CH planning ways to boost ByMelanile Hennessey sons passes, a television and 144,000 visats to park this %vin- 41 CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF radio promotion program, spe- ter. cial events and an improved "This is lower than past visi- After suffering through a Web site with e-commerce capa- tation projections based on a f llrAîuesn The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, June 13, 2006 - A3 resulting lower revenues, Glen Eden Ski and Snowboard Centre is making big plans to ensure the coming season is more suc- cessful. Conservation Halton's (CH) executive committee looked over what the centre and its staff have in mmnd to boost the num- ber of visitors at the ski hilI this winter - a figure that felI dur- ing the 2005-06 season to about 137,000, which is thousands less than the previous three sea- sons. Caria Marshall, CHs acting marketing services manager, presented a marketing plan to the group that she described as being proactive but also reactîve to things like unpredictable weather. She outlîned a variety of mar- keting measures that, if approved by the CH board later thîs month, would include things like a direct mail cam- paign offering dîscounted sea- "We're looking to, be a lot more aggressive this season,' she said. Marshall also discussed the audience the ski bill is trying to target in its marketing - prima- rily teens, but also young fami- lies, seniors and children aged eight to 12 years. She noted that theresa "completely untapped market" of local college and university students. "We have to figure out how to attract them," she saîd. CH Chair and Milton Councillor Brian Penman sug- gested contacting the area uni- versities, see if they have ski teams and offer to let them prac- tice at Glen Eden. The ski hilî's operating budg- et for the 2006-07 season was also presented to the committee, containing $3.6 million in expenditures and an estimaîed $4.8 million in revenues. The numbers are baseel on the conservatîve expectation of reduceci purchase ot season pass sales and related drop in visita- tions," Glen Eden executive manager Bob Harris reported. Harris went on to outline the proposed ski hill rates for the upcomiîîg season and the signif- icant pricing changes - a seven per cent increase in the KinderSki program, six per cent for the Primary Ski program and 12 per cent for the Christmas and March Break camps. The increases are due to extended lesson times and labour costs. The executive commiîtee is now recommending that the Cl- board of directors approve Glen Eden's marketing plan, 2006-07 rates, operating budget and development and maintenance projects worth $1 million. The board will meet June 29 at 7:30 p.m. at Conservation Halion's administration office, 2596 itannia Rd. W Melcînic Hcnncss v i ant bc reachelid aiîteîîîse0oiîî i atiadiiitit-iiainipioti. o(nt. - i F alit'] I M cti i'I'* o] 'Saflaeare baced onr48 mths ard icclude 100,000 km sîth $0.15 ove and ar plu c eigt -Cas Sprie are pics freight, taxes and license ue. Ail rebafes assgrcd to dealer. Sec dealer for omplee Aelais S om resions apply. Full efetails available. Whe sait Wc wili rebate Aoc 1% r *GSTý Persuif $4362 due or delivery, Montara $1164 due on deiver, G6 $5132 aue or deliery. See dealer for Actails, ______ en- ' pi -_--qqq resh Bread and 13uns Baked daily 7 days a weeW 6mý ýý