Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 2 Jun 2006, p. 43

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POSSE gets grant for magazine Monev ~ ba cndal u ol (lanpolttloný"cr1ccýRide r o in advan and are Undecrit Magazine, c/o PO * Peer Outreach Support Services and gîven on a [trot-come, ftrst-served hasts. Mill St. E. Action, L7J IHI Or t * Educaton (POSSE) recently recetved a 5mai! fees may apply be e-mie m opserjc one-ttme grant [rom Health Canada for The- ma e tl atle 1- poseroel $99,000. POSSE is a free service for youîhs heîween the ages of 15 and 24 who love in north Halton. It provides training, street level oui- reach, information and support t0 encourage safer decision making to reduce the risks assocîated with drugs, sex, homelessness, violence and dis- crimination. The transportation service - enti- tled 'Need a Lifi?' - is for youths who chance 10 voice their experiences and opinions and educate youth ahout drugs. It'Il aiso, feature human nights issues concerning youth such as homophohia, racîsm, sexism and ageism. Contrihutors will he paid for their suh- missions, and there'li he an editorial committee of six paîd youths. Suhmîssîons wîll he puhlished anonymously for confidentîahty. Articles, poeîry and drawings net.com. For more infor the projeets, caîl Domenie Padula ai Drury Food School students shine The way to the judges' hearts was definiîely through their stomachs. Nicole Leslie and Kuri Almey, hoth students ai E.C. Drutys Food Sehool, did very well ai the receni Skills Olympics, a competition for hands-on skills ranging [rom construction to cooking. Leslie, 18, -and Almey, 17, participat- ed in the regional SkIS competîtion in Burlingion in Apnil, and took a gold in haking and gold in culinary arts respec- tively Lasi month, the students compeîed in the provincials in Kitchener and Leslie won bronze in the haking cate- gory. 'We're so proud of them,' said Shirley Dusmet, a teacher ai E.C. Drury's Food Sehool. For the competition, Leslie had îo make a loaf of hread, îhree types of rolîs, pasiry, a sponge cake and more. Almey produced an entrée, vegeta- hIes, soup and desserts. The Food Sehool ai E.C. Drury fea- tures a [ull commercial kîtchen and hake shop. Studenîs cater the staff dîn- ing ronom, which is also open to the public. They also take orders [rom the com- munity, including wedding cakes. Business without advertising is like winking in the dark You know what you're doing ~ but nobody else does! Homeowners insurance can be your MOST VALUABLE POSSESSION Dave Peers, Agent 917 Nipissing Road Milton, ON L9T 5E3 Bus: 905-876-1667 dave.peers.qg7i@statefarm.com STATE FARM INSU RANC E Office Heurs Mon. - Fri. 9-5, Sat. 10-2 Evenings and Weekends Apts. available LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOUR, STATE FARM IS THERE. Providing Insurance and Financia Services State Farm Fire and Casualty Company # Canadian Head Office: Scarborough, Ontario )48000CN 02/05, SSE, 7 I **-**-~. ande ae ot n @tec The Canadian Champion, Friday, June 2, 2006 - B7 :1 l i Ieî CORRECTION NOTICE r)RIVF Panasonic 5 8 Hz Dita Expandable Pone 10073041 We1 ceel ipigz fo dntt n oneence t4s may Pae j lith, many penple roourVatuedcastomair: WeapatoglzeloranyinoffnvebeOe saîton on either of 0ýsn. ; eg--tt aused by an airer in our ileur doted.: May19*May26 Kîmm Kent or -d 1.r Produc: Pioneer 200-WatO Car Deck. On pg. 3 1-, tht,, of oar May 19 insert, we staie lIai this producti s (519) 853-5908. t ý,y. -~" DVD compatible. Intfact, ili anoi. SKU. 10071355 il Costly Home Inspection....................SE RAI Pitta Ils Free Report IS YOUR Visit: GAMBLING KEEPI NG www.haîlonhomeinspectionpitfllîs.com YOU IN THE PrdetallwnCnteHýl raerg R.IED?. 0a 0 IP OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Q yoaUr D camn.i Nd Los aY R ConfidntiR AN PoInyMs SI e'vi e I nfom ton neOnta , melhea ih s ervice nd s pot sin u e S atda June 3rd AT THE AGRICULTURAL HALL MILTON FAIRGROUNDS ROBERT STREET, MILTONL Entire sale front one persons collection featuring a large selection of mets! advertising signs, light up beer signs, neon sîgns, railroad items, vintage boatn and fishing items, early scales, bottles, nostalgia and more... Perfect for decorating your rec room, bar, or garagelworkshop. For listings and photos go to www medleyauctions.com AUCTIOEER (905) 878-2647 A. D. A.P. T. Problem Gambllng * Services - 'Free 0 Professional *Confi-dential 905-893-4250 Drug and Alcohol yourfirst contact for help Cal] for information about thse drug and aleoho treatosent services available in Ontario. Free. Confidential. Anonmoas. 24/7. 1-800-565-8603 www.dart.on.ca DRT is a sevie fCoenexOntario Healhri ce nonain 6ïïïïïs Ede-- - - eb »* 3 2-4 jam 160 Nanley Lam elody D'Andrea, Royal Page Meadowlowm Re,905-878-8101 Roylm 2-4 1309 Carbmr Way Melody DAndrea, Leh ge Meadowtowne Re, 905-878-8101 2-4 PM IIU Codtn Rog $MON MatthewcbppemonAýÏLePage e8dOwtowneReab.905-878-8101 Sffl M 4 2-4 pm 160 Manley Lino Melody D'Andrea, RoM Uëalî MeadOwtÔwne Re, 905-878-8101 14r 1308 Cadur W&Y Melody DAndrea, R LàÏ Me3dowtowne Re, 905-878-8101 2"' P Clayton Hackerbl.k.'R'ý1Me.ý.1'ëCe:,Ufte 905-878-7Ti7 2-4?m, 519 Haaq., $«,M Lara Harvey, ROY21 epage Meadowtowre Re, 905-878-8101 2ýýj., 130 Bâo SI. tif. $MM MICWWMOFM&Q Sudmrth.PqalLOPagegud»ImReW,878-8101 2-4 pn, 1158 ýý $MM Alex Bakker, QÏ LePqe wrie Re, MS-878-8101 l&fa7 0ýW Also check the WEEKEND SPOTLIGHT OM HUMES & THE -REGIONAL PAGE showcasing more Open Houses and New Listings! '9 a 1

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