Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Jun 2006, p. 27

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The Canadian Champion, Tuesday June 13, 2006 - 27 I~ii~d iii~ ~ ll~ Hlp als HlpSales HIIpIIII Salles Heip H l Sales Help MM klld& Ž Help 1nIHI -hh d -J» c ep&Au ae ii COSRUTO ,MEIT *PNN FfReceptionîst/Ci 3-Month Cons racf t ýVI s4 1, 4..î 0I auj uiississauga 1<0551 is o îng foî a Cîew Leadet, Experîxoce wîth mosd and plastics matertal requîîed. Must hase gond drîvîng record Wages accordîng to eoperîence. 0011: 416-410-4757 Esenîngs: 905-873-9585 BACHLY Construction cuîîenîly sees compelenl COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL SITE SUPERINTENDENT(S) in the GTA and South Westerr Onturio Region. Theox arx contract positions effective immediutlxy. 5 heurs construction experrerce os preferred. JUNIOR PROJECT MANAGER for Commerciîfnduotra prolecîs. Fax resume la Bachly Construction 27 Nixon Rd, Bollon, ON LiE 1,17 Fax 905-951-3101 AfIn: Darren Murphy PARKBRIDGE Commuortieo, Ganadaos largeot manager of leaoed land commuortres 10 now hring u fulI-fîme, year-round, Maniager of Landscape Operations Responsibilitîes wiii include (but not 6e lrmited toi. -Supemisîng landocape crewx for graos cuttirg. snow remova, sod inxtalltion, gradrng, genera landocape maintxnance and construction. -Supemising outaide contractons to pronîde semvices xuch as driveway pavinq, etc. -Provîde excellent customner service hy respondrng toi rxsidents' concernos. Qualifications: *Prosen management/supemtxsoty experierce. -3 - 5 yearx' Lardxcape maintenance enperience. W ef organized and petsorable. -Able f0 operate a wide oaniety of equîpment. Safary commensorate with experence and prover managemenhlsupemîisory performance. Please forward a cover leffet and resumne f0: Antrlm Glen f284 8th Concession West, Flamborough Fax: 905- 659-3516 E-mail: admin@antrimglen.com BRANTH'\VEN HOMES /5 seeking ta h/i the position of Sit Su erv e We are currently building In Oakville, Burlfng- Ion and Ancauter Applicanis mass have the fslfowing: -Minimum sf 10 yeato of reoidertiat construction expertence *Supemîised sites sf ai least 75 homes -Strong passion and commilment to huîld a superiot product *Excellent organisation & communication skîlls *Abtltty to head the site team wit h lîttle upper anagement supemvision To Apply Emnail: jobs@braslhaven.com or fax Randy McGuire : 905-333-1720 Finding a great job was 80 eahy. Jusope 5 4 claasified section is ail if took. Phone 905-878-234t or emuit: clahsifieCq miltoncasadiaschampios.com mariage the swiichbuoard, cou'riers and' faxn, and provide computer and clerical support. The ideal candidate wiii be a poised and profession- a] team player with 1-2 years reception experi. ence and inlermediate level skilis in Microsoft Office applications. aiho is interested in working on contracl with the possibility of renewal or flut lime empinyment. Entait resame toi Ishaf- er timbers eciaitie.-corn __or fax toi (905) 854-0834. We wauld like tai thank ail candidates for their interest, but regret that anty those that are qualitied will be con- tac ted. fouiedcr Sutrmer Empisyment, $10 -$14 perihour. Hallon Place 93228-5th SderoodlfHalonffîlIu Or info @haffonplace com TORONTO AUTO AUCTIONS ae hiring fullt ime office help Candidate mont be profesniona and hold a coarteous disposition, preîos profeonional office experience required. The oucceonful individual hantai hase the ability to work in a fast paced enoîrooment and moltitask. This in a team orientedt department. Fax resume tai Kathy Gregg 0 905-875-2341 Career-Minded Accounitants- Corne Join The Industry Leader! BOOKKEEPER AR/AP CLERKS SENIOR ACCOUNTANTS e euremp Speciaflized Financial Staffing» Cail 10 inqutre about sur excellent berefîts programt Ph: 905-319-9384, Fax: 905-319-2095 burlinglon@accounlempa.com As a leader rn femporaty administrative olafftng, Off iceTéamn con offer a vide array of aooîgnimerto. We are corrently recroifing for. RECEPTIONISIS SENIOR ADMINS. DATA ENTRY CLERK Must haie 3 plus years experierce and inlermediate Word and Excel.> 'Speciaized Adminisrative Sfaffing" Ph: 905-331-045 Fn: 905-319-2095 hurlinglon@officeteamcom Vîsîl us: offîiceteam.com Sales llelp Sales Help ent & get Hotltub an) hone linîure dealership han sales opporunîtres, Must 0e aule to souk sie 10 six days peu week, eeekends a nus), Able to operate srrail offce equrpnent and have sales orienta aptitude. Aciean îalîd dîver's <cerne requireO, Pleine busward un ap- pircatron or resume 0< Jure lOIS. Applications nay be pioked up and subnîtted in person 318 Guelph St. George- ber oremal resuneto hgiohan@uiudrooloh con We thank all oppircants unît adîrse that oniy <rtose lotie rntervresed eril be csntacted. The Gold Bootv7O1.com, a divisonoof Metrolund Pîrrting, Puhlrshrng and Drstnrbnrng Ltd. ru seek- ing Adîertising Sales Repneoentutrovs foi the Hamilton, OukurlIe. Burlînglon and Mississaugu markets. The qualrfred candidate wiii be a motrvaned, inde- pendent, oelffstarter mrth preurous netari, oulside or moride baies experience. You wiii possess vxcellent entIern and verbal communication okîlis and have on urprecedlerted dîive for resuits. In 100s noie, you auli 6e cuotomer focused unît miii build otrorg nelutrorohrps mrth nec unît eerstrrg cli- ento by ersunrrig that thein drrectory udierising needo aie met, You wîll 6e goal oîrented and ca? pabf e of meeting monthly tongeto If you would lîke 10 monO foi a leader in the media induotny Ibis oppotunrty may he the nîght one for yous We 0881r competîtie compensation and benefît package as meil as poosihrlities for future caneen gnowth. A refrohix îehrcle os nequired. If înteresled please formard your resame, no laten than June 2lst f0: teliott@701.com Fax: (905) 526-1884 We appreciafe the intereot of ail aplicanto howev- er onîy thooe oefected foroan interview wîll 6e con- tacted. No phono calIn or agencîeo please. Inside Sales Position The Oakeîlloaer I s seekîng an expetienced: Inside Sales Representative The qoalifîed candidate wîll heua motîealed, independent, self-starter You wif I possess excel- lent mrilIon and verbal communication skills unît be famîltar wîth Microsoft computer applications. Preolous telephone sales an assel, In Ihîs role, yoo will ho cusîsmor focused and wiii builît positive îelatîonshîps with nom unît eaisling clients hy onsurîng Ihat theîr adsertîsîng needo are met. You wîll be goal orienloît and capable of meeting regulul weekly budgets andt special soc tion taIgots mîthîn a deadlîne focusod environ- ment. If you moulît lîke o 0 ork for a leader or the media îndustry Ibis spportuniny may ho the righî one foî you. If înterestod pIeuse formard louir losumo, o ter Ihan lune 16, 2006 10: dbairdîWhaltsnsearch.rom Wo appreciate the înîerest sf ail applicanîs hoor- eve1 00ly Ihose selectoît for an intrnview wmli ho cunlactoît 1No phono calîs or agencios pIeuse. The Oakville Beaver i~4i ]WEST Fuil-tmnie Sales Representative 701 (bld Boomk (emipany ()îorvirm 7011 (bld Book sý iiisioii of Meniiitiî t'îinlilig, Pushhng and a iliiniliig.istiiitlîied ubslsidi oTiisiîi (' îî1îîî îîiiiis a il)iîlltiiiiil leader-sitiiiis t.tniieish iseel Wîîh,îîscî "Il,, > thsspîe sIntiîenet iîlsen bisiii nuite iîous dîsieithi miiliilai oistslîlislîgestiand îîîisî soteessful ciiniooity oceusîilpetpiiuhishei pioiiîliloclnieus anld dtlnlslg nediarîino in (aîiidis heiîitlioîl Wi curreotly piihîîsh ltIf) coiiiiîniîy neospapes and 9> leletîliiie direcîiiîies that are tuocentratrd iii siiuihemn Ontario, 71 (iîîld Bookil has iiiiîiiediae lipenîogs lor fl ti une sales repteseolaives toii Hanmilton. Bor-lingiiin, Oukvîlle undt Mis-assaoga. The successlot canodtes % ill pîrîvîde oiti vauoed costilmel s mîlh crealive, efective t)îttcioiy ads'tnîsîng solutjions lor hîîîh oor print and wehhbased ptoid.s. The nconîhents mutl niay a key tue in the useraI? ssctess ut' îîaî îtgaoie.aton and he rspiinsihte liriongîiog sales mîîh nens and existOf clients. Whaf me offer Full lime tnîpuiymnie Base rate plus c.ommissIions Sales locentives and coitesîs, untiirt eamîong piientia Car altîrmance ifenetit prîigrani, îîîctuding pension and 3 uveeks vacation 13 weeks polît training Caneer devetîrpînent and advancemenî oppoinities Whaf we are Iooking fart Energetit and passionate sales professînnas Ahîltîy iv work in a tasi paced. deadline îoenied envirnment Costomer tisas and outstanding mork ethic Amhîitîous with tht dotve to sucetd Pievious rtait. vulside or insîde sales enperienct Ahîltîy te, mîrk îndependenity Unprecedented drive fot reslits Masi hart a reliahte vehicte toto a winning teare midi Unpreeedented Saeeesses!!! If morkîeg midi a highly energized competiùve tearn and market is your idea eenvronmient, pînase foî ard your resa me to: sales<0701.com or (905) 526-1884 (fax) Wr îîppreî lare tht inîîrrsî of ail upplicants, hoateet onli ths ne leted foîr an ironira will Ire ontirct No phoîne catis orupteties pIeuse. lm Prme Help Em Pi-e elp SEARS* f.giOOL12 Correnlly me are Iookîng for 0 PA YS FT Clinique Beauty Advisor lnterested.7Pleaae apply in person: FO ON Mapleview Mai 900 Maple Ave. in Burîinglon Upper level Mai Enfrance The Human Resourcea Depariments Application accepfed belween 10-3pm, June 12-16, 2006 Searo Canada nc. os an equal opporfunity employer Pre (Caabian QJainpion Milons Communily Newîpaper hîncr 180 Cansifinît Phone: 9058n75-3300 Cî C l aînifiei Fmu 905-876-2364 CliidEmailr classifiedfflnilncanadianohaepio.com Crbikes, RVs, auto repair servîces, boats, electronics, pet supplies, antiques, collectibles, home furnishings, jewelry, sporting goods, musical instruments, personal services, real estate, travel packages, employment and business opportunities, personals, public notices and much more ... Pick up your copy today. <ý,ýO5a878aa2341 jpýLýiî~t baiiin

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