Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 9 Jun 2006, p. 7

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The Canadiani Champion, Frîday, June 9, 2006-A7 Car 'modifications' shouldn't be Milton at a crossroads; town banned because of a few idiots f,,,i; ni imk Ili ü-EAil EDîTÙR. 1 take exception to Champion reporter Stephanie Thiessen's June 2 column. First of ail, Thiessen states she has a modified car and that shte doesn't street race, but then goes on to Paint everyone who has a modified car with the samne bn.tsh and essentially label us as street racers by calling for a ban on car modifications. Let me make one thing clear. l'm not defendiug street racing. In fact, I despise it, almost as much as 1 despise drunk driv- ing. I have a mildly-modified car, but 1 don't street race. l'm stmply a car enthusiast that enjoys 'tuning' my car, but according to Thiessen 1 - and herself - shouldn't be permit- ted to do this because of a few idiots that modify thetr cars w&ith only one tntent. I choose to sattsfy my 'need li 'p)CcLi tiioughli te coiti pletcly-legal avenues of grass- roots motorsports, namely Solo 2 (Autoslalom) and Solo 1 (Solosprint Time Trials) - both sancttonied by ASN Canada, the same organization that goverus the Canadian Grand Prix in Montreal. AIl of these disci- plines are within the law lu fact, the local police detachments are informned of the events ahead of time and the events take place at closed venues. Furthermore, do you really believe banning modifications to cars will stop street racing? 1 know kids who wtll race their mom's Buick simply because they pull up to a red light and some other kid wants to sec whose Buick is [aster. Perhaps we should ban Buicks too? Further in her columo, Thtessen states that her 'modifi- cattons'are purely for aesthetîcs. 1heg to dilici. A lowciccl sus- pension provtdes greatly increased handliug, and frankly is perfectly safe so long as a proper kit is used and the springs are not simply 'cut'. In addition, a performance exhaust has been shown to add any- where fromt 5 to, 15 horsepower depeuding on the quality of the after-market system. 1 guess shte must be a street racer since the modifications to hier vehicle improve performance. Essentially, what l'm gettung at ts that just because a car is modified doesn't mean the owner is a street racer. In fact, I'm willtng to het that the major- ity of 'tuners' despise street rac- tng. I for une don't agree wuth Thtessen that we should be forced Lu gtve up our hohhy hecause of themn. KEITH COURVILLE Time seemns right for change on our council DEAR EDITOR: Milton is no longer that quatnt little town of 5,000 people that it was when 1 first settled here in the 1960s, when any local person who hap- pened to be popular could successfully mun for counicil - or even mayor. With higher costs of living, as well as much higher costs of running goverument, peuple are looking for and deserve a htgher calibre of repre- sentation at ail levels of govemnment. Every week when I read Tht Champion, 1 note the remark in the letters section that 'we need change'. lu my opinion, some politicians couldn't care less what you and I think or say Once elected, they're there for the duration, sud you cant do auything about it. They'll only take note when they sec your name on the ballo The next municipal electtun representation holding ofhice for su if change is what peuple wa sumethtng about it nuw. With tht unprecedented e town, there must be many peop tnterested tn running for office. AIl yuu have to do ts put up your intentton tu stand. You ma but every vote you get ts une le bent that yuu wish tu replace, a part for that 'change'. Neyer doul erument we deserve. Traf lic has indeed become big problei DEAR EDITOR: 1 agret with tht recent letters regardiug tht stretch of road on Deury between Thompson Road and Fifth Lie. Peuple sit in traffic sud try to be patient, but there are peuple who decide thrait they're more important than the rest of us sud [tel the netd to drive down the right-hand latte. They know that this lane will end. lis tht same peuple tvery- day who do thts, ltke tht lady who drives tht dark gray Toyota RAV4. This drives me crazy. There are alsu sume peuple who decide to cut tht lights at Trudeau Drive sud Denry Road sud go through tht plaza. This bas got to stop, if it dotant, someone is guing tu get hurt - by road rage. thrait right-han with tht sami were used t, 1: Line. It would aise police ufficer sit evtry now sud cutting through BENNET t furm. wtll result in our a fuur-year term, nt they better do xpansiun of the 'Ttme Capsules' are gents of infor- mation extracted front past issues of The Champion and other publications in oîtier to provide a window into Miltonk pasu. Explanatory comment is sometimes provied to place the situa- tion in contexi December 1907 At present the prospects for a sat- isfàctory counicil for Milton for 1908 are mot bright. TIhe mayor and reeve aud the councillors generally talk of retiring. Taxes are still high sud care- fuI sud competent management is necessaxy. The water supply is insuf- ficient and it will be necessaty to pro- vide for increasing it. It ils possible that a new industry or industries may be established in Milton withln a short tine and tbeir promoters may have arrangements to make with the corporation. The preserit mayor and counicil have given good service. The longer they remain in harness and the more experience they gain the more competent they will become. John Stewart bas sold his engine, boler, etc., part of the plant of the old Milton Electrie light sud Power Co., to S.L. DouldelI, of St. Mary's formerly of Montreal, for a good price. The outflt will be remnoved on ,January 2nd. le who wuuld bc At last Thursday's meeting of tht county counicil jas. G. Wilson of $ 100 and declare Freeman, ex-Warden was appointed y nut get elected, Superintendent of County Roads, at ss for an incum- a salary of $600. Mr. Wilson bas been nd yuu did yuur an enthusiast on tht subject of good bt we get tht guv- roads and bas made a study of thse latest sud most approved methocl of BOB MOREAU road making. Tht work in Halton HESLOP ROAD could hardly ha in better hands, The salary on which hie beins is low for efficient service, but is likely to lie m here mcreased after hie shows bris efficien- cy. In Wentworth 'tht Road Please, block off Superintendent began on $600 and it d lane, maybe was stated at the meeting of the eobstacles that council here tirait hie gets $1,100 now lock off Fourth Mr Wilson's appointment will take effect on Jan. lst 1908. ibe nice tu sec a 0a tting tn tht plaza Tht water is so low in tht reser- then tu stop cars voir that it is being shut off until fur- there. hrntc xetbten7ad8 CHRIS BROWN ther an notic except s b tee a TBOULEVARD man5an6pm.Athrws Miltonu 'Ume capsules so much raim in November the sprittgs should be stronger mnstead of weaker than usual. There must be somnething wrong with the in-take pipes or leaks i the mains. Special Christmas music was Sung at both services at the Methodist Church on Sunday. There were solos by Mrs. J.W Bews, Miss Gertrude Hollinrake, Miss Florence Deacon and Mr. Cecil Fart, there were trios and quartettes and the full choir sang anthems. The choir has been greatly strengthened lately There are about thirty voices and iniprovement has been rapid under the efficient leader- ship of Miss Deacon. A public meeting will be held at the town hall this evenîng at 8 o'clock to discuss the proposed establishment of an industry in Milton, to begin with about 150 bauds, and eventually employ about 1,000 hands. The gentlemen from Toronto and the United States who make the proposaI will be present to explain ternis and show samples of goods to be manufactured. The pro- posaI is one tbat vitally concernis the future growth and prosperity of the town and the attendance should be large, January 1908 The new year was ushered in by the riuging of the town bell, which was flrst tolled for the death of the old year and then rung menily for the new. The principal amusement during the day was skating. The ice was mot in condition at the rink, but there was a fine sheet on the pond Two rtnks of curlers had agood gaine there, the flrst of the wlnter. The skips were J.F Little and R.L. l-emstreet. Mr. Little won 10-8. This material is assembled on ihalf of the Milton Histonical Society by Jim Dills, who can be w'eahed at Milton Import uw Car C~entre i 2001 Audi S4 Loaded with ail extras, 59,000 kms, pyar fuit war., A MU ST SEE, Silver Aulhorized BOSCH Service Dealer $28e995 USED CARS GERIAR ~ ~DY583 Main St. E, Milton 58853 4~Y'Kd\Jý4ýTT milton summer soccerCcamps The unphsi~of the, munp u iflJ -,Ail levols of expeuience wveléom - from 4e Boys & Girls ages 5 - ISyrs old flrst timie players to 1asprnng BEcmkham'sf" 1Date: July 1th - 21st 2006 Camp Feus: Hal d sssins- $95 Fuldyssin - $165 Sessions: Momings,9am - noo Location: Lions Park Thonmsson Road, Mi <betind #--eMilton L n enu YIlifflt Soerer ,isure Centre) pin.it"emaip! 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