Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jun 2006, p. 5

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The Canadian Chamrpion, Tuesday, June 13,' 2006 - A5 Chudleigh's hospital funding motion is successful and liospital tlidîîg ILI b)1 based on curient populationi c0untS was supported hy the OSntario irgisiature Fridav. Members of the legisiature voted 31 l1in favour of the res- olution that insisîs the Otio governiment use updated Forum on volunteering iLocal residenîs arc ms iîed to attîend a communîiv forumn i bursdas' t0 learru about tbe 'No!k of' the Chairman 1s Rouniahie on tbe Noti Profit and Voiuntary Secior. [be rounidtabie xviii presenit recorinendations deveiopedi over tbe pas! seserai înonths and provide an overs iew of lits fact-hindtng aii mes, incidcing a series of community dia- logues wiih Halions solunteers, agencies and funding organ- izations. The free eveni wili fecature keynoie speaker Ian fHi of the Changing Point. He was once an at-risk youth and bas since moved from a successfui career in tbe private sector lu a community leader and capacity buder across North Amenica. In addition, tbe fonrum xiii provide an opportuniiv l'or agencies, volunteers, fuanders, eiected officiais and tbe coin- munitv to develop strategies to support tbe rouniabie's rec- ornmendations and sîrengîben Haltois non-profit and soi- mnitar, sector. 'Tbe input of ail stakeboiders ix neceded îo ciecaie strate- gtes tbat \xiii kecep ibis seetor ibrivîng and coniinuing 10 serve tbe needs of our eon-nuntis said litoin Regiomal (bairman _Joye Savolin. fbhais wlîs uts so important for i[laiton residents to brîng tbeîr ideas io tbe table onjune 15:- Tbe community forum xxiii be beld ai Le Doîne Banquet Hall, 1173 Norîb Service Rd. E., Oakvilie, fromi 9 arn. io 2 p.m. Registration xviii begîn ai 8:30 a.m. For more information or 10 regîxter eau tire Region ai (905) 825-6000 or visiî www.halton.ca/VolunteerRoundtable. A report on the roundtabie xviii be brougbî forxvard to regional councîl in September. StbMA Soccer D)evelopment Model Academy SOCE SaE CAM Hawthorne Village - Beaty Park South (Clark Street) Week of JULY 17 & Week of AUGUST 14 FREE T-Shirt & Bail! To register and more information visit our website at www.sdma.ca or caîl 905-828-8366 iitnslivs to ninicipatlttics, bospitais aind otber partmer agen- cdes. 1 xvas surprised tbe inember for Ancaster-Dundas- Flambor-ougb -Alelersbot, wbo represents severai groxvib comninunities, voted againsi tbis,' said f budleîgb. "Ail oîber mnembers of tbe legîsiature seemed to under- stand ibat tbis ix simply a non-partisan recluesi for flinding equtalitv f'or tbe people of Ontario." C budliegbi said noss tue issue needs to be taken ip bs' tue gos ernment, especialy i ligbit of tbe sirong meilti-party sup- port il received i te iegisiaîure. le said be wouid pusb the goserrument to act on ibe issue. 'lu some parts ofi tbe province population growib is so rapid ihai census daîa, wbîcb is used to determine provincial funding, îs obsoiete eveti before it' avaîlable,' be saîd. "People wbo lîve in bigb growtb municipalities are beîng sbort-cbanged of tbeir fair sbare of provincial dollars." lion lîsîed as 35,000, but fown officiais say Multons true population ix 62,000 and rising. "Tbe curreni fundîng model does not recognize growing communities sucb as Milton because it ix based on outdaîed information," saîd Mayor Gord Krantz. "Our population bas neaiiy doubied sinice tbe 2001 cen- sus, so in areas xucb as gas tax and bospital f undîng, Milton is esseniiaiiy receiving bail of wbaî îî sbouid. I believe Mr. lîudleigb ix oit tbe rîgbî track witb bis proposai to base luiiding on a more up-to date ss'stem ol population count- ing., As paît o)1 bis motion to ibe legîsiature, Cbudleigb pro- posed tbaî population figures sbouid be based on bousebold counts [romt properiy tax rouxs wîîb a multiplier to account for ebtîdren. Tbis xysîem ix currentiy used by tbe Province t0 determîne wbicb coînmunîîies quaiify as medicaliy landier- serviced. t) yp$~ Saturday june 24th, 7:20 pm Saturday September 9th, 7:20 pm -~, DD5 Th~~i]=n-, Think you've got what it takes to sink the money bail? Swing by or caîl 1.888.675.RACE for your chance to enter Sundayjuly l6th, 7:00 pmn Hamilton Tiger Cats Night Saturday Septemnber 23rd, 7:20 pm .Maple Leaf Alumni Night Liv~ Cçr]Çen ZJ~rk:) We've got a fantastic fine-up of live music, including special appearances from Canadian dols, Classi c Rock cover bands and the stars of New Country Sudays this summer. iri Bring the whole family out for face-painting, pony rides, special guests and a trackside 131Q. june 24th and September 2nd.

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