Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Jun 2006, p. 8

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A8 The Canadian Champion, Frîday, June 2, 2006 / Many of Multon's finesi teenagers will be developing their leadershtp skitls while sers ing as cantp couniselors, cooks, activiîy directors, maintenance staff or otbersvise. Maybe you can remember sonne of your great surner camp experiences as a teenager. 1 came across a great camp story this sveek, about a young femnale counselor who served at Camp Sparrowood. a camp for the mienîally challenged. Our teenaged girl was really itervous about serving in this capacity. unsure ot' wbat to expect. Yet, tl turned oui to be a nîost uplifting and deeply spiritual time of leadership developmeat -ail because of a litîle girl named Melanie. Melanie was fourteen years old. She coulda't read or Write and bad difficulty communicaîtng bier thoughts. She was very antisocial and had difficulty getting along wiîb otbers. Over the Summer Is Here! bers dh id d lpe lier vw inaiary cusli lbe ih o u ls li ii lokiiig li fredst akeplaeoteoe slv ha nbe sesi o. Meaie FInllyshe siiicl to d lp. Meina r bh oumd ihl lareaî Wben Melaîtie firsi cane iii campîç she <vas vcry quiet and svitbdrawn. She rarely talked to anyone. She played and even occ asionally fougbî witb ber îmagiaary frîends. But despite bier idiosyncrasies, she claimced to bave really enjoyed camp. Tbe counselor quesimned îvbeîber Melanie gained aaytbing of' signîficance front bier week aI camp. Nonetbelens. Melanie's parents felt tbat il was sucb a positive experience tbat tbey sent bier back later ia tbe summer for a second week. Tbis time, Melanie was a litile mlore engagîag and participatory. On Tuesday nigbî of ibat second sveek. bowever, Melanie went nîîssing. Frantically. bier Sbe nîîiiccd thai Melanie svas pluuyiîg svîtb lier iiaginary I rîends as was bier custiii but soimetbîng seemned di/lerent <nta iis oîccasion. She watcbed as Metaniie apprîîacbed ie croîîs anîd siired ai it. iben, s/te sasv Melanie reacb up with bîuîb bands tii tbe rîgbî side ofi the bhorizontal cross bar and pull. Melanie did tbe sanie on the le/I side iii tbe bar and oînce more ai tbe foot of tbe cross. Tben Melanie bent river. pîcked up someîbîng beavy and slung it over bier shoulder. After reîreating a few sîeps back. Melanie sat clown and started playing again. Witbîn moments, tbe young counselor ventured over 10 talk toi Melanie. She sat ta the grass next 10 ber and asked wbat sbe was doing. la the clearest voice, Melanie articulated ber tboughts andîul ild li 1'toiik lecsus diisn off the cîîîss su I Luild plaiy %vit/s Illii" I-n -iii thai point oîî, Mcline carrîed Jeses, o i er sbiiulder and inuluded [fii in ber daîly le it camip. She qoîpped /rcquently iii play wîtb Him. AIl weck. Melaîîîc <as a sîsual remînder of what tl mieatis, ii take Jesus oi/' the croîss and mnake Hiro part iii everyday fi/e. loii oltea, wr ,ire su busy adnîîrîng our Jesus on the croiss, /ar iii busying nailîng bim on the cross wiîh ur dîîubîs, lears, and sîns, that we neyer taken hîni dosvn offthe cross and ]et hin live in ur lives. la the simple mind. in the simple acts of a special needs cbîld, the trutb of disciplesbip in Christ is revealed. Submitted by Rev. Dan Rogge, Pastor of Miiton's New Life Church MIILTON Cîi î«.1 Inite, \OLI to urîSevk lî .ti/jtjh v n a Hugli Foster Hall, 43 Brown st. Milton iii 9 30) a ni suil xliootljj sat il 00 a ii DlýIuîensu FIEE BIBLE, SCHOOL andjh z1. j.j'jju i l i njjuj , i lu 5 pitc i.loîlu : iljssjjLI unl, l)Is\20 ri i\ii,,ý Ii\,i , n . I ýi Vo ot r l 'ijiijr il)i cli cn tV) and jjg;ii l- ý SUNDAY JIJNE 4 1O:00OAm www.thesanctuary.calmilton i905257.391; Miton Sports Centre 605 Santa Mania Blv& (D"re Rd.&ws of Aw - GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH Ciergy: 317 Main SI. E Rev. Dr. Mark the Church on the Hi/I McDermott 90"-78-2411 Rev. Carole Langlotz Fatheir Mark Curnis Sunday Services 8:00 arn - Said Euchaeist 10:00 arn - Sung Eucharist inclading "6Kida' Spirit" Prugrarn fullowed by cuffe hour 10:00 arn - Said Euebarist &Wheelcltair Access lhrough Parkiag Lat là www.graceehurchmi/lon.com st. G7eorge's To Adverti Aný,rican Clurc Di [jis unnliint\ lj[(r please call 150 Years Jasa un lb/a vear in a ceiebralsaa of. CoIIeefl C( 186.Cmean m s w wl b er pese o nivo. at 905-878 RECIOR Rev Çanon Charles Master lune 4(th 2006 services ext. 211 One Serice OnIy on Ibis Special Sunday Celcbratlng Our 150th Analversary i.aeiPreacher. Re. (.ergc Sinclar ,Nursery aadjnir Sudav'wchol 70151 Giuelph Uine au Derry Ruad (Tel) 905-878-1363 Visit nue web site muu'w.stgeoce toutile.amg o. CHURC-H 0F CHRIST 1412 Britannia Rd. West, Milton, On L9T 2X8 905-875-2939 Sunday Sohool Classes 10:00 arn Worship & Communion 11:00Oam Thursday Bible Study 7:00 pm Minister Steve Corbett t-au, - sul uLvaibri Y UUIn rsur - m biBrK cin tulCI A Feiowship Baptist Church 905-876-3586 MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. - 878-3873 10:00 a.rm. - The Lord's Supper il1:45 arn. - Sunday Schooi 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesdlay 7:30 p.m. Prayer and Bible Study The Father sent ihe Son Io be the Saviour of the world. lst John 4.14 WRAEWAY 'BAPIST CHURH 905-878-5664 KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1 0 MatnSee oa elweee Cen10Man St.r E., WEC M ilton 05-7-12 Mati Stee b dw t//e SportsCtrI 05-878-6066Mlto Pastor Walter H. Isaak Pastor Jack Ninaber Interirn Muderator - Rev. Han-y Klannea Supply Miniter - Re. Nader Awad 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School Connections Café (in the foyer) 10:00 arn Direcor of Music Ministrie -Sonja vande Hoef 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship Sunday Worship Service 10:30 a.m. Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service "Cracking The Code" Series Nursery Thursday Week 4 - Love and Sexualily Youth SmalI Group (Grades 7-12) 9:15 arn 7:0ptin Cre Sud fo Chidr e - Joit ust next week at ont gannl speaker, Richard Fangard Children's lVorship (Age 3 - Grade 6) 10:30 arn Capains rewforChldrn 412 answern oar qautions about crealian and eva/uliot "Crowring logether in the' pre of Christ" "You'Il always find a friend ai Graceway" Wheelchair access and washrniirs gruvîded su that www.gracewaybaptist.org www. souibsi dem i Iton . org ail rnay corne and wershig. Access off Mary Street. se inl the ectory )rman -2341 Aslsistfworhip Estrgfer Youth Clînten Kruger 9 a.m - Early Worshîp Service 9:30 arn. Sunday Schoo/ for A/i Ages 1045e .m. Second Worshîp service* »cetiued fo Deaffflaud o eisng WHAT IN HEAVEN IS JESUS Up TO? Fo mr ifo wwnelJuminle For -» ww Oef-p n ltn .or 1 aun. june 'i, iu:ju a.m. WELCOMING NEW MEMBERS Meet 'n' Greot 000 after the services Worship in Graham Hall supported by music fromn our Worship Band guest speaker- Bey. Gaylyn McLean Worship in the Sanctuary supported by music from, the St. Pauls Choir Supervised Nursery Cars fromn 10:15 ar. Church Schooi Thom@e: 'Acceplance' 10:45 a.rn. Gospel Unit for grades 6-8 10:45 ar. coftfee & Conversation afler the services Lobster Supper & CeiIidh Night Sat. June 10, 6pm, Entertainment at Bpm Tickets $50, deadline to, order lobster or steak dinner is June 4 -Corne Worshîg WIl Us! Sermon Se se: Jesua is A//ve! irjiii0~6:30 p.m. - Sunday Night LIVE Paator C/inton presenta a challeinge Mi(toi'i Bibte Gc4prc IF WE ARE Lovinçj Goè. LoviHnpepe THE BODY.. __o e Kid's Praise Choir 200 Main Street -' SUNDAY JUNE 18 9:30 an & Sndaysat:MB P.M. 9:0a&11:00 arn Worship Services ,63 Chi/dren's Programs running Concurrenly Family-friendly 10:30 arn Coffee & Conversation - Msclpeetto (We serve Tim Horion's Coffeel) King 0f The J n l i 7ýx9 iL Y£4

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