Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Jun 2006, p. 44

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B8 - The Canladian Champion, Fniday, June 2, 2006 (a) w bratcd the compietion of the renovaiions ai ihe Library (and thc Library Administration building), wss held on May 5. It wus a plesure ta welcome au many people ta ihe eveni thai evenlng. sud 1 hope yau enjoycd dlie event. fIbe folawing wcek, we had anadier welcormc graup of viaitora, wbcn wc held a "Lsmb Aftecnaon" in honour of Maiher's Day. Sheep praducers Adele (wbo ia alsa a saff member) and ber huaband Rau of Black Walnut Lane brougla a varieiy af cye-catching animala includ- ing a Ilama and her 3-inthd aid baby, iwin lambs (anc blark, ane wbite) ual quite lica weeka old (and thcir mam), aid a iiny day old Ismb witb iti nsom, who han- <lied its firait public relaioana autiug with aplomb. Thtis manth 1 crcSived Uic reaulta of a markcet anrvey diat ws coudurcd by Market Probe un behalf of thc Federaion of Ontacia Publie Libarica. The report was fascinaiing. and 1 asupect lIli be îharing moct deisils about ihia wilh you in thc fuature. l'il cave yau with ii piçce af infaoimatian: «Yeunger reapandenisaugcd 19-24 are mor likely than albums ta hald a librmy card, ta iay thie Intenet bas changed tic way thcy use the. public libracy, sud ta iay Uic libracy wiiI become more imupor- lait in Uicefuture".(FOPL Market Survey 2W06). Parents, it is neyer ina early tu briug your eblidren ta Uic library and aiguntUicm up. We look farward ta meeting yau hmr. Chief Libeariai (AUl are drop Ris & Shine Tuesday 10:00 arn. July 4 - Augual 8 Babies.& Toddlers up to 3 and caregivers Family Storytime Tuesday 11:00 ami. July 4 -August 8 Children 3-6, parents welcome Teddy Bear Time Thursday 6:45 p.m. July 6 - Augst 10 1Children 3 ami up, parents welcome acenffltet 2O 6 Join us for our children's programs. Registration begins Summer Reading Clubs - Rise & Shine/Family Stot Wednesday Specials - Teddy Bear Time Jupst For Herues For children who can read on their own Book Club Launch - Monday, July 10 10-2pm Featuring Bemnie German "The Singing Cowboy" Wrap up - Wednesday, August 23 2:00 pmn - 3:30 pmn Magician Owen Anderson The IncredîbIes Young aduit sumamer reading club for ages il and o Wrap-up: Noon, Thursday, August 31 (pizza and lunch Wednesday Specials (2 - 3:30 p.m.) July 5 Under the Big Top July 12 Juggling Workshop JuIy 19 Paws, claws, Scales & Tails Animal Heroes July 26 Heroes of the Air August 2 Medieval Fair August 9 Sailors, Pirates and Scallywags Heroes of the Sea August 16 Star Struck: Ancient Greek and Roman Heroes Ail programs $3.00 each - please pre-register at the Children 's Information Desk Our Lamb Afternoon inI tionour of M ~<~]VON Halton now offers TeIe-Touch A comfortîng voîce is just a phone eall away now for seniors and individu- June st.The initiative, a teiephone reassur- rytime ance service, ivolves speciallyirained tu seniors and those wiîh dîsabilities who live aionc îu offer friendly conver- sation, securîly andi reassurance. "Teie-Touch compiements our exist- ing voiunîecr visiting services, which reach oui to sociaiiy isoiaîed seniors and individuais with physical limita- tions," saîd Anne King, VON Haiton manager uf vulunteer services. "It wîli aiiow us lu cxpand ur reach and respond mure ettectiveiy îo the increas- ing necd for tbese services îu beiter serve ur communîty" Clients can refer themseivcs or bc referred hy famiiy members, physicîans and other communiîy agencies. VON Voiunîeer Services says efforts wili be made to recruit voiunteers wiih with specifie linguistie skiiis îu accommo- date clients of diversified backgrounds. To refer someone or hecome a vol- unteer, eaul (905) 827-8800, cxi. 2090, or e-mail VoIServices@Lvonhaiîon.ca. Ilder The Teie-Touch service, which bas been in existence for more îhan 30 idraw) years, is supporîed hy the United Way, Ministry of Heaiîh and Long-Termn Lare and VON Halions fundraîsîng efforts. too quick for me *from MY on page 83 charnpîonship ganie.[eewî a cou- pic bours bctorc ihai gaine and \ve ail agrecd we'd sta\ oui of the heer tent - ail exepi thai one guy wbo you could- nit have dragged out of thcrc witb a iow truck. We decided the test of us ,vould stay togeiher (mostly t0 keep an cye on cach other) and work out and kcep loose hetween gamcs s0 we'd have a chance to win. Then somebody had the ides ibai we shouid have a team race. i was pretty sure I'd win, aimosi positive, but i came in third or fourth. Thaî was the iast race i ever had until going up against my granddaugh- ter. The next lime she lets me heat her, i îbink i'm going to quit and retire a wvinner. Canadian Red Cross AN y Oýu Cm3FE GEODNE: eLLiFT? Red Cross drvers heiplhose in need get tornelccl oppointrni ins ach cay progrons and other acliies. VOLUNTEER DRIVERS ARE ALWAYS NEEDED CALL us 10 LEM HCWi Ycu CMN HEiP. (905) 875- 14-59

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