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Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jun 2006, p. 9

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 13, 2006 - A9 H!GH CHOOLREPR Next courses: 4 DAYS JuIy 4, 5, 6 & 7 9:30 arn -4:15 pm 4 DAYS JuIy 24, 25, 26 & 27 9:30 arn -4:15 pm DRI VERSW 1MIS APPROVED uEGINNER DRIVER LrEIC.ATIOI, COURSE PROVIDER Meghan Sinclair Megan Cheema Sara Kilmury MILTON DISTRICT HIGI SCROOL 10... .9... 8 ... ... The count dcîsn utatil thse end ot school ha officially beguta' With oniy nitte days utîtil lIse summer season stils and only a few days more unît! the end of school, things here ut MD are as wîld and crazy as ever. Exams are only about a week away and now svould be as good a lime as any 10 crack open thse books and stanl trying to learn lIse lessons that you may have siepi through. carlier on in thse semester. Exami schcdules have been oui for the last couple weeks. so bc sure 10 ftnd oui whets your exams une. Jusi as itiourtantly. makc any arrangemnents needed. 10 acciomodate any conflicts. For a certain group of studenîs. these cxams ivili be thse lasi ones that they need to svrite in high schooi. These lasi couple xxeeks, senior students cspecially, have becu buzzing xvith excitement. The topie of conversatio's«? Prom, of course. June 28th ta jusi arounul thse corner andf many gnads have been discussing nothing but datcs, dresses and limos. Nexi 10 promt though, ihere has also been much talk of this year's valedictorian. Congratulations 10 our three nominees, Krisîen George, Jili Martin and Deborah Stead. Each of these candidates will be giving a sample speech ut ibis year's Grad Breakfast, which will be taking place on June i6th ut. 8:15. Yes, this may be a littie carlier than you grads normally get up for school, but it will surely be a worth while endeavour to get yoursslves out of bed to heur the candidates' speeches (and get a free breakfast in the process!) Now, we wouldn't want you 10 get tIse wrong impression here. MD's grads aren't the only ones with excitement in their lives this time of year. In the week following the fantastie Sports and Spirit week, put on by our student athietie association, MD was host to a spectacular array of talent. Last Thursday marked the date of an extraordinary talent show. With banda, singers, actors and cheerleaders filling the theatre, it's no wonder MD ix tagged with the slogan "Nothing but the best." Naturally though. in order to uphold this association, the students bers munt be getting back to the drawing bourda and finish off those last culminating activities before exama. Keep your chins up, we're on the home stretch! "D1ATELINE DRURY"p Nathan Michelle Mat" Laanstra Dbi aod E.C. DRURTf H1iG SCEGOL Jn salready hre nd Bishop Reigstunsar ei teheat. The last month of school is action packed. Grads are hurrying around trying to miake sure that everythtng is donc and perf«ect. the mnustc stîtdents Lire svondering svhat ili happen to thetr band after ail the gradis lcase. and the ,iihletic s departmenti s htisy wî th ithe athiet c batnquet. To fimd oui svhat's gotng on at your school. read on. The Graduating Class ha., been extreniely busy over the pasi fess seeks. On Wednesday June 7. Mrs. Doyvle and a huîst tof' stiade tusels e stîtdents conducted a lovely inass dedtcated to ail the grads. Many ot' tîte senior studetits svere anvo lved in the celebrattîsu of this speciai service doitig reacltng-s or presenttttg gifts. ThIe grads were also honore(] ssth aî dress up ctvvies day. Spectal îhanks tsi ail students atnd staff insolsed ta the platnning attd esecutioti of' ail the graduaîtiiiî ex cuis. Senîiorss qtil have the graduation bruuch and ceretnty tsi looîk t<îrsard iii. they il] take place on Thursday March 29th. Looîk l'or tmtore detaîls sîssn in the Rtoyal Report'. Yur Insîde Sources are so dedicaîed tii thetr îîh that îlîey even svenî tsi the Prîstî jîtst tii docutment an acc urate accitunt of whaî happened. We are happy iii reporet that this year's Prom. held ai Le Dome tn Oaks île. was heautiful. Wtth a great mena and a perf et mixture of îîld and new music. the tîîenttîry of- Protît ts sure tsi stay svtth our graduates Isîrever. A spectal mention goes tsi Ms. Bujîîld and Mr. Vacca (aka MC' Vacca> fotr dancing np a storm. li's toc, had MC' Hamîtnier svas usît there tii witness the 'mad skiffs' Mr. Vacca exibtted. We svtsh ail the hest to the 200(6 Grads! The year tsn't over yet for the BR rnusic department! Wtth a perf'ormance hy the sentor cuoncert baud and chotr last week at the Giraduation mass, as well as a fiîeld trip ont tii tsiî elementary sehools wtth the grade 12 guitar cluss , students and teachers are stîll hard ut work. Thts friday, the band and choir ivill pcrfîirm in a service honorîng thse retirment of Mrs. Yarcma. a former principal of Bishop Redîng. On Jane l6th, senior studenîs make their final appearances for concerts ai Guacdian Angels and St. Peters schools. The music depariment does their final sainte this year ut the graduation cercmony, where graduates arc sent off wîth a flourtsh. Grade îwclves will be sorely missed hy hoîh band and choir uext yeas. but we'rc sure thcy'il be hack to visit. Congrataniations to Mr. Alfano and Ms. Caruana for a joh well donc. Only îwo more weeks lefi of sehosîl BR, so make il coturt. Utîtil nexi week, this is your Inside Sources sîguing off. 66THE ROYAL REPORT" Erin llelherington Ltndsay Johnslon Cameran Smth Jua Rtddel DISIGP REDINO 11101 SCRGOL ls a grcat lune lis be a student ut Drury. The couîîtdown 10 the end of' the yeaî has hegun. aud evcryone is keeping husy. Those studenîs ssho svill be graduating ut the sud of the year took lime ont of thsîr hectie schedules to fi ouI and submît a gradi pofl. Every ysar, sîndenîs are nominated hy their peers in a varisty of categortes. This year, the categories ranged from 'Class Clowvn" bo "Cnest Couple" 10 "Bsst Ail Aroutîd Person". On May 31 aI, tIse winnsrs of these categories and many othcrs wcre rsvealsd ut a special event in tIse staff clinîng room. The gruds were able 10 enjoy the unveilîng tif the svînners, followsd by free hot dogs and hamburgers foîr the seniSîrs 10 celebraîs the end of the year. Il sias an esent lii re.iîsnmer'1 Speakîng of' graduaîîng studenîs, the Graduats Profiles have heen cîrculating in the pasî svcck. Evsry sîndent plaîîîîîng Ici graduate hy the end oîf' ths school year should fi ont these profiles, as they wili be încluded in the ycurboîîk. Here's your chance 10 share your Favorite Drury Moîment, ytmur Cutesî F'sature. yîîur Favorite Sa> ing and many motre. Gel your Graduate Profiles into Student Services as soon us possible. Nîîlhiug marks the end of the year like tIse animual Coffse Hous. Euch ysur, studenîs from grades nine throughouî twelve put on an umazing show for fricnds and family. Some sîndenîs rsud poeîry or short stories; somne dune whiis others sing. There is neyer a duil moment at tIse Coffes House, and this year wus no exception. TIse event, xvhich wus mun by Mr. Keune, provîdsd friends and family with a look ut tIse individual talents of tIse students bers ut Dnury. Ws would like to thank ail tIse participants. Hopefully, we'Il ses you ai agaîn nexi ysar! TIse sud tof tIse year would not bc complets witbouî a fisld trip or two. Eurly last wsek, the Blue House was deciuned thse winner of the House Competition ut Drury. Tbroughout tIse ysar, the eighî houses Isuve bssn compsting against euch other for the prize-a trip 10 Wonderlaud! On June 13th, tIse membera of the Blue House Isad the opportunity 10 enjoy day in the sun ut Wonderland witb their fnisnds. lu addition 10 the Bine Hous, the music studenîs also traveied to Woudsnîand on May 29tIs whsrs, dus 10 scheduling misundenstaudings, they wsrs unubie to play. Neventheless, their profited fromn tIse wurm weather and enjoyed thsir lime ut Wonderlund. Way 10 go! That coucludes this week's edition of Dateline Drun>. We hope you sujoy the amuazing weatber and weill ses yon nexi îvesk. 905-875,0480 www.youngdrivers.comn

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