jones kept the score close. CJos Auto 4 Milton Magic Toal 0 l vas a gaod 'kick' sitI la tte oeasor far CJ s Auto. the score vos foot nothina ton Muiveto Great and baltOondlung byGarO Oigîattonorto gave ontsha i.~O uTr Faloherb Ind Megan Vawaak cttii.us ot ac asioooera VianarMag Geandok cortrîbuled a wre eardi rch as t el c torr Geî ard Kaîllyou Avît wrked ard ote presue on1 keer the w Ol70minutes.Great effort by ail. Van Don en's 3 Halton Zaclning 2 gaeOlvaAeader 2undn a fene by finongens A c so 0p n greal frst game lor these leamo, fantaît c eboO by everyone. Noethte F arons Aero Supplions mnc, 3 Tueîday evenîna vas not oniy a ocorcbor by eto terni bot ouao hot, bot soccen vas playod by Nonogale Farms and Polo Soppuers Inc. The finIt hall vas cain- mandedby Polo Suppluors scortng t010e goals IWilliam Skoryk- & Robbîe Rosuolto - il Sean Cavaah's NomoatePari cae bcO îlOotraa ftoîd pss- es rai iîdfoler haon uiser an rbenie ona bail and Jhunaleî secnd ha le Pl payers Pioyed M Iton Pteysio 5 Milton Magic Porpie 1 P ctosely conteobod match in the finit hall became a ore sîded ton vulO Milton Physia scolîna 4 second hall goals. The score vos lied t b1 aI hall autO bath bains entvyirg a vsoîaopOrles. The second 0111 00w Mton Physua bîke aduantoge aI 10e lion share of Possession and vor le toi finish the appaorunbîoo on goal. Loadîna the way fat Mltoan Physua vas Pîlur Lally woa scorod o nalura bol-brick in the h-t vin. Nontegate Farms Aim Loce & Sale 4 Goaues froin bath bains made some good sîvos Justin Walter and Soin Fazte for Nanbgabew ilbî ra OTer Mclînnon and Thomas McCenney for Pin Loch & Sale. BobO bains varked bard and the bains veto goîte eventy matcbed, vbîch mode for an encîbîna gaine Goals veto ocored by Zack Whitehead (2) ard JosO Geante (3)(of NoObhato, and goals vote icoted by Zîck Brady (t), Jouan Cîobs it) and Tyler McCinnon (2) aI Pin Lock & Sale. Greatforvard play by Brandon Boîîoavtîevc of NoOthgale. Cyte Evans of Pin Lock & Sale hadan excellent gaine, and the fait sprints and ball contrai by defensoman Jîsîlh Ma of Pin Loch R Sale kopl the oppanento running. Nadallo Electic 5 Subway 4 70e oponing gaine vas a eeculung are for bath booms. Bld alun eiecbrîc ga bOurgs st11000 vith a 01011 îndîvîd- ual effort broin Dnue Matra wo came acroso 10e cen- berlfine aller roceivunga pais broin doter fotvatd Ceoun Fnbmaî and bella roc ettoi the rîghl carnet. Suvydd nu vie up wben the caine back autO one0of bOîte uwe lot ie il up lte in the bail froin Thomas Gîbson. 2nd hall vas as encoing as the finît widb goals Innm Nadalie etec- truc's fîrward Brlady Anderon soan Ivice land Boomn Fîlmal alo scornn Ivico. Subvay did make R clse vitlOte goals by trandon Cevnn d Mitchell McDsnatd lactlose oRf a 5-4 vin by Nadalis Fiectric. The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 23, 2006 B13 with sue Hannlga skj rUrlnng 10e field. Goal scarero far OPSEU vere Cassandra her tva Bro and Kapia Beddon v 1h spec al mention going a I Phil Korda Insorance1 Rainbow Groop 4 Bath teamo came ouI strona, bal il vîs FOui Carda's Sarah Trîvassos thît iconed the finit goal. Raîrbov Group vain b givunO up and kepi on trîng. Tbeîr effrts vote revardod autO goals Ibom Kayta Maltais, Pion Pînboîîo, and two Ibom Jenno Parden Ooeten The goal- tendons ail wîrked Olnd 10 keep Ibis an eechung gaine. Good effort on bobO bains part Ral:1nbow Groop 6 Deire & Friands I0 Raînbov Group took the field and made il look tîke they ldai been pfayîng bngethera yr.Wt re rsg puay slnd delensino msOes thyianageto a e on Scorng for Bainboe Grsîp vas Esher Gomes, Aiea Piobeiri, Calfa Maltai, and o hg Indek lBonn Chiantge Kennedy. RaInbow rro bali B al" o B ete bqett i The tAoateni oai lu ma dol ghorn Utoi icorin on aotn Penalty kick Opparunlues. The luron by Coochwoeis Ja-y 4 o rtansulifffne iaugd lBC ocvrv ogan ls hie Joîtin roane, wi00 a Pedecbly ptîced kick lhoagb the Mlltoo Howkoyeo Dr. S, ioecseod Mareivclloclilte 01 ge lo iwaon dm valu 0f playoro ino the canner of the net. The second bp The season îpenîng gaine vas von by, a landdlide by by aIII. r Jevan Lorde 009 lso obutout 00e o p paents durnn the Coachaînks on Wednesday Ma o24. Ceachwggno tas iflpCneoln iroI biI Scorîns os voit vero Cyte Macarlne A goaues, Pitoria Scbombri aid SarAns LeBydEIc did 1 an lyGlsi(ereoe Pkshîy Copoar, 000o complteed 10e sbutoul un net dî ur anîn lobm dobondîngn 4bi e ntglt an ina the second hall. Il vas a 0000 match wîbb 001 îloi t sadnjo enig the re l dievg bye gan e a eenin foracu sGeoe a o ul b etoa aIscnua hace uoil ooilodîghy Milton Hakee goes Madd f ha ad Sbaana badr geat bigot Goais scoet y Vitoiaeoerjet Maguc's Jesse Boneito A Tony bampton botped kepî i oîo Goa ocotein t = ruiWsl andl~ SneahadnaO ~"vdieeniii, close Gaig sea opfe y ae ns v'OOiOln ave n (,. Sarah Pantusa and Fii Daibett lto nfh on- bon Tanray Covlractng. ptymkna&oetr ees urbt mention goîna 10 Btlllany Oc:hraden. Whiie the 'lrg oulot _______________________________ Bîkeyes didf non icone bhey stiii did an suhîbavding job Blt- So0is autO bonrabe mention g oi no f course the boo Dunlop linsueince (Geuto .mt ) 8 goîties), Cayiee Ceîrî, and Emma îdroboînmi. Bnialsmedby oipoyrs and pawe, Colts Feocos aed Docks 2 Stsrage SolionslWiby a score oiBlr.Io. Aithougt vol Royal LePago Meadosilosne 1 Mîlton Hawteyos 3 roece yltescoreecletkepn yJsi The soason openen duO rot dîoîppoin as Colts Fonces OPSEU 2 GOde ond 1Cayba Allon of koa olutin. Exceaent lo Decks took on Royal LoPîgo Meodowtaane. Tomas f 0îo pfr1e itnHvee oolwork: and sel Up Sere Faoiu Catltyn Gordo ihhrtncospa openodth1e scot- as boy look their irst vin of the seasor in a close ame Clay of u t-~ L1 donauo eîenaîoo losin yo00 *5 se 'ladies. A ba dcit by ina eîry an lorth1e ColtIsant Sara~ Bannes loîtovet sIo OPSEA Great job by lawkoyes oliesuadi mntheb Perguson of Dunlop losoravrsao pair of ,hot ale uOone ol bon oan. Sa td defonse by B 0v nand Amondo MacFartane 000 s000e outîbîndîng cs by Sarah Patiner and singles Sboiiooî CUoato Royal Le Paga kepl the Colts off the boar or the effots batO behveon the pot bnd o snl5yuioadMloBa remnidon 011th. gaine Coiso goîtuos Caunoy Bobin and S arao Wells field Royal LePage ta oune goal by Brieke Beivedre. Specia mnoan gooo to Marita Bencato and Kaîteen McCiotiand aho 0elt a oh ang defessiee bine bor the Colos and outstanding pay by Royal LePage's Nicsle Setters ho keep the gaine close. Fabutous gaine girls. H T A Protece Socsnlty 0 mlml Millweld Enterpriset B The velbber vos greot fan soccor tonigt a hI 1e I i nm Miitaeidteîn came toay ipbis rigolant vas all loan early 0110t lovandthr Ieitoght nofouna scao over 10e--- PrOtocb girls, ProbecO bat a bard bine keep ra 0e hai Our of bOome fothfn1e finît 35 ninutes and by halflue neMMmi a P ia vo~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~. aneoeTsen aa oIvnh~ field. Haaîrkeyes goal scorers were Kaylee Kearno (2) and Emma Asdrubolinî, and aggressve plays by Gally Neoins and Rebecca Rothwell. Overall, a great game playetl by ail. David Beckham would be proudi Panqualino 2 Coachwolco 1 Groat game was halted due la Thunder storm while jus1 loto the second hall .Kudos to bath leams lot a grea lîrîl hall Goal scarers lot Caachwork's - 'Britlaay Schader and Sarah Pantusa. Goal scored lot Paogaho o by Taylor Robmnson. Better weather noot lime girls Opseu Local 234 2 Danielos AsbPait & Sealing 2 OPSEIJ Local 234 "Red Deoils" opeoed the scoriog rn the firsI hall oo a goal by Andtew Baconi. jîmmy Bruosieres had a strang hall in goal lorthe Red Deoils thwarting several Damiel's Asphrait attempo 10 level the score. Team OPSELI stock agaio in the second hall wbeo Andrew Bacon netted fils second. Down but rot ouI, Daoiel's Ashpall moantied a comeback. Aller namerous affempîs and with lime tooioig ouI, Adam Bottelli and Patc Swica bath bound the back Of the net behind Local 234s Nick Corbetl Aller a lîOtery ew moments aI the w gurn g o teo d gam e, Red ieil's S h im an le ever game. Eric ScarffWllia W dlnoarnd Ma D'Onaîria had sttorg games for OPOFII while Chtîs TOiz, Glenn Varnold and Zack Schamberg had notable aulîrgo for the visitons. NGF Golf OPESEU Local 234 0 OPSEU Local 234 Bed 0Devl kept GF f off the score sheet lot mostoth1e lîirs hall. Despite the lopsided score, clearly the "mao-of-lhe-match" Oad 10 go ta OPSELIs keeper, Jimmy Bosoreres, as ho was called uPon lime and lime again, makîng severai huge laces ta conliruausly trustrate 10é NGF Gof alfack. The score cauld have easily gare int double digits were Ot rot fon bis stellar performance. Eventually lîndirg the back of the net lot NGF Goff were Alelandro Vanoy ard Adriane Loor wiO a goal apiece and Elabar Acosta and Thomas Thibaut who negfed lwo each for t0e aisitîng sîde. Playing hardîîighîîîî 10he end for the home team were the eebaasted suad of Nîck Corbet, Monio l'Oofrio, Shîmantoe Chawdhany Ardrew Bacon, William Abdeltour, Brandon Baba, MaOthew Millet and JelI Thompoon

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