Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jun 2006, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 13, 2006 OPINION World watching Our countiry'lbas gaincd tbe attcntion or the inter- national prs recentlv for ail ibe wrong reasons. Tbe worlcl media representcd bv sncb bouse- bold niaies as Tbe New York Tinmes, CNN, NBC, ABC, Fox, and Ai-Jazeera TV - isn't bere to cover a pandemic of Stanlev Cup fever in Edmonton or to profile tbe latest inductees int Canada's Walk of Faine. Instead, our nation bas been batbed in tbe artificial glow of broadcast media camera ligbting for our story of alleged bome- grown terrorisin. WsVile the news seems eerily similar 10 reports we bave heard froin far-away regions of tbe world, tbis time the landscape bias an unsettling familiarity to it. Tbere was soineibing surrecal about becaring of allegecl ici iorst plots to blow upl mecdi otlets including ibe 1l-oolto beacîquarters of tbe f.Bf. - 10 storitt our national Legislatuire, taking fecleral politicians bostage, andl tbe most extreme allegation - a plan to bebead Canada's prime infister. Generations of Canadians bave toiled to boost our country's stand- ing in tbe international communitv. Its ironic an alleged boniegrown terror- ist celI would give our nation tbe kind of interna- tional notice inany of us bave long sougbt. Not since tbe SARS ont- break of a couple of years ago bias Canada received s0 mucb unwanted attention froin tbe Test of tbe world. Readers Write Send youx lattera toi niltoned@haltoriaearch cuin or cdrop thein off at 875 Main St. E. vw. Lau jUu jlcClio eI1luiIe Flamborough quarry culture by actions of a few would affect Milton too DEAR EDITOR: Tbe Halton Multicultural Councîl wisbes îo express its concern for tbe famîlies assocîated witb tbe Rexdale Mosque, wbo bave expeniened appar- ent backlasb [rom tbe recent anrest of 17 men suspecîed of terrorisin. As an agency belping immigrants and refugees setule in Canada - and a sîrong promnoter of peace and uinder- standing of our lellow buman beings - we implore tbe people of Halton 10 tbougbtfully and respecîfully allow the judicial systein to take ils course and not act oui of fear. One can't deline a [aîîb or a cultural communiiy, on tbe actions of a very few. Canada is comprîsed of a rb diver- sity îbaî bias acted as a sirong lounda- lion for our great country « Our mufti- culturalisin sbould bie proiecied and embraccd. Tbe Halion Multiculiriralf.oni continues to promote ancd support unity in dîversîîy iii our communiiy tbrougb many initiatives sîîcb as dliver- sity training and cornnunity evenis lîke tbe Multiculturalisin Day pienic andI an ti -dis ri mi naiuiicioss-culîu rai awareness worksbo1îs in aIl Halton scbools. HALTION MULTICULTURAL COUNCIL Comment on traffic lights quite self ish DEAR EDITOR: \Vîîb reference bo tbe letter to tbe edîtor in tbe May 30 Cbampion, I read wîîb dîsappoinîment tbe selfisb atti- tude of reader Cbrîs Bennett, wbo refers to selfisb drivers and tbe braîni- acs at Town Hall'. For tbe past I15 years J'vc drîven tbrougb pnisiine agricultural country and made coinfortable IcI t tomrs ai I iftb I ie and Derry Road. Un fortuLinately, due îo dcx elopiieni wbicb tan't be avoided - I've bad io reroute aoc] acd I15 minutes onto my daily toip hecause it bei ai peronus i o dliive clown Derry Road. Wben I saw tbe traffic ligbîts go rip ai Fiftb Line and Deiry Road I tbanked tbe'Lord of tbe Brainîacs at Town Hall' for tbeir foresigbit Cao yoci imagine tbe 1)robleins tbai would arise wiîbouî ligbîs ibere wben the widening of' Derry Road b f'oui- lanes is completed? In closing, I woncler if Blennett would suggesi to tbe 'brainias' on loronto to rernove ibe traI fit lîgbîs on Youinge Street io alloss i affic io liasve a clcar paib, ancf iii dîuog Si) ignore tbe p)rcblemis of iraffc cîticing froin St. f. air antI f glinion. ALAN CROST CAMPBELLVILLE DEAR EDITOR: Just across our Milton boundary fine in Flamborough, theres a buge and I believe potentsally environmentally destructive 68-hectare quan'y thaî's being proposed. Though tbis humongous quarry is slated for Flamborough, the impacts - most of thein, I tbink, being negative - will be dramatically felt in Milton, 100. I believe if allowed to proceed, theres absolutely no doubt tbat tbe citizens and wildlife of Milton will pay a beavy and completely non-recoverable price - ail for tbe sake of someone elses bottoin-line profits. What about our boitoinfine? According to real estate folks, just with the quarry proposai being on the table in Flamborougb, surrounding property values in Milton bave decreased hy well over 25 per cent. Who pays for our losses? Or is it assumed tbaî citizens just accept property value reducîions as a way of fle in Milton? Wbat about our tax assessinents? Sbould tbey not refleet Ibis acîuality? Sbould we not bave governient representatives wbo stand up for wbat is rigbt for tbe citizens of Milton? I'd suggest tbat our town council and our regional counicil act accordingly and stand up for citizens' rights in Milton by unanimously and aggressively opposing tbis quarry proposai, even if it is in Flamborougb. It goes witbout saying tbat our environinent - air, water and noise - and our wildlife need the full protec- tion that our local counicils can and sbould supply. Please, no excuses. If tbis quarry nigbîmare ever does become a reality, tbe addiîional 1,000 trucks per I 0-bour day will make rural Milton just anotber beavily, used bigbway In simple terins and witb no excuses, I tbink Milton and Halton counicils need to bielp put tbe brakes on ibis quarry proposaI. BOB BEYE1TE CAMPBELLVILLE ZL!r &îîîafian CZIaulpton o iiTiLnt yNpwsjapr Sinr 1860 875 Main St. E. Milton, Ont. L9T 3Z3 905-878-2341 Edîtoniat Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertîsing Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 wwNw.nltoncanadianchampion.coin Publisher: Ian Oliver Associate Publisher Neil Oliver Advertising Director Wenidy McNab Managing Editor Karen Smith Production Manager Thm Coles Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Teri Casas The Canadian Champion, pîllishes every Tuesday and Friday a) 875 Main St F, Miton, ont L9))33,,son of the Metroa,,d Printrie) )'iblishin & Di.0,ibuang td. (ommunay ewslpapeei Advetsiîg is accepter] on the condition th, in the eve)) of a ty05,5)5, cal e,,, Sha) portio of the adver- ),isin ipici orcupied by the evoous ilm l)ogeher wSS a reasoable aflownceor s)igte, wi)))St e chargd for, but the balance of the adise,,,en will be pad for a) the applicable rate The pubiusher reîerve) the rigS) t categorize adîerse,,enti o de,î,oe CCAB Audited 1)ei'iize( oid exce) llece Sy àocna Newsaper Asociaio NA C5/da Cmu,, S < Suburbap Nspaperî Tïw i-ca naîan 9 :iamnpioi s iac îcil uieîi isponso o cr UNITED WAY 0F MILTON ST AUCTION 1 Mdi SiweaseMiin ~ i'- _ <rds E MILTON SANTA CLAUS PARADE CA

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