Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jun 2006, p. 4

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i A4 -The Canadian Champion, Tuesd'ay, June 13, 2006 Celedation of Student Excellence A top stuclent trolln cath 0ii Miltiii', "evc iiitt publict ' ýti'i anils Viii publict hgh st hitils hav c uuntce again been i ccognized tht nugh the liai tonl District Sclioiol bitai ils ( lrtitiaton oi Sitticn ii\itt 7XIlc t' ic it' dnln i aitrcpt sentative of Cxctcîinal qnaliits in ai taxit iwýo ofii lt' iiiiiisiiig ariî' ,tîiî'intt icî,ttctioiî, anti iiitictx xii improvemenit, tliiiit won k, ct tizt'nhip andt xtttîii shii ) i'tit1 Ii " a inti loo ill cm 'Il oi ii lic( li iiiîitsý ctiicri Fouris 1)-11 lt il a" it't t tolit', âmmw- f -- Serena Ly Chris Hadfield Serena keeps busy as a member of the band, art club and student counicil. Her ded- ication and determination make ber an ideal role model for fellow students. Josh Searle Martin Street Josb is a quiet leader wbos well respected by students and teacbers alike. He's bigb- 'y invoived tn extra-cumncu- ilar activities and consistently eninys a btgb academic standing. Zyenab Syed Hawthorne Village Zyenab is recognized for her tireless commitment tei academîc excellence, ber par- ticipatioîn tn tbe filfe of the sebtiol and ber cîtizenshtp qualities. Dani Tetrault Milton District An bonours student, Dani was a passionate member of the school's hurnicane relief building pro.jeci iii Grenada and bas been piotai in set- tîng up thc peer/inentor pro- gram. Dlrby Wood Rob~ert Baldwin Darby exemplifies uVnty ottdigcharacteîtfsics. Along withbherng an excellent athiete, shes a, strong student and lis kîi*l and fiendiv towaru Wr peers. Sharing the Spirit Student Awards of Excellence A top student from eacb of Miltons four elementary Caîbolic scltools and lis one Catbolîc bîgb sebool bave been bonoured tbrougb the Haiton Catholic District Scbool Boards Sbaijng tbe Spirnt: Student Awards of Excellence pro- gram. Heres a quîck look at eacb of tbe recipients. À Scott Dermott St. Peters An accomplisbed atblete and strong student, Scott was selected for bis Cbristian atti- tude toward otbers and tbe diligence in wbicb be applies bimself to bis work. Cbristina LaCavera Guardian Angels A compassionate and car- ing individual, ('bristina is a member of hotb tbe student counicil and grade 8 leader- sbip program - and a mile model for fellow students. i -Um F -~ -_ý Jasont MacDonald Kaitlyn Meness Lauren Pnisnîak HoIy Rosary Our Lady of Victory Bîsbop Redîng Enjoying a great relation- Kaitlyn bas a conîsistent Aiways goîng oui of bcr sbip witb botb feliow stu- willingness tc, belp otbers way to heip others, Lauren dents and teacbers, Jason is and sbare ber skilis witb ber co-ordinated tbe scbool's involved in a number of peers and tbe scbool commu- Cbristmas Hamper Dr-ive - sebool activities and always nity at large - always witb a bringing tbe spirit of the sea- gives bis best effort. positive attitude, son to many needy families. ýl1 t 1 t LILIC, 'Ill' LIOL"

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