a tri a Hi mir Rie, for to Vici hanl lot for Sol Hai Dot Cia: Sol Coi adi et tut fra Tri Dr. [t,ý leî as ha: lan He as FI, M The Canadian Champion, Fniday, June 23, 2006 -B5 AKE UP A SUMMER SPORT A. l ie tu yei aeîrveiy ,rrvaîved ln a rrew Mazda. Visit your dealer taday and experience thre soul of a sports car in every veiricle we bonld. Dteline -a trorm DATELINE on page Il activity is $2 for members and $4 for non-memrs This is the lasi day ta register for a one-day babysitting course bemng offered by the Oakvulle branch of St. John Ambulancejuly 6, 18 or 23 for youtbs aged il ta 14. To reg- ister or for more information, cati (905) 469-9325. Monday lune 26 - 27 Bishop Reding Secondary Scboot botds ils used uniforin sale with intake days from 4 to 7:30 p.m. both days. The sale takes placejuly 4 and 5 ai the sebool from 4 to 7:30 p.m. For more information, cati Debbie ai (905) 878-6387. Tuesday lune 27 Wellspriîsg fltai Peel, a support network for cancer patients and tIr families, hotds lils Ovarian Cancer Support Group from 10:30 a.m. to noon ai 2545 Sixtb Line in Oakvilte. It holds lits Caregivers Conneet group from 7 to 8:30 p.m. For more information, cati (905) 257-1988. Calling New Parents, a free program for parents and babies aged 6 montbs and younger, meets with a public bealtb nurse to discuss parenting and infant care. The group meets ai the Ontanio Early Years Centre, 917 Nipissing Rd., from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. For more information, cati (905) 825- 6000, ext. 7299. Help for Parents, a Halton parent support group, meets in tbe evening in the basement of the cburcb ai 5720 New St. in Burlington. Tbis non-denominationai self-support group belps parents of cbildren wbo are in trouble ai bome, ai sebool or witb the law or wbo are abusive or taking drugs. Tbe group lis a memaber of tbe Association of Parent Support Groups in Ontario. For more information, cati 1-800-488- 5666 or visit www.apsgo.ca. Improve communication and leadersbip skilis witb the Milton Toastmasters. Everyone lis welcomne to attend tbe meeting ai tbe Royal Canadian Legion, 21 Chartes St. (upper level), ai 7:30 p.m. For information, cati Jame Cunningbam ai (905) 876-2234. Milton District Hospital hotds a one-on-one breastfeed- ing ctinie witb a certified lactation consultant from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. For more information or to make an appoint- ment, cati jean Gailen ai (905) 878-2383, ext. 7030. Tbe Milton Al-Anon Group meets ai 8 p.m. ai St. Paul's United Cburcb, 123 Main St. E., offering heip for famiiy and friends of aicoholics. Tbe Milton Seniors' Ac tiity Centre, 500 Chids Dr., hotds lits Downsizers Weight Loss Club at 10 a.m. Tbe cosi lis $2 for members and $4 for non-members For more informa- tion, cati (905) 875-1681. Tbe Oakvile brancb of St. John Ambulance hoids an emergency first aid and CPR ctass. For more information, cati (905) 469-9325. Tbe Haiton Green Party bosts a pub night ai 7:30 p.m. ai The Olde Dicken restaurant on Miii Street. Anyone interesi- ed in tbe Green Party or voiunteening on tbe executive is invited to attend. Big Brothers Big Sîsters of Haiton boicis an information session at 7:30 p.m. at 464 Morden Rd. in Oakviiie for peo- pie interested in beîng a friend and mentor to a chiid. Tbere are 74 chiidren on a waîting tisi, homne from Milton. For more information, cati (905) 339-2355. Tuesday June 27 - 28 The Oakvitie brancb of St. John Ambulance hoids a stan- dard first aid and CPR ciass. For more information, cati (905) 469-9325. -see more DATIEUNE on page 86 q À/ ArNLLENS &mu me ilaZoef 357 Queen St. East, ACTON, On 519-853-0200 1-866-62013248 "OUR DEALERSHIP Is NOT THE BIGGEST.. OUR GOAL Is To BE THE BEST!" READY ÉTO ROLL s2Potit Piî otuvi îemw * I mocsisiNc ttt RIttA - AIA LEADERSIP WARRNTîtt tI AB OUT OUR GISTtIaN (OMPEHtNtIVî tND PIWTAIWRRt Y IIUA ASR ABOUT OUR LOTAITY 00111S FOR iXISTINti MAZDA <USTOMERS. GRAMUAES DIT AN ADDITIONAL CASH AWARU OF UP TO S1,000 TOWARDI A PURCHAIi OR LIASE. hTri PROGRA M TRUSTED BY CONTRACrORS & HOMEOWNERS Our&s Sq)taff Ds-InYohal Our xpet ~affwll elp We have des igpnd diôu dhneie matei stillation vido and do- s dtfrruwdnoi t-Y--Wà=effon cSS vsto a Wearnd W"devwn RI E bN-o-n-endnbthpndey eby- 2082 QUEENSWAY DIE andt-Il YOU -aY necd i sadc S and East of Brant, souif off Mfains Rd. =Y'j~ de"milz (905) 634-7707 SA8AM-P wl Our \VId~ Ofv yid au le cano 2006MAZaA6 EDArI G 14 2006 MAZEVl SPORT HATCHBAO( GS-14 2006 MAZDA6 SPORT WAGON GS-VÔ h SPEtS AUrc&ýA4r TNSMISS5ON 5SPEED5 AUTOMAT Tp.ANStwSSpSN 6&SPSED AUTOMAV TANI S5C l-h1--p stee i adie Nc a e n.o sa log ight, andGFX akae tOASE FROM nEASE FROM AIFIM $1279*~î - 129k .9P $3Q9 A 19 . LA ]PEr /48A/a MONrHS Pl OrsaER MONTH/aS MONTAS Hr $2,495 DOWN PAYMENT Tir $2495 DOWN PAYMENT THr $2,695 DOWN PAYMENT NO alCiair DRros NO tEeuerrY Dirosar NO tEUIcTYn rEPosir " AYMENa iNCLUEMES FR11010 AMR r.î, eiase PMRM iNdDs FR110410 AND> rot.E RAti FAYMEir INdioîS FREiGRIr ANDS P.D.t