i.'... f If vou have anv questions these "Ask The Professionals" c/o The Canadian Champion 875 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 3Z3 ±Hawkins Animal Hospital Dehbie Hawkins B.Sc., DVM D)octor of Veterinary Medicine 550 Ontario Street South, Milton DlebieHakins (Pizza Hut Plaza) B. Sc. DVM Phone (905) 875-6888 Fax (905) 875-6853 Over the pdst tew months 1 have recetved many -iost cat" notices to hang on our board. On top of that, every Friday in the Champion, there are fumer- ous lost cat notices. Because there are no ceash laws for cats and it is impossible to confine them to the backyard. cats are subject to many more dangers than dogs are. In my practice we see cats suffer from injuries and illness as a resait of altercations with other cats, dogs and wildlife <raccoons, skunks and coyotes), road vehicle accidents, fan belt injury (cats like to seek warmth from car engines). Cats that wander can come into contact with toxins such as slug hait, antifreeze, pesticides and herbicides. 1 have treated many cats with tongue lacerations from licking tin cans in other people's garbage. Cats can corne in contact with other cat's viruses such as leukemia, feline AIDS, FIP and Rabies -ail of which are potentially fatal. My advice to al] cat owners is to keep them indoors. This can be very difficult, particularly for cats who are already accustomed to having that free- dom. For those of' you who have recentl y acquired a cat or kitten, don't expose them to the outside world -not even on a leash. If a cat is flot shown what it is like to go outside, they will neyer corne to expect tl. IA LTOY 10com muN1 i' KEHAETLIrT&TION CENTRE lina Doney 1 isnA e u Connie Francoz 1 isnA eu PHYSIOTHERsPISTS (corner of Wilson & Main) 876-1515 Q. 1 sprained my ankie Ibis spring when 1 was walking on uneven ground. 1 don't know if 1 should corne Io physiotherapy or flot. Sometirnes it brais on ils own. A. Yes, it is ire. sometimes a mtldly spratned ,tnkle does heti on ots oren, and does flot requtre physitherapy. Howeser if you are repeatedly re-spratning the same ankie. you really should go to phystotherapy. Physiotherapitss weil tvork an re-tratntng the moscles arootd the tnjory as weti as yoor proprioceptiosn (hor the muscles attd litgaments aro)ufd the ankie wrsrk together ta gtve teedback ta, the ankie ta halance and correct the position of the ankie when yau are walkrng oo an onesen surtace. Thts prevents you trom roltng 00er on yaur ankie agato), When yau tnitally spratr your ankie, your brain forges how ta make those fine adjosîmenîs around the aukie tuhen yau + are walitng an uoeveo groond. whtch causes yau ta he unsure of your footing an these surfaces, or ta re-tnjore your ankle agatn by rolhing oser anto it If you have a mtld ankie spratn. once it heals. you con re-iratn this yaurself hy stmply trytng ta, stand or are toat, ftrst wtth your eyes open. and then. wtth your ryes ciosed. If gar are trto a partîcular sport, or hase a maderate ta severe ankie spraîn, yan realiy should attend phystatherapy ta praperiy rehab yarr ankie and present future tnjuny an the ankie tuhen you retum ta sport or dtily acttvttes. Hotu do you knuw if it is a moderate te asesere spratn? You h avr sustatned a r moderate spruin if you hase hmtising ararnd the ankie. up the leg, or tntrs the faut. It meurs that some sort of soft ttssue has tam and is hleedtng undemeath your sktn. Usuaiiy these kinds of auble spratns respond tueil ta phystotherapy. You have a severe sprain if yar cannat put wetght thraugh the foot. For these, yar should also came ta tberapy, hut ftrsî. cansuit your famtly dactor for an s. ray ta make sure nathtng is hroken. A mtld ankie sprasn wtth no hruîsîng and mtld swelling, hut sttll painful after trea ta three ueeks, shouid also came ta physiatherapy. Give the theraptsts a try at the Haltor Communtty Rehahtlttatton Centre, and ve'li get yau hack tn the action tn no time5 $85 Main St maet Io Udi World Chrtsttre JohnsornAA.era-.o Centet DItreutor W-#.eb ilcr WEIGHT LOSS TIPS 1. Eairg mare fiber is a great rear ta, lel baller throghouî tbe day. Your breakfast car pack a fiber punch. Make surony guose aboie orbeat bread for toast. Choose a high-fsber creaI ltke raisitn bran. Erjas sonme frutt wtith ils skir sncb as an apple. 2. Buyimg smngle servtng packages af fonds --especsallg snacks -- is a great wag ta contraI partions. Nat anly wsll llîey help gou rat rn moderatiar, the nutrition information is alsa bandg. If stngle srrvtrg bags prose tors priceg, measure ouf indîvtdual servirgs inta plasttc bags when yor bay the larger ssze packages, Just dan't reach for a secotnd bag or tbis trtck tuant prevent avereatirg. 3. Softtng big goals dors more barre than gaod. Its easy ta, gel dtscauraged tuber gau neyer sootuh ta, meet Ibetu. tnslead, set mini goals and rereard gaursoif la stag motivatod. Be realostir ard treat yourseif genîlg. The pounds dîdn'l appear lilse magic, so dor't expert them ta **poof'* and go away! ;) 4. If yssu knot gou're gotng la, go averboard wvtb the appetizer donner retis, ask tbe server ta remove thetu fraur the table. If gar ask me, if's vie- fnallg impassible le, pradice portion contrai wittn the scent of freshly baked bread. Avatd thr lemplatian la tbink, "Ils free. t reaiig shîtuld rai il." Il may ho free la gaur reailet, but roi gaur vvaisîlmne! 5. Avaid eatietg arylbmng directig ouI ai the conraimer, particulaeiy frods that lord thenolves ta bingos liko ire cream or potalo chips. It's sirtral- ig imposstble la, practice portion contrai tuber gon rat stratghl oui of a container. Wber gau rai frore thr sources, gou're itkeig le, fail into ail-or- rolbing lbinkîng "If ire bourg Ibis'bad'tIbm i shouid jusi go ail the reag.' Yau'l feri mare in charge of gaur achions by oafmng rire servîng mîrdfui- gy front a disb. 6. Self taik realg dors waek, tuhether it s positive or negativé. Lift gour spirits and peolorg gar mottvabion every single day bg telitg gourseif tbat gar cao ard oi succeed. Yoa mav ever lîrd thatil ts beipful ta Say self-affirming phrases art oud. Yor roomosates rsag think gans1 e garhe crazy, but tuber gar find it s quute eftective, gau uan't mtrd. Look in the mtrrar badag, and sag, Natbtrg is gosng ta, stop me fraur meeting mv retgbt iass goal. Halton His Speech Cnr 'Your Caning Partners... " Northview Centre. 211 Guelph St., Suite 5, Georgetown (905) 873-8400 -www.haltonspeech.com Question: 1 have nottced thai my teenage son s-il! ufteo "get stock on words or may repeat themn afew times when he jr totking. Dors ctitis meurt he hon a stuttering problein? Ansorer: It is impsortant irs be able tss recssgnszc the dtfference beisseer stuîîerîrg and nortmal ursr-flrency. Hestatirss pauses. worrd repri tissus and revissons are ail considered nsormal dgsfluent behavîssurs. Ail of us expertence ibese moments rof dysflrencg wee speaksrg, especsally tuber piaced su a demandsng ervsrsînmenî. For the tehen, .situations srch as raa presenîtaîsons tn ciass. assersng questions su frosnt of a group rtf people orv having tri campete fsor speaktug isme car be dsfficuiî and may resuti n an increase rtf anxs- ety and fear. Sssmeîimes ibts lear and nervssusuess car increase the tension expenienced by a 1Cmn, Ofier. the initial reactror ts ibis ter- sion is ta increase ite speech raie wbicb car cause ibern ta stumbie oser their reards. Concern with stroterirg is allen roird wher nor- mal nor-fluercies become more frequrnt and longer rn duratiar. At limes, physicai tension may aira begin ta, develop as tbry sîrrggle ta tsprak f e.g. fartai grtmace, quivering lip, ege bttrking/tretcbing). As talking situations become more difficrit for gîsur teen. be may begir ta avoîd speaking situations or may rot compirîr bis commenîs, Your teer may become frnstratrd and annayed witb speaktng and may respord wiib commenîs sncb as: "Forger it!, "Neyer mind!', tI carit get l toat!". Ifygar teen is exhibiting any of ihese behassîsurs. or if he/she bas had a hsstory of dysflaencg jr the pasi. especrailg as a child, contact sir Centre. Our Speech-Language Paibstlogisîs svtli be able irs gravide gar svtb furiber information and bnlp tri determine if yrsur teer bas a strttering probiem. RM®ESATECENTRE MILTON REAL ESTATE AT IT'S BEST THOMAS www.miltonproperties.ca Braher garythomas@remax.net Q: What can 1 do to prepare my home for sale? A. Stmple Advtce... Remove Clutter This is the hardest thing for most people ta do because they are emtiorally attached to everythirg jr the house. After years af ltving ir the samne home, clotter collects ir such a way that may rot he evident tcs the htsneowner. However, tl does affect the ssay buyers sec the home, ever if gar doi rot raiz il. Clutter crullects on shelves, cornier tops, drawers, closets. garages. att les, and basemeuts. Take a step back and preterd yrtu are a boyer or let a frserd belp posint out areas of claîter. A real estate agent car belp ton! The kitchen is a good place ta start removirg etutter, because tl s au easy place 10 start. First. gel everythirg off the courtiers. Fird a place where yon car store everyîhirg ir cahinets and dratuers. 0f course, you may notice that you do rot have cabinet space to pot everything. Clean thetu ont. The dishtes, pots and pars that rarely get nsed? Put them jr a box and put tbat box jr storage, tost. Mary people have too much faîniture rn certain rooms, rot too mucb for yrsur own persoral livtng needs. bat too mnch to gise the illusion of space that a homeboyer woutd like ta see. Get some idras frotu style magazines and home improvemeut tetevi- sion shows or tubai 10 remove and what to teave ir gour bouse. Basements, garages. atties, and sheds accomulate rot orly dlut- ter, but jurk. These areas should be as empty as posstble so that buyers car imagine tubaI they woutd do wtth the space. Remove arythiug that is rot essertial and take it t0 the storage area. Create as much Open Space as you car .ard the SOLD sigu wtll go up qusckly. The Canadian Champion, Tuorday, June 13, 2006 - A21 GREG J. LAWRENCE B. SC., D. CH. FOOT SPECIALIST / CHIROPODIST 350 Main St. E., V ,ffI Milton, Ontario, L9T 11>6 (905) 878-6479 1A Princess Anne Dr., Georgetown, Ontario L7G 4W4 Greg J. Lawrence (905> 702-1611 B. Su., D. Ch. Member ot the Ontario Society of CSf ropodists and The Ontario Coltege ot Chiropodiuîa Q. What is Athleten Foot and how ir it treated? A. Alsis knowr as Tirea Pedîs. Aibies Foot is a fungalinfectiosn thai affects about 12% ai the population. Contrary ta ils rame, Athlees Foot car strîke angoîte. tli s common rn bath adulîs and chîidreîî. Syrnptoms: - Athiete's Froot may appear or arg part of the foot brti s niosi com- mou betturen the tors (especiailg betoreer the 4tb and 5th tors> and or the baîtour af the foot * The infection înay appear uvri or dry * Redness. scalig, blisters, itchirg and burnîng are comman firdirgs * One or bath fret car be affecirdi - Sufferers ofier base recurrent epîsodes S Wbat you can do: * Over-tbe-couuter antifurgai producîs are often effective for skîr infections reben rsrd according ta the marufacturer's instructions. These producîs must be rsed for the frll îreatmerî periad. whicb mears ibat tbey are ued romn aller tbe symptatus disappear. * Wasb and dry fret tborargbly or a daily basin and sprînkie foot poreder ta ahsorb perspiration. *w Wear shors made ai ratura maîrriais, like leather or cauvas that v ailoor maîsîrre ta escape frour the shar * Select socks mnade from ratura libers. preierably cotrir * Charge shaes and socks regularly ta decrease moisîrre * Foot soaks car help ta dry excessive perspiration * Avoid walkîog barefoot jr public places