Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Jun 2006, p. 7

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Town needs to push for a major ispruce up in the Fourth Line area The Canadiam Ghanpioný,FtIdayý June 2, 2006 -A7 Milton farmers seli most crops ait higher4than-expected prices DEAR EDITOR: Prior to development, the land on cither sîde of Fourth Line between Derry and Britannia roads was used for farming. Each of the farms had an adjacent woodlot. Trees lined the creek that ran parallel to the road on the east side. Duning development of this area as a housing subdivision, the builder was required to con- struct a pathway alongside the creek from the Union Gas case- rnent up to the overflow ponds at the end of Trudeau Drive. The batiks of the creek, the pathway and ponds were to be iined with trees and shrubs to maintain the wildlife habitat. Some work was done by the builders thre years ago. Howrvcr, many of the trees and shrubs ihat were pianted have died. These haven't been replaced. There are dead siumps and gaping gaps in what was supposed to be a restoraîlon of nature. Also, the creek's flow is restnicîed in places due to an accumulation of debris. That often causes a back tip of water, which overruns the baniks. Because of the underlytng dlay soif, iî takes more than byve years for any landscaping to be effective. The Town would do well to review the original plans and get the builder to replace ail dead trees and shrubs. That would be a great step DEAR EDITOR: Is there truth that a few ternis in office poten- tially cause counicillors and mayors to become more like professional politicians rather than being effective representatives of the people for wbom they were elected? 1 think thaîs about it for our town of Milton. Wheîî was the lasi lime your councîllor asked you for your vîew on a malter? Regarding effective consultation, when dîd your view or suggestions acîually make a dîffer- ence? When iî cornes to effective democracy, mîghî it be prudent to seek oui and eleci new counicîllors toward beauîîlyîng the creek and resîo ring the wildlife habi- tat that prevîously used ibis space. That includes more than 20 different birds and a host of but- terfiies thai yearn to establish a summer home here. Old Milton bas a lot of paths lined wiîh greene-y The Fourîh Line creek is the only one of ils kind in the new developmenîs south of Derry Road. The very least that the Town can do is to insîsi that the builders meet their landscape obligations in full. Is that asking too much? DOUG DEANS SOMERVILLE TERRACE who mighî wanî to hear more about whaî you have 10 say? As the role of counicîllors is served on a part- tîme basis, are there not citizens out there who could and would be willing to mun for elecîed office? 1 suggest ihere are, and we jusi need 10 open the lowns doors a bit wider 10 invite îhem in. Many of our counicillors - and even our mayor - have been in office for well over five ierms, which is 15 or more years. Mîghî now not be the nghî tîme 10 say thanks, please move on? BOB BEVETTE MILTON Situation in Caledonia is very disturbing DEAR EDITOR: Tbis is a letter t0 the politi- cians of our country Why do we have our nation- al television stations showing tbat certain people in this coun- try don't bave 10 go by thse laws of ibis country? They make a mockery of our laws. Wbat happened 10 every- one being îreaîed equal and fair in our society? The people of the Fîrsi Nations seem to be able 10 do whaî îhey wish without any action taken by the iaw This is a great îhing bo show our chul dren and new Canadians. i don't know who's nighî or wrong in the land dispute in Caledonia, but i do know it sbould be seîîied in a court of law and nol on the sîreet by blocking roads, forcing iheir xviii on others and ignoring the law and law force. If we acted Ibis way, we would end up in jail. Why do we put up wuth Ibis? Vim ail for fair play, but done in a legai manner and within our societys miles. Anyîhing else is unacceptable and leaves a very bad tasie in my mouîh as to the qualîîy of our govemment. AL LISK MILTON 'Time Capsules' are geins of infor- mation extracted front past issues of The Champion andi other publications in order to provieie a window mbt Miltons past. Explanatory comment is sometimes provided to place the situa- tion in context. Decensber 1907 Mr. Andrew reporta a most suc- cessful season of farm sales this Iall ... stock of ail kinssd selling very mucis higher tban was expected early in thse fail, considering the high price of feed of ail kinda, pigs being thse only thîng ini whicb there has been any noticeable depreciation ini price, while horses, catie and sheep wher- ever found in good condition bave i nvariably sold weil, showing conclu- sively that it makea no difference how hingl bay or grain may be there la always a gond demand for a good animal in Halton. Halton and. Peel are ail rigisi, notwithstanding tise present financial situation. Hon. A. G. Mackay, leader of the Ontario Opposition, addressed Halton Liberals at the town bail on Saturday evening. Major M. Beattie of Caniplellville, President of the Halton Reform Association, was cbairman and the bail was weil fRled. Dr. WS. Harrison, Conîroller of Toronto, a Milton old boy, J.S. Deacon, Public Scisool Inspector, Milton, D.O. Cameron, Oakviile and R.D. Warren of the Georgetown Herald preceded Mr. Mackay with short addresaes ail compbimenting hlm on bis work as leader and expressing their confidence in him. Mr. Mackay spoke for about an hour touching on educational topies, the administration of the licence law and thse power question. He expressedl the belief that there would lie a gen- eral provincial election not later than June, 1908. Santa Clauis wilI arrive at bis headquartera, E.C. Featheratone's store, next Saturday at 2 o'clock and wiil run ail meebanical toys in the window for exhibition to cldren. Il la expected tbat nearly 6,000 rural achools in Ontario wil lie in possession of thse union jacks fur- Capsules mshed by the Education Department before Christmas. Six feet by three is the measurement. The Nelson Telephone Co. s wires between Lowville and Milton are coming this way fast. They are weil tbis side of Rattlesnake Point and it la expected that they wiil be in opera- tion before Christnmas. Many farmers have subscribed for phones. Members of the County Council will go to Toronto next Tuesday to wait on thse Hon. Minîster of Public Works, who lias fixed that day at il arn. to receive them to discuss tie clainis of the townships, towns and villages of Halton for granis froîn the Governiment for wor-k already clone on county roads. Thse Warden requests the counciltors to meet him ait thse Iroquois Hotel, corner King and York Streets ait 10 a.m. Negotiatons are in progresa for tise removal of a manufactory front tise United States to Milton to open up there next spring or summer with from 100 to 150 banda a large pro- portion of themn skiiled and highly paid mechanica front the United States with great possibilities for a rapid increase in their number A large amount would lie expended in the erection of a factory and fromn 40 to 50 new dwelhings would be required. Citizens of Milton who have enquired into the mnatter are most favourably impressed. The rink waa opened yesterday for the firat Umie this season and was well patronized by akaters. with favourable weather there will soon lie ice for curling. At preserit the waîer supply la ahut off. This materiai is assernbied on behalf of the Milton Histonical Society by Jim Dilis, who cuit bc reuched at jdills@idirec.com. Stuôlo '.4. Hair Design Karen at Studio 14 has just received her certificate for Vidai Sasson, Classic Hair Cutting Diploma. BOOK NOW and get $1(0.00 off Vaur new look today $10>0 off cul :$20000 off colour foils: coupon coupo It may be timne to ask somne members of Milton council to please s.t'ep aside Quit Smoking In i Hour The highly successfui LaserSTOP'm smoking cessation systemn s coming to Milton. 90% success rate in just one session. Points covered include cravings and withdrawl symptoms, stress reduction and appetite supression. Appointments available for one day only. Saturday June 10, 2006 Book now as space is Iimited. 1-866-861-7867 607 King Street, West, Kitchener, ON www.Iaserstop.ca

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